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Disariya Çeviri İngilizce

51 parallel translation
Disariya tek hattan baglandi, bu sekilde ararsa herseyi duyacagiz.
Kind of admitted to that ready move, so we won't take anything off auditorium this time.
- Disariya çikti.
- He's out.
Hirsiz o! Atin onu disariya!
He's the one!
Senin sayende, odamdan disariya adim atamadigimi, biliyor musun?
I can't even walk out of my cabin!
Ve artik annesi onun yalniz disariya cikmasina izin vermiyor.
So now Kamini's mother isn't letting her go unescorted.
O disariya çikmadi.
She didn't make it out.
Aryanlari, Em City'den disariya sürdügümü göz önünde bulundurursak burasi senin için en güvenli yer.
Well, given the fact that I have transferred all the Aryans out of Em City, this is the safest place for you.
onbire geldigimde, gözleri disariya firladi, ve üç te burnunu çekti.
When I got to eleven, his eyes popped out, and on three he snuffed it.
Demek o bir kiz, disariya daha cok cikmam lazim heralde.
She? that's a she? I definitely need to get out more.
Çekmeceyi açtiginda bir kurbaga ziplamis disariya.
She opened a drawer and a frog jumped out.
Seni yakinda disariya cikaracagiz!
We'll get you out soon!
Yön sistemi olmadan disariya çikarmak beyin dokusuna zarar verebilir.
Pulling out without the navigation system could damage the brain tissue.
Disariya çiktik.
We're out.
Eger 7 olumcul gunahi disariya çikardiysak baska neleri çikarmis olabiliriz?
If we let out the seven deadly sins, What else did we let out?
Dr. Grey, lütfen Dr. Bailey'e disariya kadar eslik edin.
Dr.Grey, please escort dr.Bailey back outside.
I'd have to stand outside for hours holding her by a string.
Afrika o zamandan beri evrimimizin motoru konumunda Avrupa ve Asya'ya yerlesen ilk insanlardan olusan dalgalari birer birer disariya pompaladi.
It was probably Homo erectus, almost two million years ago, who first started to leave Africa.
iklim düzelmeye basladikça Afrika'dan disariya yayilmaya basladilar.
They were ready to explore the world.
Acil durum kapaniyor, içe dogru patlayacak, herkes disari, disariya çikin.
Emergency shutdown, it's imploding, everybody out, out, out!
Binlerce insan erkenden disariya doldu.
Thousands of people were out earlier.
Sadece disariya bir bak.
Just look out there.
Onlari disariya ne zaman tasiyacaklar?
When's it heading'out?
Her yere baktim. Soför'e onu disariya çikarmasini söylemistim.
I looked all over the flat I asked the driver to look for him outside
Bu disariya karsi güvensiz hisettiriyor.
It feels cold on the outside.
Bu odada söyledigin her sey, Matthew kesinlikle disariya cikmayacaktir.
Anything you say in here, Matthew, will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Çünkü bilinçaltiniz disariya çikmanizi istemiyor.
Because your subconscious doesn't want you to be out there.
Disariya icmeye cikiyor.
He decided to go out drinking.
Ya kendi kendine disariya cikar ve bir erkek gibi olursun, ya da karimi ve cocuklarimi da pesinde surukleyen bir korkak gibi.
And you can either die like a man, and walk outside there by yourself, or you can die like a coward and get my wife and my children killed along with you.
Mary, ipe ihtiyacimiz var. Onu baglamamiz ve disariya cikarmamiz gerekiyor.
Mary, we have to get some rope and we have to tie him up and get him outside.
Onu bu sandalyeye baglayacagiz, ve onu disariya surukleyecegiz ve isimiz bitecek. Anladin mi?
We're gonna roll him into that chair, and we're gonna drag him outside and we're gonna be done, all right?
Az once, bir grup genc adamin yanimdaki mulke zorla girdiklerini ve insanlari disariya surukleyip, sokaklarda katlettiklerine sahit oldum.
I witnessed a group of young men breaking into the tenement next to me, and they were dragging people out and just executing them on the street.
Çik disariya.
Ben disariya çikacagim.
I'm going out there.
Gece gizlice disariya çikip elma tatlisi çetesi ile yaratik mi öldürüyor?
What, sneaking out in the middle of the night to go hunt monsters with the Apple Dumpling gang?
Elektrikli arabalar ve Shakespeare kitaplari. Disariya restoranda yemek yemeye gidiyor musun?
Electric cars and Shakespeare books and do you go out to eat at restaurants?
Ben fazla tezcanliyim, Ativeririm kendimi disariya.
I'm more Machado, walking around outside.
Beni tutuklamak için disariya adim atmami bekliyorlar.
They're just waiting for me to leave so they can arrest me.
- Move it on out.
James, disariya bak!
James, look out!
Disariya çikmayacagim
I'm not going out there.
Foxtrot takimindan biriyle, hayatimin hicbir aninda disariya cikmam!
And in no time in my life am I gonna be somewhere - that even plays the foxtrot! - Close the door.
ilk mudahale edenler olay yerinde kimseyi gormemisler. bu cihazlarin kendi kameralari da... guvenlik kameralarinin da disariya erisimi yok.
The first responders didn't see anyone at the scene, these devices don't have any internal cameras, and the security cameras are all hardwired.
- No, Joe.
Salondan disariya ikinci adimini attiginda Jake'i oldurecek.
He'll take Jake out the second he steps out of the theater.
Nick ve beni disariya atmaya calissinlar bakalim.
Let's see them try to get Nick and I out.
Birazini disariya gomerim dedim.
I figured I could bury some out there.
Disariya belli etmemek.
Keeping up appearances.
Lutfen herkes disariya.
Come on, get out! Out of here.
Priya, neden disariya ciktin?
Priya, why did you walk out?
You direct the light outward.
Degil, disariya degil, her neyse.
It's not, not to the outside, anyway.

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