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He was a Çeviri Portekizce

91,748 parallel translation
He was a radar technician In world war ii. He then writes wearing his Science hat and his science. Fiction writer hat, not A science fiction story,
Ele era técnico de radar na Segunda Guerra Mundial, então ele escreve a usar o seu chapéu de ciência e o seu chapéu de escritor de ficção científica, não sobre ficção científica, mas sobre comunicação.
Look, I've known Harris Edwards for 15 years, ever since he was a lowly captain at CENTCOM.
Ouça, conheço o Harris Edwards há 15 anos, desde que ele era um modesto capitão na CENTCOM.
And he was a drunkard?
- E ele era um bêbedo?
You look just like your father looked when he was a young man.
Pareces-te mesmo com o teu pai quando ele ainda era jovem.
You wanted me to think that she was a he.
Querias que pensasse que ela era um ele.
But then when she found out he was actually coming here, threats started pouring in.
Mas... quando ela descobriu que ele vinha precisamente para aqui, as ameaças começaram a aparecer.
He was a founding member.
Foi um membro fundador.
Rodchenkov, director of the Moscow WADA lab, was forced to resign from his position even though, when you think about it, he was a brilliant doctor.
O Grigory Rodchenkov, diretor do laboratório da AMA de Moscovo, foi forçado a demitir-se da posição dele embora, quando pensamos nisso, ele fosse um médico brilhante.
You gave the guy his keys when he was a stumbling drunk?
Deu-lhe as chaves quando ele estava completamente bêbado?
Quite unfortunate, because he was actually a really strong candidate.
Deveras lamentável, porque ele era, na verdade, um forte candidato.
He was a car salesman at Pacific Motor Sales in Honolulu.
Era vendedor de automóveis na "Pacific Motor Sales" em Honolulu.
He arrived at the same conclusion as NASA, but his computer did it autonomously while he was getting laid.
Ele chegou à mesma conclusão que a NASA, mas o computador dele fê-lo de forma autónoma, enquanto ele dava uma queca.
If you were writing a story about a... a guy who knew the world was coming to an end, and he could either save a couple thousand people or live the rest of his days with a beautiful woman,
Se estivesses a escrever uma história sobre... um homem que sabia que o mundo iria acabar, e ele pudesse salvar uns milhares de pessoas ou viver o resto dos seus dias com uma linda mulher,
But nobody faster than Mrs. Hammond, because she knew he was going to make her pet his mouse.
A Sra. Hammond era a primeira, pois sabia que teria de lhe afagar o ratinho. - E afagava-o?
There were times I heard laughing and it sounded like fun, but there were other times I was sure he was murdering her.
Às vezes ouvia risos e pareciam estar a divertir-se, mas outras vezes parecia que ele estava a matá-la!
What do you think he was guarding?
O que achas que estava a guardar?
He was suspicious.
Ele estava a suspeitar.
Maybe he was a fan?
Talvez ele fosse um fã?
Well, he never got to be Premier on account of his looks, but I was proud of being a Conservative.
Não foi eleito pela beleza, mas senti orgulho de ser Conservadora.
There was nothing he could say to talk me into leaving.
Nada do que ele disse me convenceu a partir.
He was getting the last of his wages as part of the sale of the horse.
Ia pagar-se do último salário, com a venda do cavalo.
So if locals found out that he was here to kill a great white, they'd probably want to do the same thing to him.
Se os habitantes locais descobrissem que ele veio cá para matar um, provavelmente, iriam querer fazer-lhe o mesmo.
Okay. They told Mary they were living together, there was a fight, he got his feelings hurt, then he put underwear on his head...
Contaram à Mary que estão a morar juntos, discutiram, ele ficou magoado, então pôs umas cuecas na cabeça...
He said he was traveling to Agrabah, so here I am, a mermaid in the desert.
Ele disse que ia para Agrabah, então aqui estou eu. Uma sereia no deserto.
He always said he was a survivor.
Ele sempre disse que era um sobrevivente.
I think that was the first time that he saw the enormity of the issue.
Acho que foi a primeira vez que ele viu a imensidade do problema.
