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You heard it Çeviri Portekizce

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You heard it?
I cannot bear to hear just'cause I said it don't mean that I meant it people say crazy things just'cause I said it don't mean that I meant it just'cause you heard it
I cannot bear to hear just'cause I said it don't mean that I meant it people say crazy things just'cause I said it don't mean that I meant it just'cause you heard it
Evidence has been found linking someone to the disappearance of Hillary Stone and possibly her murder. You heard it here first.
Há provas que ligam alguém ao desaparecimento da Hillary Stone e talvez ao homicídio dela.
Just... don't say you heard it from me.
Não... diga que fui eu que lhe disse.
Not to actually compare it to that, but it's one of those moments you always remember, exactly where you were and when you heard it, I mean, I just really never dreamed they would have the audacity.
Não comparando os dois casos, mas é um momento que tu vais sempre lembrar-te, exactamente onde estava e de quem ouviu, nunca imaginei que eles tivessem essa audácia.
You... You heard it, too...
Você... ouviu, também...
- You heard it, now run.
Ouviram, mexam os rabos!
You heard him. Knock it off!
Ouviste-o, para com isso!
I heard a ping that pierced me, and, well, you wouldn't have heard it unless you were an Angel at the time.
Recebi um toque, que me atravessou. Vocês não devem ter sentido, a não ser que fossem anjos.
You didn't want to hear how it ended? I've heard it before.
Não queres ouvir como acaba?
Stan, you got that stupid record over 20 years ago, and I've heard about it every day since.
Stan, tu tens esse recorde estúpido há mais de 20 anos, e, desde então, falas dele todos os dias.
You know, it's like she ain't even heard you in the first place.
Sabes, é como se ela nem te tivesse ouvido da primeira vez.
The plans are made. it's time you heard them.
Os planos estão elaborados, está na hora de os ouvirem.
We heard you like it rough.
Ouvimos dizer que gostas à bruta.
You know, I didn't believe it when I heard it.
Quando ouvi dizer, não acreditei.
Never heard you so passionate about it before.
Nunca a ouvi a falar dele com tanta paixão.
Heard you got something to show me. It was powering a new form of shapeshifters.
Era a fonte de energia dos novos metamorfos.
I heard the gist of it, why did you make us come all the way down here for?
Ouvi o essencial, porquê nos fez vir até aqui?
I heard you my name, which you had it?
Ouvi o meu nome, do que estão a falar?
- You've heard of it.
- Sim, ouviste bem.
You've heard of it?
Ouviste falar dele?
You know what, Mr. Mallum, maybe if she heard your voice, it might help her.
Sr. Mallum, talvez se ela ouvir a sua voz, pode ajudá-la.
Sinoatrial node. You ever heard of it?
Já ouviste falar?
You've probably heard about it.
Já deve ter ouvido falar deste triste caso.
I heard you're still working on it with Derek.
Ouvi dizer que ainda estás a trabalhar nisso com o Derek.
Sniff it out. You got it. You heard him, use your sniffers.
- Vocês ouviram-no, usem os vossos sniffers.
Have you heard of it?
Já ouviram falar?
Hey, so, uh, I heard you got into it with Sam today.
Ouvi dizer que te desentendeste hoje com a Sam.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Talvez já tenhas ouvido falar dela.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Talvez tenha ouvido falar.
When I heard Director Vance was letting you take pictures of the crime scene, I had to see it to believe it.
Quando ouvi que o Director Vance te deixou fotografar a cena do crime, tinha que vir ver.
I haven't heard from you in a few days, and I'm starting to get worried, so would you just give me a call back or send me a text, at least let me know you're all right? Hey, sweetheart, it's mom.
Olá querido, é a mãe.
Because from what I heard, it sounded like she needed to not see you.
Porque, pelo que ouvi, parecia que ela precisava de não a ver.
- You ever heard of a vampire being hauled in by the Authority and then live to talk about it?
- Já ouviste falar num vampiro que foi arrastado pela Autoridade e depois viver para falar disso?
You heard me, it's not up to you to decide what Ida should do.
Tu ouviste-me, não te cabe a ti decidir o que a Ida deve fazer.
I was ready to walk away from the show when I heard you were doing it.
Eu estava pronta a afastar-me do espectáculo quando eu soube que ias entrar.
I believe it was my first rotation, - I heard it from you.
Penso que foi no meu primeiro turno que o ouvi dizer.
I heard it in a movie. May I help you ladies?
Posso ajudá-las, senhoras?
I have heard every word of this before, and I have told women when it's time to throw in the towel, and you are not there yet.
Eu já ouvi tudo isso antes, e eu já disse quando era a hora de desistir.
I'm okay. I don't know what you've heard, but I can explain it all. Listen to me.
Estou bem.
It only ran off when it heard you guys coming.
Só fugiu quando ouviu-os chegar.
But if it's that important to you and the people you work with- - who obviously have never heard of Steve Wozniak, Richard Branson or freakin Santa Claus...
Mas se isso é tão importante para ti e para as pessoas com quem trabalhas - que obvimante nunca ouviram falar do Steve Wozniak, Richard Branson ou do Pai Natal...
- Better for both us if I heard it from you.
Vai ser melhor para ambos, se a ouvir de ti.
Hey. Heard you were slumming it today.
Fiquei a saber que hoje estava a patrulhar.
You don't know what that's like... to find her, then lose her again. Yes, I'm sure Walt Disney will be making a film about it very soon, but I have heard enough.
Sim, tenho certeza que o Walt Disney fará um filme sobre isso em breve, mas já ouvi demais.
I've got an illness, but have you heard me mention it once tonight? !
Eu tenho uma doença mas já me ouviste mencioná-la uma só vez esta noite?
You heard me. Could have one or two if you like, hell, we could even kick it catholic school and have three.
Pode ser 1 ou 2, se quiseres, podemos esquecer a escola católica e ter 3.
You heard all of it through this wall.
Ouviu tudo através desta parede!
I thought it was you, and then I heard Charlotte and Declan, and I... panicked.
Pensei que fosses tu, e depois ouvi a Charlotte e o Declan, e... fiquei em pânico.
Way I heard it, you saw him last, out your car window.
Pelo que ouvi, foste o último a vê-lo, na janela do teu carro.
You heard of it?
Já ouviram falar dele?

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