Which one are you Çeviri Portekizce
392 parallel translation
Buttons, which one are you trying to save him for?
Buttons, Para qual delas é que estás a tentar salvá-lo?
Which one are you worried about?
Com qual dos dois estás preocupada?
- Which one are you looking for?
- Aqui. Quem procura?
I'm supposed to ask, "Which one are you going to be for today?"
Eu tenho que perguntar : "De quem é que vou ser hoje?"
- Which one are you?
- E qual és tu?
Which one are you gonna have?
Qual vai querer?
- Which one are you?
- Quem é você?
- Which one are you?
- Qual deles é você?
Which one are you?
Qual deles é você?
Which one are you talking about?
De quais está falando?
Your voice sounds familiar, which one are you?
Sua voz me parece familiar. Quem é você?
Now, which one are you?
Qual deles, sois vós?
Which one are you, boy?
E tu, qual deles és?
Which one are you playing?
Qual é que estás a jogar?
Which one are you?
Quem é você?
Which one are you working for?
Está a trabalhar para qual deles?
Which one are you going to pick?
Qual é que escolhes?
Óptimo, óptimo, óptimo. Mas qual deles vais ser?
Which one are you?
O que faz lá?
Which one are you?
Qual delas é você?
- Which one are you, then? - I'm Tramplemain.
- "Squire, Squire, Hackham e Dudley."
- So which one are you?
Como te chamas?
You can't guess what it feels like to see a girl like you bending over one with your greeny eyes, which are as cool and clear as a pool in the woods.
Nem imaginas o que é uma rapariga assim inclinada, com os olhos verdes, Iímpidos efrescos como um Iago no bosque.
Mother, if you and Daddy are going to get a divorce... which one won't I see again, Daddy or you?
Mamãe, se você e o papai se divorciarem... quem não vou mais ver? O papai ou você?
Which one of them tater-pickers are you working for?
Para qual dos batateiros trabalhas?
- Falling leaves. - Which one of those are you?
Qual dessas és tu?
Well, you're face to face, for one thing, which is a lot more than you are now.
Vais ficar cara a cara, pelo menos, é muito mais do que tens agora.
Well, since you are the only one of importance to me they are, of course, to be sold as slaves which is what we customarily do with our prisoners.
Bom, visto seres o único de importância para mim eles serão vendidos como escravos que é o que costumamos fazer com os prisioneiros.
Oh, which one of your drivers are you getting rid of?
De qual dos seus motoristas você vai se livrar?
You are one of two crafts which have come into our space on a mission of violence.
São uma das duas naves... que vieram ao nosso espaço em missão de violência.
For one thing, when you phone the base, all you get is a recording which repeats that the phone lines are temporarily out of order.
Primeiro, sempre que telefonamos para a base aparece uma gravação a dizer que os telefones estão temporariamente fora de serviço.
Radio and TV stations across the eastern part of the country including the one to which you are listening have joined their facilities in an emergency network to bring you this news as it develops.
... juntaram-se, formando um rede de emergência para poderem transmitir estas notícias.
and, upon my knees, I charm you, by my once-commended beauty, by all your vows of love and that great vow which did incorporate and make us one that you unfold to me, yourself, your half, why you are heavy, and what men to-night have had to resort to you.
De joelhos, vos imploro... em nome da beleza que já tive... e por vossos juramentos de amor... e por aquilo que nos uniu um ao outro... revelai a mim, que é vossa metade... aquilo que vos pesa... e o nome dos homens que aqui vieram nesta noite.
You're very modest. But the real picture is... every young girl has got special feelings towards a certain special... person and you, heroes of the film world, very easily take that place... because of your qualities which are so many, that any one person cannot possess them all...
Mas a realidade é que... cada garota tem um sentimento especial por alguma pessoa especial... e vocês, os heróis do cinema, tomam muito facilmente esse lugar... por causa das vossas qualidades... que são muitas, e que outras pessoas não podem ter...
You see, except for the hinges, which are a little shaky, this whole thing is in one piece.
Tirando as dobradiças, que estão um pouco soltas... isto está inteiro.
You betray us... You betray us even with a look, and as sure as there's a Devil in Hell... either me, or Brownie, or Struther, or one of our friends... of which there are many, will kill that boy.
