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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Was that me

Was that me Çeviri Portekizce

29,112 parallel translation
Yeah, well that's impossible. That was before you met me.
- Isso seria antes de me conheceres.
That was quite a text you sent me.
Mandaste-me uma mensagem e peras.
Yeah, that was me. That was me.
Sim, fui eu, fui eu.
That was me.
Fui eu.
I just want to say, Dr. Greiss, that I'm feeling a lot better today than I was yesterday, and yesterday I was feeling better than before that and tomorrow I'm gonna feel better.
Eu só quero dizer, Dr. Greiss, que estou a sentir-me muito melhor hoje do que estava ontem, e ontem eu estava a sentir-me melhor do que antes e que amanhã eu vou me sentir melhor.
I wanted to die, that's why... When you asked me to run away, I was ready.
Queria morrer e foi por isso que aceitei partir contigo.
- I'm sure that was me.
Tenho a certeza que fui eu.
Was that me?
- Fui eu?
Now, what was all that about arresting me?
Mas dizia que me queria prender...
I wish I was that excited for work.
Quem me dera ir tão entusiasmado para o trabalho.
That was me!
Fui eu!
What was that story you told me about Zardu Hasselfrau?
Lembras-te da história que me contaste sobre o Zardu Hasselfrau?
I mean, that was true. They never felt a thing. But one after the other, they failed me.
E isso foi verdade, eles nunca sentiram nada... mas, um após o outro, eles decepcionaram-me.
Dougie took right over, and he just chopped him right in the throat and said, "You get off," and I kicked him, and I punched him, and that was it, and... and Dougie just took care of business.
Deu-lhe um golpe na garganta e disse "larga-me". E eu dei-lhe um pontapé, e um soco, e foi assim. O Dougie deu conta do recado.
Dougie took right over, and he just chopped him right in the throat and said, "You get off," and I kicked him, and I punched him, and that was it, and... and Dougie just took care of business.
Dougie tomou o comando, e deu-lhe um golpe na garganta e disse "larga-me", e eu dei-lhe um pontapé, e um soco, e foi assim, e... o Dougie tomou conta do recado.
that's what I was asking when I was talking about work.
Era a isso que me referia quando te pedi trabalho.
what they failed to tell me was that I had to die first.
Eles não me disseram que primeiro tinha de morrer.
I thought they were fairy tales for children... until I was gifted that film.
Pensava que eram contos de fadas para crianças, até me darem aquele filme.
And was it his idea that you sleep with me?
Foi ele que teve a ideia de dormires comigo?
You let me think that I was actually doing something to stop them.
Deixaste-me pensar que estava a fazer algo para os travar.
Ward tried to warn me that Harold was gonna call the DEA on me.
Ele tentou avisar-me de que o Harold ia chamar a DEA. Gostava de dizer que estou surpreendida, mas quando estagiei na Rand, aprendi a não confiar no Harold.
It was wrong for me to leave the way that I did.
Foi errado partir daquela forma.
Lei Kung taught me that I was a powerful weapon... a flame meant to destroy our enemies.
O Lei Kung ensinou-me que sou uma arma poderosa, uma chama para destruir os nossos inimigos.
I was kind of hoping that... you'd come with me.
Eu esperava que viesses comigo.
I thought Jill was lying at first when she told me you had a newborn baby but that's the miracles of modern science.
Tenho de admitir que pensei que a Jill estava a mentir quando disse que havia um recém-nascido, mas são esses os milagres da ciência moderna.
He told me that all I had to do was get close to this woman... And her son and find out anything I could, and if I did that, then he'd let me go free forever.
Disse-me que eu só tinha de me aproximar de uma mulher e do filho e descobrir o que pudesse.
In my grief, people told me that she was too good for this world.
Na minha dor, disseram-me que ela era boa de mais para este mundo.
I believe it was the tenth day that they knelt before me.
Ao décimo dia, eles ajoelharam-se perante mim.
Because that same desire was once in me.
Porque também senti o mesmo em tempos.
I wish you would've known there was a camera there before you swiped that kayak, but...
Quem me dera que tivesses sabido que haviam lá câmaras antes de teres tirado o caiaque, mas...
That really was not fair of me.
Isso não foi nada justo da minha parte.
- Yeah. I was told that some of the horses were burned alive, and one of the inmates is a convicted arsonist.
Disseram-me que algum dos cavalos foram queimados vivos e que um dos reclusos foi preso por fogo posto.
I mean, there was a little thing of asking you to marry me, but aside from that, no.
Lembro-me pedir-te em casamento.
And very quickly, I reahzed that she was the one I wanted to share my life with.
Rapidamente, apercebi-me que ela era a tal.
How was that my fault?
Porque é que me estás a culpar?
I walked into her apartment and she was sitting on the floor... with that baby in her arms and you know what she said to me?
Eu entrei no apartamento dela e ela estava sentada no chão... com a bebé nos braços e sabes o que ela me disse?
You don't think I wish I could tell you that I was one bad guy to blame?
Não achas que me apetece dizer-te que eu sou um dos culpados?
The guy that was sitting next to me in first class, offered me a lot of money to help him.
O tipo que estava sentado ao meu lado na primeira classe ofereceu-me muito dinheiro para o ajudar.
All I know is, it wasn't me that was thrown out of a four-story window.
Só sei que não fui eu a ser atirado da janela de um quarto andar.
- That was my shin, mother...
- Acertou-me na canela, cab...
Back there, was that for her, for me, or you?
Aquele beijo foi por causa dela, de ti ou de mim?
And seeing as he was busy mentoring the local youth of today I was left to finally get a shot at cracking my first case and it has led me here, to Nola Tuiasosopo at least, I believe I'm pronouncing that right, I don't know, she's Samoan.
E como ele hoje estava ocupado a dar umas lições aos jovens locais, tive finalmente a oportunidade no meu primeiro caso... E isso trouxe-me até aqui! Até Nola Tuiasosopo...
You know that I lay with you when I was just a little boy.
Sabia que foi consigo que me deitei quando ainda era apenas um puto?
I was told that, too.
Também me contaram isso.
Also, thanks to you, we now know that The mitchum brothers'case was not arson But a legitimate claim for an accidental fire,
E também, graças a si, sabemos agora que o caso dos irmãos Mitchum não foi fogo posto mas sim um pedido legítimo devido a um incêndio acidental, o que me diz que os irmãos Mitchum, apesar de serem alegadamente mafiosos,
Monica looked past me and indicated to me to look back at something that was happening there.
A Monica olhou para além de mim e indicou-me que devia olhar para trás, para algo que se passava atrás de mim.
That was pretty exciting for me.
Foi bastante empolgante para mim.
This situation is a disgusting mockery of a repulsive joke that would make me sick to my stomach if there was there was one good restaurant in this town, which there is not!
Esta situação é uma zombaria nojenta de uma brincadeira repulsiva que me deixaria doente do estômago se houvesse um bom restaurante nesta cidade, o que não há!
I remember a lot about my dad. He was fun. I think he'd be happy that you're here and that you're helping me.
Acho que ele gostaria que estivesses aqui a ajudar-me.
All that information that you gave me was wrong.
Toda a informação que me deste estava errada.
You could've told me that Orientation Day was... Don't.
- Podias ter dito que...

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