He's the first guy to really go down and start cataloging corals, and I wish I could be that guy, but I was born a little too late.
Foi a primeira pessoa que mergulhou e começou a categorizar corais e quem me dera que tivesse sido eu, mas já nasci um pouco tarde.
[Ackerman] Richard was there, he said, " It's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
O Richard estava lá e disse : " É a coisa mais louca que já vi.
He was the information that I used on a daily basis to learn everything that I know of corals.
Ele era a fonte de informação que eu usava todos os dias para aprender tudo o que sei sobre corais.
The director of the lab, he was the last fail-safe position, right?
O diretor do laboratório era a última posição infalível, certo?
He had helped me dope, and he was gonna test my samples through his WADA lab in Moscow.
Ele tinha-me ajudado a dopar-me e ia testar as minhas amostras no laboratório dele da AMA, em Moscovo.
He was talking, blah, blah, blah, about football.
Ele estava a dizer disparates sobre futebol.
We're told by RUSADA, which is the doping agency he was formerly the head of, that he appears to have had a massive heart attack.
Soubemos pela RUSADA, a agência antidopagem da qual ele era o ex-diretor, que ele parece ter tido um ataque cardíaco fulminante.
They're trying to make a case, and they found out he was in LA.
PRODUTOR É óbvio que tentam sustentar a acusação e souberam que ele estava em LA.
He provided an FSB file of how the testing was arranged at Sochi.
Forneceu um ficheiro do FSB sobre a organização dos testes em Sochi.
There were older questions regarding Rodchenkov's mental health in all this, as four years ago, after a failed suicide attempt, he was placed into a mental institution, the diagnosis described as the first stages of schizophrenia.
E havia questões mais antigas sobre a saúde mental de Rodchenkov em tudo isto, pois há quatro anos, após tentativa de suicídio, foi para uma instituição psiquiátrica, o diagnóstico descreveu como as primeiras fases de esquizofrenia.
Finally, he stated that the entire doping program was in fact part of a state-run system.
Finalmente, afirmou que todo o programa de dopagem fazia parte de um sistema gerido pelo estado.
And Neil Armstrong was only 38 when he set foot on the Moon.
E Neil Armstrong só tinha 38 anos quando pisou a Lua.
- What was he drinking?
- O que é que ele esteve a beber?
He was in a mood.
Estava de mau humor.
What he said about giving blood... that checks out, so his count was low.
O que ele disse sobre dar sangue... Confirma-se, então, a contagem era baixa.
And he was on painkillers.
E estava a tomar analgésicos.
He was offering 500 bucks a tracker.
Ele oferecia 500 dólares por localizador.
It was back when he was crashing with your mom.
Foi na altura em que ele andava a dormir com a tua mãe.
I think he was wearing a wig.
Acho que ele estava a usar uma peruca.
So, there was no one else around, so we weren't gonna wait any longer, and as we're rolling up on him, he starts getting out.
Então, não havia ninguém por perto, por isso não íamos esperar mais tempo, e à medida que nos aproximávamos dele, ele começou a sair.
He was gonna give up Frontera, knowing that the DEA was gonna use him to bring down your entire organization.
Ele ia entregar o Frontera, sabendo que a DEA o utilizaria para acabar com toda a sua organização.
Plus, we also know he was there late last night.
Além disso, também sabemos que ficou a trabalhar até tarde ontem.
I spoke to the receptionist, who said Burnett was the first one in the office today, and outside of a sales meeting, he's been in his office, holed up with the blinds drawn and the door locked.
Falei com a recepcionista, e ela disse-me que o Burnett foi o primeiro a chegar hoje, e tirando a reunião de vendas, e ele ficou sempre no gabinete dele, com as persianas fechadas e a porta trancada.
Mitch called him to find out if the car that he'd taken a deposit on was ready for delivery.
O Mitch ligou-lhe para saber se o carro que ele já tinha pago, estava pronto para entrega.
He called a couple weeks back to say that he had a better offer and was calling time on our arrangement.
- Ele ligou há algumas semanas para me dizer que teve uma oferta melhor e que estava pensar melhor no nosso acordo.

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