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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Was that wrong

Was that wrong Çeviri Portekizce

2,027 parallel translation
So my dad was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, is that it?
Então meu pai estava apenas no lugar errado à hora errada, é assim?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the whole idea of my dropping $ 20,000 so you could sleep in a tent was so that you would lose the attitude problem.
Corrige-me se estiver errado, mas eu pensei que a ideia de largar 20.000 dólares para tu dormires numa tenda era para tu perderes esse teu problema de atitude.
What did I do that was so wrong?
O que fiz de tão errado?
And yet, there is a whispering in my ear That tells me i was wrong, they were right, And the savages-savages-savages had it right all along.
E todavia, existe um sussurro no meu ouvido que me diz que estava errado, eles estavam certos e que os selvagens, selvagens, selvagens tiveram sempre razão.
It's funny, because I never knew that a Jesus freak could throw such a good party, but I guess I was wrong.
Tem piada, porque nunca achei que uma fanática por Jesus pudesse dar uma festa tão boa, mas parece que estava errada.
Having a tube spray warm water up my bum anus, that was just wrong.
Ter um tubo a jorrar água morna pelo meu ânus acima, é simplesmente errado.
Now I know that I was wrong and you were right.
Agora eu sei que estava errado e que tu tinhas razão.
How pumped are you that I was wrong about that?
Que bom pra você que eu estava errado quanto a isso.
So I thought if I looked up your blood type and it was the wrong one, then that would be it. Then I could just stop thinking about it.
Pensei que, se o teu tipo de sangue não fosse o certo, isto acabava e eu parava de pensar nisto.
That was wrong. I'm sorry.
Isso foi errado.
That you have always had my back And that I was... Wrong...
Que sempre me apoiou e eu estava... errada... em questionar os seus motivos.
The only thing they agree on is that it was a carjacking gone wrong.
A única coisa em que concordam é que foi um carjacking que correu mal.
And that was wrong?
E fiz mal?
I was wrong when I wrote that.
Estava enganado quando escrevi isto.
And that was the wrong thing to say, too.
E também não devia ter dito isto.
Well, that was a little tough, what with her being right and you being wrong.
Foi difícil, já que ela está certa e tu errada. Errada como?
I didn't even know that you could do that. It was wrong.
- Nem sabia que conseguias fazer isso.
That would mean that I was wrong about him being the victim.
Isso significaria que estou errada e ele não é a vítima.
You know, I thought that, uh, whatever happened between us I could still count on you, But I guess I was wrong.
Sabes, pensei que, apesar do que aconteceu connosco, ainda podia contar contigo, mas acho que me enganei.
And Bones is going to want me to take her side and agree that Angela was wrong.
A Ossos vai querer que eu fique do lado dela e que concorde que a Angela estava errada.
I was surprised, too, given what happened this morning, but she thinks there's something wrong with the baby, and she thinks that you and Zoe are lying to her about it.
Também fiquei surpreendida, dado o que aconteceu de manhã, mas ela acha que se passa alguma coisa com o bebé, e que tu e a Zoe lhe estão a mentir acerca disso.
So, was that a wrong number, sir?
Foi engano?
Across the United States citizens gathered to celebrate the Republic's founding, 233 years before. Most people in the crowds were aware that America was going in the wrong direction, that things were changing for the worse.
Em todo o país os cidadãos junta-se para celebram a fundação da República, 233 anos depois muitas pessoas na multidão estavam conscientes que a América estava a ir na direcção errada, que as coisas estavam a mudar para o pior.
Now, remember, Newton realized that Aristotle was wrong and force was not necessary to maintain motion.
Lembra-te de que Newton percebeu que Aristóteles estava errado e não era necessária força para manter o movimento.
There was something really wrong with that guy.
Passava-se alguma coisa de muito mau com o tipo.
Zwingli didn't actually eat the sausage himself, but he argued that there was nothing morally wrong with the sausage.
Zwingli não chegou a comer salsicha, mas ele argumentou que não havia nada de moralmente errado com ela.
All right, so he was wrong about the size of your brain, but you don't go and eat a man for that.
Pronto, ele errou no tamanho do teu cérebro, mas não se come um homem por isso.
I saw in her eyes that something was wrong.
Eu vi nos olhos dela que algo estava errado.
All right? That's what was wrong with her face.
Já sei o que é que estava mal, na cara.
That's what was wrong with my mother's face.
Já sei o que é que estava mal, na cara da minha mãe.
- I understand that what I did was wrong.
- Entender que o que eu fiz e foi gre.
This was a man who knew that the money had gone to the wrong woman.
Um homem que sabia que o dinheiro tinha ido para a mulher errada.
The sin I committed is not that I did something wrong, but that... I refused to do something that I was appointed to do.
O pecado que cometi não é porque fiz alguma coisa errada, mas é porque... me recusei a fazer algo que fui designada para fazer.
When I came home that night, I could sense that something was wrong.
Quando cheguei a casa naquela noite, senti que algo se passava.
No, not if you believe that he was wrong.
Nao, mas se achou que ele estava errado...
I was sure that I was supposed to be heterosexual and that something was wrong with me.
Receava estar a enlouquecer. Sentia que tinha de ser heterossexual e que havia algo de errado comigo.
And that I was wrong.
E que eu estava errado.
Even among doctors, that it was wrong.
Até os próprios médicos achavam errado.
That there was something wrong with you.
- Que havia algo de errado contigo.
Lyuba, that was wrong.
Lyuba, isso está errado.
And you remember I told you about that crazy wrong number I got when I was nine. - That man was so...
Lembras-te do que eu te disse sobre aquele tipo doido que terminou comigo quando eu tinha 9 anos, aquele tipo era...
I'm trying to remember what it was and he's going, "That's wrong."
"Eles estão errados," disse ele.
So I was just wondering, is that wrong?
Então queria saber o que isso é errado?
That was wrong.
Correu mal.
Honey, would it be wrong for me to ask what it was that she whispered to you?
Será asneira perguntar-te o que ela te sussurrou?
She did many things wrong, but she was definitely right about that farm.
Ela fez muitas coisas erradas,... mas ela definitivamente tinha razão sobre aquela fazenda.
What was wrong with that?
Qual foi o problema?
I thought that I was wrong.
Já estava a pensar que poderia estar na casa errada.
I'm sorry. It was inevitable that a few people would be stuck on the wrong side of the line.
Lamento, mas era inevitável que algumas pessoas ficassem retidas no lado errado da nave.
That's what I'm getting at is do you believe what you did was wrong?
Quero é perceber se tu achas que agiste mal.
Look, what I did was wrong. I know that, and I understand if he's pissed or upset or...
O que fiz foi errado, sei isso, e entendo que ele esteja nervoso, ou chateado ou...

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