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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / He was amazing

He was amazing Çeviri Portekizce

173 parallel translation
You know what? He was amazing. I thought he'd be upset, but no, he was very excited and very supportive.
Foi espantoso, pensei que ficaria furioso, mas não, ficou radiante e apoiou-me imenso.
The... the Captain, he... he was amazing.
O Capitão... foi incrível.
I was never good at talking to people in those days but Steve, he was amazing.
Naquela época, não sabia falar com as pessoas... mas o Steve... era incrível...
Uh, Del, he was amazing.
Ele era incrível.
He was amazing.
Foi incrível.
He was amazing because he has...
Ele esteve incrível, porque...
He was amazing, wasn't he?
Era incrível, não era?
He was amazing at kung fu but lee did a roundhouse on him... no.
Eu sei, ele sabia imenso de Kung Fu, mas o Bruce Lee deu-lhe um golpe...
Told you he was amazing.
Eu disse-te que ele era incrível.
One of the guys had a gun to my head and Tom... He was amazing. He...
Um deles apontou uma pistola à minha cabeça... e o Tom reagiu incrivelmente...
Said he was amazing.
Disse que ele foi espantoso.
They say he was amazing!
Dizem que ele era fantástico!
He was amazing.
Era espantoso!
He was amazing!
Foi fantástico!
He played Santa at our "What a Pair" Breast Cancer Fundraiser last year and he was amazing.
Foi o Pai Natal no jantar contra o cancro do ano passado... e ele é espantoso.
And I tell you, Martha, it was amazing, as if he could see through the cards.
E digo-te, Martha, foi espantoso, como se pudesse ver pelas cartas.
He was a lothario with amazing capacity.
Ele era um sedutor com incrível capacidade.
There was a certain look in his eye. He got on a chair... and played some amazing guitar just standing on a chair in the dressing room.
Ele ficou com um certo olhar, subiu a uma cadeira... e tocou espantosamente guitarra num camarim.
He was just amazing. I mean, he was just amazing.
Ele foi espantoso.
And what he did was amazing!
E o que ele fez... foi espantoso!
Yeah, you know, it's amazing how he sensed I was doing that.
Sim, é espantoso como ele sentiu que eu estava a fazer aquilo.
It was just amazing he could guess the kid was dyslec... dis-disick or some...
Foi assombroso que soubesse que o moço é disléxico... ou algo assim.
He was an amazing man.
Ele era um homem maravilhoso.
I wasn't getting involved. I was listening to this amazing idea he had.
Não estava a envolver-me. Estava a ouvir a grande ideia dele.
It's amazing how he manipulated the shock wave sensors into thinking... something the size of the Rocky Mountains... was trying to penetrate the system.
É espantoso como ele manipulou os sensores do Onda de Choque para pensar que algo do tamanho das Montanhas Rochosas tentava penetrar no sistema.
Wait, I thought he was the Amazing Randy.
Espera aí, julgava que o adivinho era ele.
And even though Mr Whistler was perfectly aware that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she had a cactus up her backside... he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her.
Apesar de o Mr Whistler saber, que a mãe dele era pior do que uma bruxa, com uma fisionomia como se tivesse um cacto enfiado no traseiro, ele dava-lhe o seu apoio, e até tirou tempo para pintar este quadro maravilhoso.
Then he went on to Berkeley. He was assistant professor. Showed amazing potential.
Depois foi assistente na Berkeley, onde revelou enorme potencial, e depois para o Montana, onde arrasou a concorrência.
When he got so mad about you being in danger, and changed into a... grrr,..... it was the most amazing thing I ever saw.
Quando ficou furioso por estares em perigo, transformou-se num... Foi a coisa mais surpreendente que já vi.
- He was an amazing medical technician.
- Ele era um técnico fenomenal.
- It was amazing! He'd bend his elbows like this. And then he walks, like this.
Ele curvava os cotovelos para fora e andava assim.
It was amazing, he was finally as good as Django Reinhardt.
Foi incrível pois, finalmente... tornou-se tão bom como Django.
Sid was amazing, because he was a stand out character in the crowd, because he wasn't in the band then.
O Sid era espantoso porque sobressaía numa multidão. Ainda não era da banda.
How amazing was he?
Não foi incrível?
He got the bad guys. It was amazing.
Ele apanhou os tipos maus.
He converted it into something that was amazing and important for us as a species.
Converteu isso em algo espantoso... ... e importante para nós, enquanto espécie.
He was amazing.
Foi fantástico.
So he was pretty amazing, huh?
- Quer dizer que ele era óptimo?
Burley was not also an amazing agent, he was also an incredible athlete.
Ele não era só um agente espantoso. Era também um atleta incrível.
It was amazing to see how much Dr Cox actually wanted this job, and how much he was willing to put up with to get it.
Era fantástico ver o quanto o Dr Cox queria este emprego, e o que teve de aturar para o conseguir.
I guess it was just amazing to see how much he cared.
Era fantástico ver como se preocupava.
He was so amazing.
Ele era espantoso.
That was actually an example of how not so amazing he was.
Na verdade, era um exemplo de como ele não era espantoso.
He told me that you were an amazing instructor. And that he was involved with you, and that it was serious.
Disse-me que era uma instrutora excepcional e que vocês tinham um relacionamento sério.
He was just getting to know this amazing guy who had a boat and a pool and a Hummer.
Ele estava a conhecer esse tipo incrível que tinha um barco, uma piscina e um Hummer.
He was an amazing man.
Ele era um homem fantástico.
He was only two, But he was a person. An amazing person.
Só tinha 2 anos, mas era uma pessoa, uma pessoa extraordinária.
Because you are an amazing human being. And because he was an amazing human being.
Porque és um ser humano fabuloso e porque ele também o era.
He was this amazing, fascinating man... and he told me I was very pretty... and I did some modeling for him.
Era um homem fantástico e fascinante, disse-me que era muito bonita e fiz alguns trabalhos de modelo para ele.
He was an amazing young man.
Era um rapaz maravilhoso.
9 / 11 was an inside job, was a self inflicted wound, and what Charlie Sheen is doing is just amazing, and he can only be commended for it, and all he's calling for is for a real investigation.
Teve mais de 200 no século passado executados por governos ocidentais, Hitler fez, os Ingleses, os russos.

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