Se nos traíres... se nos traíres nem que seja com um olhar, podes estar certo que... ou eu, ou o Brownie, o Struther, ou qualquer um dos nossos amigos... que são muitos, vão matar aquele rapaz.
Now we have given you all that we are, one gift remains which contains everything and nothing.
Agora demos-te tudo aquilo que somos, falta uma dádiva que contém tudo e nada.
My dear, there seems to be one aspect of the problem of which either Rome or you are entirely ignorant, and I cannot believe it to be Rome.
- Como cônsul aqui, só sigo ordens. Meu caro cônsul, parece haver um aspecto do problema sobre o qual ou Roma, ou vós, são totalmente ignorantes, e não posso acreditar que seja Roma.
One is the daily objective activity to which you and I are confined.
A atividade diária e objetiva em que nos movemos você e eu.
- Which one of the house apes are you?
- Tu és quem? - A Kate.
'The Guide also tells you'on which planets the best Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters are mixed,'how much you can expect to pay for one'and what voluntary organisations exist to help you rehabilitate.
'O Guia também menciona'quais os planetas em que se encontram as melhores Bombas Pan-Galácticas,'qual o preço médio a pagar por cada uma delas'e quais as organizações voluntárias existentes para o ajudar na reabilitação.
When you're the last one standing there at choose-up... and both teams are arguing about which one has to take you... you're usually on your own a lot.
Quando se é o último a ser escolhido... e as duas equipas brigam por não o quererem... normalmente, sempre se fica muito só...
And if your fancy friend with a velvet collar is half as smart as you are, which will make him only one-quarter smart, he never heard of her either.
E, se o teu amigo catita do colarinho de veludo for tão quase tão esperto como tu, também nunca ouviu falar dela.
Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may be safely trusted with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated.
"Os serviços que prestou a uma das maiores casas reais da Europa " provaram que o senhor é um homem a quem podemos confiar " assuntos cuja gravidade, por maior que seja, nunca é exagerada.
We could catch that kid faster if we walked, which is what you guys are going to do if I hear another dumb word out of either one of you.
- Mais depressa apanhávamos o puto a pé, que é o que te vai acontecer se voltas a abrir a boca.
Uma delas é para comer e a outra contem o quadro... falsificado, o que voce enviara a Hitler, certo?
But there are other possible problems... one of which is you've replaced Joe Flynn as a target.
Mas há outras possibilidades de problemas... um dos quais substituiste é o alvo do Joe Flynn.
On the one hand, there's Dino's plan, which you must admit is brilliant. On the other hand there's the money you can recover by underselling to those vultures who are waiting patiently for our downfall. You choose.
De um lado, tens a operação do Dino que, tens de admiti-Io, é genial, e do outro tens o dinheiro que podes recuperar vendendo aos abutres que esperam calmamente pela nossa ruína, escolhe.
If you and Daddy are going to get a divorce which one won't I see again, Daddy or you?
Mamãe, se você e o papai se divorciarem... quem não vou mais ver? O papai ou você?
The trick is to find out which one you are and be that.
O truque está em descobrir qual dos dois você é, e sê-lo.
Find out which one you are. Be that.
Descubra o que você é e seja-o.
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one was it 29
which one's yours 33
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one was it 29
which one's yours 33
which one is he 45
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
are you okay 10556
are you all right 6257
are you done 359
are you 9496
are you sure 6189
are you cold 191
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
are you okay 10556
are you all right 6257
are you done 359
are you 9496
are you sure 6189
are you cold 191
are you fucking serious 72
are you kidding me 3423
are you married 428
are you ok 2809
are you there 1616
are you crazy 2783
are you serious 3114
are you free tonight 40
are you mad at me 175
are you ready 1883
are you kidding me 3423
are you married 428
are you ok 2809
are you there 1616
are you crazy 2783
are you serious 3114
are you free tonight 40
are you mad at me 175
are you ready 1883
are you listening 493
are you listening to me 401
are you nuts 615
are you mad 557
are you here 359
are you done yet 34
are you hungry 755
are you coming 731
are you happy now 177
are you alright 866
are you listening to me 401
are you nuts 615
are you mad 557
are you here 359
are you done yet 34
are you hungry 755
are you coming 731
are you happy now 177
are you alright 866