Which ones Çeviri Portekizce
667 parallel translation
- Which ones?
- Quais?
Some of them are phonies, and I know which ones.
Algumas são falsas, e eu topo-as logo.
But you could tell which ones you could count on.
Mas podia adivinhar-se com quais se podia contar.
Up north there are lots of canyons and draws... if you know which ones are open.
A norte há muitos desfiladeiros e ribeiras... se souberes quais é que estão desimpedidos.
Which ones have you read?
Quais é que já leu?
Which ones go in which wagon?
Quem vai em que carroça?
- Which ones?
- Quais deles?
- Which ones are the tens?
- Qual delas é o dez?
Good God, woman, face the facts. Which ones?
- Enfrenta os factos, mulher.
MonsieurVatel knows which ones.
Monsieur Vatel sabe quais são.
Well, it's perfectly all right No problem as long as you're careful Which ones did you want?
Não há qualquer problema, desde que tenham cuidado. - Em quais é que mexeram?
And the rest? Which ones?
E os demais?
Which ones were they?
Qual delas era?
You know which ones I mean, don't you? Okay?
Já sabes do que se trata, não?
Which ones?
Which ones, Bud?
Quais, Bud?
We have so many plates, I've no idea which ones they are.
Há tantos faqueiros nesta casa... não sei dizer-lhe o que contêm.
Which ones does he have in mind? Over.
Que problemas tem ele em mente?
Now let me guess which ones you are.
Deixem-me adivinhar quem são.
Now, which ones are you gonna take with you?
Vá, quais é que queres levar contigo?
Which ones, right or left?
Quais delas? As da direita ou as da esquerda?
You sure you know which ones go where?
- Tens a certeza onde é que é?
* Which ones are yours?
Quais deles são os seus?
We're too dumb to know which ones to take.
Não sabemos o que levar.
Well, which ones are yours and which ones are mine?
Quais são as tuas e quais são as minhas?
Vou dar com ele nos invólucros para sabermos quais estão vazias.
Show me which ones.
Mostre-me quais são.
- Which ones a socket wrench?
- Qual delas é a chave de boca?
- Which ones? - I don't give a shit which ones. Wrestling pictures!
Estou-me cagando para quais são.
If I was investigating the case, I'd round up 100 of the world's best riflemen and find out which ones were in Dallas that day.
Se investigasse eu o caso, tentava saber qual dos cem melhores atiradores do mundo estava nesse dia em Dallas.
- Depends which ones.
- Depende de quem ela é.
You do know which ones are weeds?
Sabes quais são, não sabes?
Which ones?
De quais?
Well, nothing that is but the good ones, which I had to pay hard cash for.
Bom, nada ficava que valesse a pena. Pelos quais eu tinha que pagar um bom preço.
Of course, every mythology has such a book... but the Necronomicon supposedly contained formulas... through which one could communicate with... or even summon the elder gods... the dark ones from beyond who had once ruled the world... and now are merely waiting... for an opportunity to regain that control.
Claro, cada mitologia tem um livro assim... mas supostamente o Necronomicon teria fórmulas... que permitiriam que alguém se comunicasse... ou mesmo invocasse os deuses antigos... os "antigos" do além que já governaram o mundo... e agora simplesmente esperam... uma oportunidade para retomar o controle.
I'm breaking with an attitude widespread in the university, which is to consider the others, the ones we address, as mere receivers.
Vou afastar-me, claro está, da atitude tão corrente no meio universitário que consiste em considerar os outros, aqueles aos quais nos dirigimos como receptores puros e simples.
Which a counterautopsy will refute, and an expert will annul the previous ones, etc.
Uma contra-autópsia provará o contrário! E o especialista desta, arranjará um resultado que anula o anterior!
Which ones?
It occurred to him that if it's possible to identify one's previous incarnations, it might also be possible to determine one's future ones, in which case Mr Stratton could leave his money to himself.
Ocorreu-lhe que se for possível identificar sua encarnação anterior... também seria possível identificar as futuras. Nesse caso, o sr. Stratton poderia deixar seu dinheiro para si mesmo.
It could be anyone from... KnoedIer to Perrs any of the great ones who considers... themselves great and experts and if any of them can... recognise which one is which...
Podia ser qualquer um de Knoedler a Perrs, qualquer um dos grandes que se consideram óptimos e peritos e nenhum deles conseguiria reconhecer qual é qual.
I'm sorry, sir- - which ones?
Lamento ouvir isso, senhor, quais?
Maldonado, there are ones from which only the head and... extremities are removed, and others and others from which only a hand or foot removed, with the... remainder of the cadaver left intact.
De acordo com o xerife, Rhesus... Maldonado, há alguns dos quais apenas a cabeça ou... extremidades são removidas, e outros dos quais... apenas uma mão ou pé removidos... preservando intacto o resto do cadáver.
This is a record of the Exodus, the final departure of the first 12 tribes, the ones which eventually became the Colonies we knew.
É um registo do Êxodo, a última partida das primeiras 12 tribos, as que eventualmente originaram as Colónias que conheciamos.
This attitude by Romualdo, young and attractive, has unleashed the the jealousy of Patricia, sister of Esteban, close friend of Romualdos,... the youngest son of the Vidal del Cerro clan, which was related to the lzaguirres, yes, the ones who used to own land in Baradero.
Esta atitude de Romualdo, jovem e atrativo, desencadeou os ciumes de Patricia, irmã de Esteban, amigo intimo de Romualdo, o caçula dos Vidal del Cerro, que tem parentesco...
It has been 12 sectons since Baltar's surrender and our encounter with the advanced race, the mysterious ones who gave us coordinates which presumably would guide us to Earth.
Passaram-se 12 sectons desde que Baltar se rendeu e o nosso encontro com a raça evoluída, os seres misteriosos que nos deram as coordenadas que presumivelmente nos guiarão ao planeta Terra.
Which of those three ones?
Qual dos três?
And the insurance companies, the ones which have already paid our government's claim of 12 million dollars for the theft of the Pink Panther, what will they shower you with?
E as companhias de seguros que já pagaram ao nosso governo 12 milhões de dólares pelo roubo do Pantera Cor-de-Rosa, vão inundá-lo de quê?
Well, yeah, we have the ones with the little rubber tip for getting in the hard-to-reach areas, and we have the stimulators, and we have my personal favorite which possesses marvelous prophylactic qualities.
Temos com ponta de borracha para as zonas interiores e temos estimuladores e também o que é do meu agrado, que possui excelentes qualidades profilácticas.
Primeiro, as fardas novas que substituem as antigas, que emprestaram aos ingleses que, quando viram que iam ser presos e acusados de conspiração, eles queimaram,
We go, Hastings, say in which foot the case is what Poirot, humildemente, helping will do the possible ones.
Vamos, Hastings, diga-me em que pé está o caso que Poirot, humildemente, fará os possíveis para o ajudar.
Which ones?
Quais quadros?
ones 44
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40