His life Çeviri Portekizce
14,657 parallel translation
His life is not destroyed by death.
A sua vida não foi destruída pela morte.
We're linked to his life force by the same spell our Aunt Dahlia used to keep me alive for a thousand years.
Estamos ligados à força vital dele, pelo mesmo feitiço que a tia Dahlia usou para me manter viva mil anos.
I took his life.
Eu tirei-lhe a vida.
Che-San will risk his life to go to Seoul?
O Che-san arriscaria a vida para ir para SeuI?
At least he gave his life for the cause.
Pelo menos, ele deu a vida pela causa.
What's so important that Luke risked his life?
O que é tão importante para o Luke arriscar a vida?
We both miss him. We'd love to be in his life a lot more.
Adoraríamos participar mais da vida dele.
- Biggest day of his life.
- É o dia mais importante da vida dele.
Well, like you said, his life had value.
Como disse, a vida dele tinha valor.
Attack a president who's fighting for his life?
Atacar um presidente que está a lutar pela vida?
And, by all accounts, he was a decent man for most of his life, but clearly, something snapped in him and he never got the help he so desperately needed.
Pelo que dizem, foi um homem decente a maior parte da vida, mas, claramente, algo se descontrolou dentro dele, e nunca conseguiu a ajuda que desesperadamente precisava.
And let's remember Lawrence and Betty Meechum, whose son Edward gave his life because of Mr. Goodwin's illness.
E lembremo-nos de Lawrence e Betty Meechum, cujo filho Edward perdeu a vida devido à doença de Mr. Goodwin.
Frank Castle returned from the hell of war wanting nothing more than to pick up his life.
Frank Castle regressou do inferno da guerra com toda a vontade de retomar a sua vida.
Whatever is going on with Matt, he's... he's either not capable or... or not willing to make room for anything else in his life... right now.
O que quer que se passe com o Matt, ele não é capaz ou não quer arranjar espaço para mais nada na vida dele.
Look... if Matt doesn't wanna share his life with me, that is between me and him.
Se o Matt não quer partilhar a vida dele comigo, é entre mim e ele.
I would say Frank Castle is a man who would gladly give his life to keep others safe.
Diria que o Frank Castle é um homem que daria a vida dele para manter os outros em segurança.
Some idiots made an attempt on his life earlier tonight.
Uns idiotas fizeram um atentado contra a vida dele esta noite.
He traded his life for ours.
Ele trocou a vida dele pelas nossas.
Besides, I'm the only one not risking his life on this.
Além disso, sou o único a não arriscar a sua vida nisto.
Nick Hofmeister finally tries to do something good with his life, and he gets played.
Nick Hofmeister finalmente tenta fazer algo correcto com a sua vida, e é enganado.
But I can promise not to let his life... or death... go in vain.
Mas posso prometer não deixar que a sua vida... ou morte... fosse em vão.
He dedicated his life to others.
Dedicou a sua vida aos outros.
But then he left pro ball and he turned his life around.
A minha quarta-feira típica. Mas depois ele deixou o basquete e mudou a sua vida.
At least we got there in time to save his life.
Pelo menos, chegamos lá a tempo de lhe salvar a vida.
And the idea is that jail will scare the fuck out of the kid, and then he'll get his life together.
A ideia é que essa experiência lhes pregue um cagaço e eles comecem a endireitar-se.
I wanted to come down here and blow up his life like he had mine.
Não sei. Queria vir até aqui e dar cabo da vida dele, tal como ela fez com a minha.
He's currently in the hospital fighting for his life.
Neste momento ele está no hospital a lutar pela vida.
Ever since Mom died, it's like Dad put his life on hold, you know?
Desde que a mãe morreu, é como o pai colocar sua vida em espera, sabe?
So the attempt on his life...
- Então, a tentativa de homicídio...
Your father wants you to be a part of his life.
O vosso pai quer-vos na vida dele.
Abberline was haunted all his life for not protecting these women.
Abberline foi massacrado por não salvar aquelas mulheres.
I won't let him ruin his life over a meaningless piece of shit like you.
Não vou deixá-lo dar cabo da vida por causa de um monte de merda como tu.
But it gave you your speed back long enough to get that bullet out of Wells, saved his life.
À conta dela conseguiste salvar o Wells.
He's putting his life at risk.
Ele está a arriscar a vida.
Do this, and I will spare his life.
Faz isso e poupar-lhe-ei a vida.
that he that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life.
aquele que mantém a sua boca fechada, preserva a sua vida.
Shame, takin'his own life like that.
Uma pena ele tirar a própria vida dessa maneira.
We have a young man in the hospital who tried to take his own life because this other young man refused to admit what he was involved in.
Temos um jovem rapaz no hospital que tentou acabar com a própria vida porque este outro jovem se recusou a admitir naquilo que estava envolvido.
His son's life for Per Degaton's.
A vida do seu filho pela do Per Degaton.
I brought you here to save my son's life, your life in exchange for his.
Trouxe-te aqui para salvar a vida do meu filho, a tua vida em troca da dele.
her life in exchange for his.
A vida dela em troca disto.
That man saved my life, the lives of his entire team.
Aquele homem salvou-me a vida e a vida de toda a equipa.
Yelling his way to multiple life sentences?
A gritar até ser condenado a várias perpétuas?
Someone who had a shadow cast over him his entire life.
Alguém com uma sombra sobre ele durante toda sua vida.
Between his job and mine and the stress of everyday life, and then you add kids into the mix... I don't know.
Entre o trabalho dele e o meu e o stress do dia a dia e, depois... juntamos dois miúdos a tudo isso... não sei.
Chris has scars on his face, and the screen freezes. And it says, "Chris killed six people, and he's doing a double life sentence."
O Chris tem cicatrizes na cara e quando a imagem para, vê-se : "O Chris matou seis pessoas e cumpre duas penas de prisão perpétua."
The Master has no intention of following through on his promise of eternal life, yet here I sit, still alive.
O Mestre não tenciona cumprir a promessa de me dar vida eterna, contudo, cá estou. Continuo vivo.
He shortened our name from Fetrovsky to Fet, and became an academic... you know, a life of the mind... to separate himself from his father's darkness.
Ele encurtou o nosso nome de Fetrovsky para Fet, e tornou-se um académico, escolheu trabalhar com a mente, para se distanciar da escuridão do pai.
But he was suffering in his old life.
Mas sofria na sua vida antiga.
Her husband was making 50 grand on a U.S. Marshal salary, but now his widow is living the high life in a mansion in La Jolla.
O marido ganhava 50 mil com o salário de Marshal, mas agora a viúva vive à grande numa mansão em La Jolla.
It's possible the marshal had a good life insurance policy given his high-risk profession.
O Marshal podia ter um bom seguro dada a profissão de alto risco.
life 1101
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
life's a bitch 23
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20
life is great 19
lifetime opportunity 45
life is 34
life's not fair 17
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20
life is great 19
lifetime opportunity 45
life is 34
life's not fair 17
life and death 48
life insurance 30
life in prison 19
life crisis 61
life was good 16
life support 23
life's short 17
his leg 16
his loss 31
his lawyer 25
life insurance 30
life in prison 19
life crisis 61
life was good 16
life support 23
life's short 17
his leg 16
his loss 31
his lawyer 25