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Was that a Çeviri Portekizce

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The waiter poured it from a bottle that was set aside.
- Não. O empregado usou uma garrafa que estava de lado.
I was positive I would rot alone in that holding cell in surat thani, slowly eaten alive by mosquitos to the constant refrain of body blows and the screaming.
Tinha a certeza de que ia apodrecer naquela cela em Surat Thani, a ser comido vivo pelos mosquitos e por causa dos gritos constantes causados por golpes certeiros.
That was probably what did it.
Foi a causa provável.
Which was obviously his way of sublimating his desires. But it also means that he is highly familiar with condemned and abandoned buildings.
Que era obviamente a sua forma de satisfazer os seus desejos, mas também significa que está muito familiarizado com prédios condenados e abandonados.
There was a thunderstorm that night, so the crime scene was compromised.
Houve uma tempestade nessa noite, e a cena do crime ficou comprometida.
There was a big thunderstorm that night.
Houve uma grande tempestade naquela noite.
It happened last year, too, And it was raining hard that night, and...
Também aconteceu o ano passado, e estava a chover muito naquela noite.
If Nancy Santiago was his first victim and he was high when he killed her, that must have made quite an impression.
Se a Nancy Santiago foi a sua primeira vítima e ele estava drogado quando a matou, deve ter sido marcante.
I've got the 4-1-1 on that rave That Nancy Santiago was at the night died.
Consegui informações sobre a rave onde a Nancy Santiago estava na noite em que morreu.
In addition, millions are missing that the same accountant was in the process of laundering.
E mais, faltam milhões que esse mesmo contabilista estava a branquear.
I'm, uh, I'm sure that was a mistake...
- Deve ter sido um engano. - Ganhas 32 por cento mais do que eu.
The spinal tap didn't yield the results that I was expecting.
A punção lombar não deu os resultados que esperava.
It appears he was trying to isolate the enzyme in her blood that shields her from Luschen's.
Ele estava a tentar isolar o enzima no sangue que a protege da Luschen.
But I can tell you that he was killed with a Winchester 30.06.
Mas posso dizer que foi morto por uma Winchester 30.6.
Also, Bob was the kind of guy who'd pick a fight with anyone that looked at him sideways.
Além disso, o Bob era do tipo de andar a pancada com qualquer um que o olhasse de lado.
Yeah, that was a tough case.
Foi um caso difícil.
I was hoping you wouldn't remember that.
Estava a espera que não te lembrasses disso.
I heard that the treatment was working.
Ouvi dizer que o tratamento está a resultar.
No, Sarah, I want you to know that what S did, the sacrifice... It was for my family, too.
Sarah, quero que saibas que o que a S. fez, este sacrifício, também foi pela minha família.
But I have to gamble that you're still police, like me, and like Beth was.
Mas tenho de apostar que ainda é polícia como eu. E como a Beth era.
The entire time that we were gone, he was painting you, different versions of you.
Todo o tempo que estivemos fora ele esteve a pintar-te. Diferentes versões de ti.
That was a death trap. That meeting.
Aquilo foi uma armadilha, aquela reunião.
Dr. Eric Bannon, world-renowned cardiologist. Was charged in a series of angel-of-mercy killings due to lethal prescription drug interactions that were, in fact, engineered by Isabella Stone.
O Dr. Eric Bannon, um cardiologista de renome mundial, foi acusado por uma série de mortes de pacientes a seu cuidado devido a interações letais de drogas receitadas que foram, na verdade, planeadas por Isabella Stone.
That woman, whoever she was, she was not Corina.
Aquela mulher, fosse quem fosse, não era a Corina.
Isn't that Judith Pruitt? The one whose husband was arrested?
Não é a Judith Pruitt, cujo marido prendemos?
Judy is the only one that was nice.
Não entendo. A Judith foi a única simpática.
Because my source was quite certain that Reddington has donated millions to your foundation.
Porque a minha fonte estava certa de que o Reddington doou milhões para a sua fundação.
Justin hadn't yet lost the use of his limbs, although even then, he was showing early signs of the ALS that would eventually claim his mobility.
O Justin ainda não tinha perdido o uso dos membros. Apesar de, mesmo na altura, já apresentar sinais inicias da ELA que lhe veio a retirar a mobilidade.
All right, Lou, why don't you head down to that club, see if you can get any more information on that woman Holden was with.
Muito bem, Lou, porque é que não vais a esse clube nocturno e vê se consegues obter mais informações sobre esta mulher com que o Holden estava.
That was the tomahawk.
Isso foi a martelada!
Because the way that you were laying into me back there, that was so over the top,
Porque a forma como se inclinou para mim dentro daquela sala, foi tão exagerado que pensei :
That was after he had the king crab leg appetizer.
Isso depois de ter comido a entrada de pernas de caranguejo do Alaska.
The only music we had when the lights went out in the bunker was that little girl singing in Latin.
No bunker, quando as luzes se apagavam a única música que tínhamos era aquela menina a cantar em latim.
That was just a different water bug who got trapped in a Kleenex.
Era só um bichinho que ficou preso num lenço!
But that was nothing compared to...
- Mas nada se compara a...
That was such a good Blue Bloods last night.
O episódio de Blue Bloods de ontem foi muito bom.
The first time I had coffee with Adam was at that table right over there.
A primeira vez que tomei café com o Adam foi naquela mesa.
- That was very clearly Jill.
- Claramente a Jill.
That was a great idea, Mandy.
Isso é que foi uma grande ideia, Mandy.
Okay. So what you're telling me is that you do not know who this human cargo was or where he might be headed.
Está bem, então... aquilo que me estás a dizer é que não sabias quem eram as pessoas neste carregamento nem para onde iam.
Instead that list was full of things that you've never shown any interest in in your entire life, like travel.
Em vez disso, aquela lista estava repleta de coisas pelas quais nunca demonstraste qualquer interesse durante a tua vida inteira, como viajar.
That was a list of things that I'd like to do when I retire, okay?
Aquela era uma lista de coisas que pretendo fazer quando me reformar, está bem?
Just so I'm clear, you want to drive a truck with a dirty bomb made out of uranium and TATP- - which you personally told me was the most unstable explosive on the planet Earth- - you want to drive that
Deixa-me ver se entendi, queres conduzir um camião com uma bomba atómica feita de urânio e TATP, que pessoalmente me disseste ser o explosivo mais instável na Terra.
That was HPD.
Era a Polícia de Honolulu.
Happy said that he was a wackadoodle.
A Happy disse que ele era esquisito.
It was crushed under a eucalyptus that went down in the storm.
Foi esmagado por um eucalipto que caiu no temporal.
Her doctors said that a weak match might take, but it was my call.
Os médicos disseram que podiam usar uma combinação fraca, mas a decisão era minha.
You realized what I said was right and that you...
Percebeste o que eu disse, é a verdade e...
Paige and I have been getting on better since we decided to be caring friends to each other, but I was concerned that I would eventually do something to mess that up, so I did research to avoid that.
A Paige e eu estamos a ter sucesso a tratar um do outro, mas fiquei preocupado que pudesse fazer qualquer coisa que estragasse tudo, então pesquisei para evitar isso.
I knew that relationship was ending.
Eu sabia que a relação estava a acabar.
In the loggers'camp there was a buzz saw that feeds the logs with a wedge.
No acampamento há uma serra que enche os troncos com cunha.

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