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He was afraid Çeviri Portekizce

931 parallel translation
He was afraid we might follow.
Ele estava com medo de o seguirmos.
Because he was afraid.
Porque estava com medo.
He was afraid Julia would break down and tell you that he had murdered Wynant.
Teve medo que a Julia sucumbisse e lhe contasse que ele matara o Wynant.
He was afraid if you guys knew the spot he was in... you'd take unnecessary chances.
Achou que correriam riscos, se soubessem do aperto em que está.
That's why he was afraid to speak.
Por isso tem medo de falar.
- I told you he was afraid!
- Eu disse que ele tinha medo!
He's afraid of a kiss as he was afraid of the bulls!
Ele tem tanto medo de beijos como de touros!
Only he was afraid nobody could translate to you what he says.
Só que achava que não teria alguém para traduzir. A Srta.
He was afraid that during his absence... someone might gain access to the room where it was hidden.
Temia que na sua ausência alguém conseguisse entrar no quarto onde estava escondido.
Yes, she was afraid that he might have written something like this.
Sim, ela temia que ele pudesse ter escrito algo assim.
I think he was afraid to...
- Acho que ele tinha medo de...
- He was afraid of making a mistake.
- Tinha medo de cometer um erro.
He was afraid of losing his job.
Tinha medo de perder o emprego.
He was afraid about me, and I was afraid about him.
Ele temia por mim e eu temia por ele.
- He was afraid you'd send him to jail.
- Tinha medo de que o prendessem.
The boy's panic should have told me... it was more than school he was afraid of... and that littered, closed-up vegetable stand... should have told me something, too.
Devia ter percebido que não era apenas a escola que de que a criança tinha medo E a mercearia fechada também devia ter-me alertado.
Cos he was afraid some of us had slipped away and tell where he was hiding.
Ele tinha medo de que partíssemos e avisássemos onde ele está escondido.
Perhaps I should tell you that Johnson, one of the liftmen here, says he can positively identify you. And that you called in to see the Count one afternoon. And you said, when told he wasn't in, that he was afraid to see you.
Johnson, um empregado do elevador diz que o pode identificar, que você visitou o Conde e quando Johnson disse que ele não estava, você disse que ele tinha medo.
Maybe he was afraid of himself of us all.
Se calhar tinha medo de si próprio. De nós todos.
The cafe owner said nothing, he was afraid of a scandal
O dono do café não disse nada, com medo de fazer um escândalo.
When she was afraid she might be pregnant, she went to him and... He didn't believe her.
Depois, quando pensou que estava grávida, foi ter com ele e ele não acreditou.
She just tried... because he was afraid and asked for help.
Ela só tentou... porque teve medo e pediu ajuda.
He was afraid of getting some other officer into trouble.
Näo queria deixar ficar mal outro oficial.
I suppose he was afraid to come here and give it to me.
- Suponho que teve medo de vir aqui..... e contagiar-me.
I'm afraid he was away.
Temo muito que ele não estava ali.
I was afraid he'd think me a fool.
Não quis que ele me achasse uma tonta.
I was afraid he might do something rash.
Tinha medo que ele fizesse alguma coisa.
Leaking a little, but on even keel, Captain. I was afraid he would be thwarting me... by giving up the ghost prematurely. Good.
Gotejando um pouco mas em equilíbrio, capitão.
And after a while, i was afraid he was dead.
E ele, ali estava perdido
I don't blame you for being afraid, the way he was carrying on.
Não te censuro por teres medo, no estado em que ele estava.
He was a little afraid, when he learnt that we are bound to our Order only by yearly vows.
Ele estava com receio mas percebeu... Que estamos comprometidas com a nossa Ordem apenas por votos anuais.
I was afraid he might have suffered.
Tinha medo de que ele tivesse sofrido.
- Let the little scorpion stay. He's right. I was afraid.
Deixe o pequeno escorpião ficar, ele tem razão.
Why? Was he afraid I'd forget?
Tinha medo de que o esquecesses?
It didn't sound like any poem I'd ever read, and I was afraid he wouldn't like it. But I felt alive and curiously powerful... unconcerned if it were good or bad.
Não era parecido com nenhum poema que lera e receava que ele não gostasse, mas senti-me viva e curiosamente convincente sem me preocupar se era bom ou mau.
Curt was afraid of him, but now he's dead.
O Curt tinha medo dele, mas agora está morto.
But I went to my office this morning, anyhow... because mostly I was afraid if I didn't, he would.
Seja como for, fui trabalhar hoje de manhã porque temi que se não fosse, ele iria.
I remember because when I told him the Count was out, he gave me a funny look and said, "He's in, all right, he's just afraid to see me."
Disse-Ihe que o Conde não estava e ele olhou para mim e disse : "Ele está em casa, mas tem medo de me receber."
I was afraid he'd wake Aunt Mae.
Estava com medo que ele acordasse a tia Mae.
He'd be afraid it was poisoned.
Está com medo que esteja envenenado.
He didn't even want me in there when it was lightning and I was afraid.
Gosta, sim. Nem sequer me queria lá, quando havia trovoada e eu tinha medo.
No, I'm afraid he was quite serious.
Não, receio que foi bastante franco.
I was afraid he might shoot me.
Temi que me desse um tiro.
Maybe he was just afraid.
Se calhar, tinha apenas medo.
Maybe he was tired or afraid.
Talvez estivesse cansado ou assustado.
He thought I was afraid of him.
He was upset with himself, afraid he had missed her.
Estava descontente consigo próprio e temia não ser o primeiro a chegar.
I knew you'd try. I was afraid he'd do it, too.
Sabia que ias tentar e receava que ele fugisse também.
He punched me in the stomach and I fell down, totally knocked out. Afterwards I started thinking that maybe boxing wasn't for me, that I was afraid, because he had punched me and it hurt, of course.
Ele deu-me um soco no estômago e caí para o chão sem dar acordo de mim, mas depois comecei a pensar que o boxe não era para mim, que tinha medo, porque ele me deu um soco e está claro que me fez doer.
I was afraid he'd hurt you.
Temia que ele lhe fizesse mal.
"He was more afraid of death than of anything else."
"Ele tinha mais medo da morte que de qualquer outra coisa."

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