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He was alive Çeviri Portekizce

1,210 parallel translation
You should have told me he was alive.
Devias ter-me contado que ele estava vivo. E não contaste.
Buffy knew he was alive?
A Buffy sabia que ele estava vivo?
I helped your father when he was alive.
Eu ajudei o teu pai enquanto ele estava vivo.
He was alive.
Ele estava vivo.
He was alive.
Ele está vivo.
He looks healthier now than when he was alive.
Parece mais saudável agora do que vivo.
When she was alive he couldn't touch her without embarrassing himself.
Quando ela era viva ele não lhe podia tocar sem se envergonhar.
When he was alive did your husband say anything... regarding organ donation?
Seu marido alguma vez comentou alguma coisa... a respeito da doação de órgãos?
Funny, I don't remember you telling him that when he was alive.
Curioso, não me lembro de você lhe ter dito isso quando estava vivo.
When he was alive, nothing.
Quando era vivo, não era nada.
He died! And then he was alive again! Now you know.
Ele morreu e depois voltou a viver!
You're the only one who gave a flying fuck about him when he was alive.
Era o único amigo dele enquanto esteve vivo.
Yeah, well, he was a lot more ferocious back when he was alive.
Bem, ele era muito mais violento quando estava vivo.
In his condition, it's a miracle he was alive, not to mention the aneurysm.
Nestas condições, é milagre que estivesse vivo, já para não falar nos aneurismas.
He said I reminded him of his wife who's dead. But I assume he meant when she was alive.
Disse que eu lhe fazia lembrar a esposa já falecida, mas eu parti do princípio que seria quando ela ainda era viva.
He was alive when we took off.
Ele estava vivo quando saímos de lá.
Where were you when he was alive?
Onde estavas tu quando ele estava vivo? Ele era teu irmão.
The Frenchman said he looked pretty bad, but he was alive... but he might be in there, in that hospital.
O francês disse que estava em muito mau estado, mas vivo. E ainda pode lá estar, nesse hospital.
He was alive when it was cut off.
Estava vivo quando foi cortado.
He was alive yesterday.
Ontem, ainda estava vivo.
He was alive at 9.30.
Estava vivo às nove e meia.
I mean I get letters now, 27 years after he's been gone from people who weren't even born when he was alive.
Eu recebo cartas agora, 27 anos após a sua morte, de pessoas que nem tão pouco eram nascidas quando ele estava vivo.
He keeps talking to his father, as if Nino was still alive.
Fala-lhe com seu pai, como se Nino estivesse vivo.
If he knew he was still alive, I would be in more danger than anyone.
Se soubesse que ele ainda está vivo, eu era quem corria o maior risco.
He was the most powerful Ferengi alive.
Era o ferengi vivo mais poderoso!
He told me about the litter of puppies my dog had- - how he found homes for them, how devastated he was when Voyager was lost... how he held out hopes we were alive longer than most people did... until he realized that he was clinging to a fantasy.
Ele me falou sobre a ninhada que minha cachorra teve... Como ele encontrou lar para eles, o quão arrasado ele ficou quando a Voyager ficou perdida... como ele manteve as esperanças de que estávamos vivos, por mais tempo que as pessoas normalmente mantém... até ele compreender que estava se apegando a uma fantasia.
If that boy's father was alive, he'd kick your ass.
Se o pai desse rapaz estivesse vivo, ele dava-te uma surra.
But while he was alive the beggar didn't have any brother.
Esse irmão está morto, mas quando era vivo não tinha nenhum irmão.
My father woke up one morning and he realized he was worth more dead than alive.
O meu pai acordou uma manhã... e achou que valia mais morto do que vivo.
Now that my father's dead, he's a saint. When he was alive, nothing.
Já agora, adivinha que ex-estudante de Medicina já não namora com a Rainha Malvada?
Torchia was burned alive because he wrote this book in collaboration with someone else.
Torchia foi queimado vivo porque escreveu este livro em colaboração com mais alguém.
Was he alive when he lost the arm? Yeah.
Ainda estava vivo quando lhe arrancaram o braço?
I'd say the poor man was alive... for ten or twelve hours in the boot of that car... before he died.
o desgraçado deve ter agonizado umas dez ou doze horas dentro da mala do carro, antes de falecer.
I don't know if Xerxos was just careless the night he set fire to his home, but he left someone alive.
Se ela colocar as mãos naquela espada, vai despejar a amargura dela no mundo. Se encontrarmos Arciana, encontramos Xerxes.
If his father was still alive you can bet he'd show more decency and respect for his mother.
Se o pai dele ainda fosse vivo, podes apostar que ele mostraria mais consideração e respeito pela mãe.
"I am he that liveth and was dead, and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen ; and have the keys of hell and of death."
"Estive morto ; mas, como vês, estou vivo pelos séculos dos séculos e tenho as chaves da Morte e do Abismo."
Once you and he ascertained the accident victim was still alive, this man fled on foot. - Mm-hm.
Depois de os dois verificarem se a vítima do acidente ainda estava viva, ele fugiu a pé.
All these years... all the questioning why... why keep Mulder alive, when it was so simple to remove the threat that he posed?
Todos estes anos, todas as interrogações : porquê manter o Mulder vivo, quando era tão simples eliminar a ameaça que ele colocava?
So, was he alive or dead?
Afinal ele estava vivo ou morto?
He could've used your respect while he was still alive.
Ele teria gostado do teu respeito em vida.
I wish that his father was alive now so he could share this joy.
E os miúdos trabalharam imenso. Foram incansáveis.
He was certainly alive then.
Ele estava vivo nessa altura.
Mr Ackroyd was alive at 9.30, since he was speaking into his Dictaphone.
O Sr. Ackroyd estava vivo às 21 : 30, já que estava a falar para o ditafone.
He was still alive, but his heartbeat was weak.
Ainda estava vivo mas a tensão estava baixa.
And he that lives. I was dead, but now I am alive for evermore.
Estive morto, mas estou vivo pelos séculos dos séculos.
It's obviously what he was as a human being... that makes his films so alive and so interesting.
Era óbvio como ele era enquanto ser humano para fazer os seus filmes tão vivos e interessantes.
I told you he was still alive.
Falei que ele estava vivo.
You asked if he was still alive.
Tu perguntaste se ele ainda estava vivo.
But William threw back his helmet to prove he was very much alive.
Mas Guilherme tirou o seu capacete para provar que estava bem vivo.
He was so friendly, so alive.
Ele era muito animado, muito fresco.
From this moment on, every tear you shed will be recorded so that all Jaffa, alive now and for evermore, will see how weak and powerless the great and mighty Teal'c really was before he died.
A partir deste momento, todas as lágrimas que derramares serão gravadas, para que todos os Jaffa de agora e de sempre vejam quão fraco e impotente estava o grande e poderoso Teal'c antes de morrer.

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