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He was a jerk Çeviri Portekizce

126 parallel translation
Oh, poor Manuel, he was a jerk but he was good man.
Ai, coitado do Manuel. Era idiota, mas bom.
Oh, he was a jerk anyways.
Era um idiota mesmo.
- Of course he was a jerk.
- Claro que era um parvo.
Says the last guy who thought he was a jerk is dead now, so I don't say nothin'.
Disse que o último tipo que o tomara por parvo estava morto, e eu, moita.
He was a jerk. I couldn't stand the guy.
Era um imbecil. Não o suportava.
They just assumed because he was kicking the back of Nate's seat that he was a jerk because he was pushing his call button that he was bothering the flight attendant because he was trying to get into the lavatory
Apenas assumiram que por estar a pontapear as costas do assento do Nate que era um estúpido, que por estar a pressionar o seu botão de chamada estava a incomodar a assistente de bordo, que por estar a tentar entrar nos lavabos
Fuck him, he was a jerk.
Ele que se foda, era um parvo.
- He was a jerk!
- Era um palerma!
I neglected him cos he was a jerk and I'm just
Eu negligenciei-o porque ele era um idiota ;
I told the husband he was a jerk.
Disse ao marido que era um idiota.
Haley fell for Nathan when he was a jerk, Brooke went for Felix.
A Haley apaixonou-se pelo Nathan quando ele era parvo. A Brooke, pelo Felix.
And he was a jerk-off.
Ele era um pívias.
Your father was a drunk. He was a jerk.
O teu pai era um bêbado.
That was before I knew he was a jerk.
Sabia lá que ele era um idiota!
§ But he was a jerk §
Embora fosse um imbecil
He was a jerk when you two were my students and he was a bigger jerk when I told him where he could stuff it.
Ele já era estúpido quando vocês dois eram meus alunos e foi um estúpido maior quando lhe disse onde o podia enfiar.
I knew him before he was famous and he was a jerk even then.
Eu conheci-o antes dele ser famoso e já nessa altura era um idiota.
He was a jerk.
Ele era um idiota.
- He was a jerk, so...
- Como ele foi um idiota..
He was a jerk, and b :
Ele era um parvalhão, e b :
I mean, he was always a jerk, but he wouldn't do a thing like that to this neighborhood, would he?
Quero dizer, ele sempre foi um idiota, mas ele não faria uma coisa dessas a este bairro, faria?
- Anyway, he was being a jerk.
- Ele é tão anormal.
That's good, because he was a real jerk.
Isso é bom, ele era mesmo parvo.
No, he was a real jerk about it, too.
Não, ele também foi muito idiota sobre isso.
She hated my father. She's always telling me what a jerk he was.
Ela odiava o meu pai, disse-me sempre que ele era um idiota.
- He was a real jerk
Um parvalhão.
Told you he was a jerk.
Eu disse-te que era um imbecil.
God, why couldn't I see what a jerk he was?
Porque não vi o idiota que ele era?
Look at this jerk-off. He was dressed for Halloween. Leave him alone.
A besta devia estar vestida para o Dia das Bruxas!
But. no. actually he was- - he was just a real jerk.
Não, na verdade ele era só um grande idiota, sabes?
He was a jerk.
Era um idiota.
He was such a jerk...
Ele era um idiota...
He was totally nice to you and you were a big jerk.
Foi simpático contigo e não podias ter sido mais estúpida.
He was a jerk.
Era um sacana, usou-a.
Eric, Joel was kind of a jerk yesterday... the way he was making fun of you in front of everybody like that.
Eric, o Joel foi um pouco idiota ontem... devido à forma como gozou contigo em frente de toda a gente.
And the security guard was a jerk, man. He pushed her around, then he spit on her.
O cretino do segurança cuspiu-lhe em cima.
- He was being a big jerk, so I fired him. - I don't understand.
- Não compreendo.
We went out for a few months, and he was just a jerk when he ended it.
Nós saímos durante uns meses e ele foi um parvo quando acabou.
Hey, if he was mad at you because you wouldn't have sex with him, - then he's a jerk.
Se ficou zangado contigo por não teres relações com ele, é um palerma.
If I'd known he was gonna be such a jerk, I would never have slept with him.
Se eu soubesse que ele seria tão imbecil, nunca teria ido para a cama com ele.
So he was the reason I threw this party, and he turns out to be a jerk, you know?
Então, foi por causa dele que dei a festa e, afinal, é um cretino, sabes?
He ranted about his father being a jerk... and speaking his mind, but he never said that he was wrong.
Começou a dizer que o pai era um sacana, que dizia o que pensava, mas não disse que estava errado.
He was such a jerk.
Era um idiota.
What a jerk. He made it seem like he was gonna be out here a while.
Fez-me crer que ia ficar algum tempo por aqui.
You wouldn't call him a jerk if he was here.
Você não o chamaria de cretino.
I told him he was being a jerk and to grow up.
Disse-lhe que estava a ser um parvo e para crescer.
I mean, the way he was screaming... Guy was a jerk, but he didn't deserve to go like that.
Quero dizer, a maneira como gritava... era um palerma, mas não merecia bater as botas assim.
You thout he was a pompous jerk, and he thought you weren't cut out to be a vampire.
Pensaste que ele era um idiota pomposo, e ele pensou que tu não tinhas estofo para ser vampiro.
"He was born in the wrong century." "His father's a jerk."
Nasceu no século errado. O pai dele era um idiota. " "
So, Archie is acting like the self-absorbed jerk that I warned you he was.
Então, o Archie está a portar-se como o idiota egocêntrico de que te avisei.
Yeah, once he realized what a jerk he was being.
Sim, uma vez que me dei conta de como fui imbecil.

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