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Dişarida Çeviri İngilizce

252 parallel translation
Bayan McCHEANE - DIŞARIDA Affedersiniz, bir balık ruhsatı alacağım.
Excuse me, I would like to buy a fish licence, please.
Ben gerçek olanaklardan bahsediyorum, O HÂLÂ DIŞARIDA.
I am talking about the real possibility, that he is STILL OUT THERE!
Dïsarïda beni bir bandoyla ugurlayacak mïsïnïz?
You boys gonna be out there with a band to see me off?
Disarida bir sürü polis ve savci yardimcisi... köpek gibi iz sürüyorlar.
Out there's a flock of policemen and assistant DAs running around with their noses to the ground.
Disarida biri var.
There is a boy outside.
- Disarida olmaniz güzel.
- glad to see you're out of jail.
Bunun sirasi degil simdi. Disarida adamlariniz bekliyor.
That's nothing to talk about now, with a gang of men waiting outside.
Disarida da onu öldürecekler Ben karsiydim ama ne yapabilirdim
Outside they're gonna shoot him down? - I fought them, but what could I do?
Dex disarida.
Oex is outside.
Uluslarin anlayisini disarida biraktigimiza göre zehri kilitlemis olduk.
And so we've locked out the understanding of nations... ... and we've locked in the poison.
Disarida bekleyeyim.
I'm gonna go outside and wait.
Bes dakika sonra disarida bulusalim.
I'll meet you in the street in five minutes.
Disarida toplanin!
Fall in outside!
Yardimciniz disarida.
Your deputy's outside.
Bubber Reeves disarida serbestken. Allah bilir nerede.
Bubber Reeves running around loose, God knows where.
lçerideyken fïrtïna sadece dïsarïda.
Storm only outside when inside.
Bay Twain dïsarïda yemeyi tercih eder.
Mr. Twain prefers to eat out.
Ve dïsarïda kal.
And stay out.
Disarida konusalim.
Let's talk outside.
- Gel disarida kahve icelim.
- Let's have a cup of coffee outside.
Disarida bekler misin?
Hang on. Will you wait outside?
Disarida bir sürü erkek var. Seçiciyim.
There are a lot of men out there.
Disarida bekledim ve o sisman kadinin senin evine girdigini gördüm.
I waited outside and I saw that fat woman go into your apartment.
- Geri isteyecegini düsündüm. - Disarida.
- I thought you'd want it back.
Disarida ver.
- Outside. Give it to me outside.
Disarida yalniz ve korkmus bir sekilde.
Ronnie's alive, and he's out there, alone and scared.
Disarida ne ariyoruz?
What are we doing out here?
- O disarida sen buradasin.
He's out there, and you're in here.
Çocuklar disarida büyük bir 29 vakasi var!
Uh, guys, we got a major code 29 right outside.
Disarida tanimadigimiz koca bir dünya var.
There's a whole world out there we don't know about.
Disarida kalmayin öyle.
Don't stay out there.
Disarida para!
Out with the money!
Biri disarida yaprak yakiyor.
Somebody's burning leaves outside.
Her seyi kopyalarken onu disarida tut.
You got to keep him out long enough to copy everything.
Disarida Bulusuruz, olur mu?
I'll meet you outside, okay?
Gerçegin ortaya çikmasi lazim, Onlar duymak istemeyeBilirler, ama disarida kulak vereçek insanlar var,
The truth has to come out. They may not want to hear it... but there's people outside who'll listen.
Ben Ön kapidan çikiyorum, Disarida gÖrüsürüz,
I'm going out the front door. I'll see you outside.
Rogue, ben disarida olacagim.
Rogue, I'll be outside.
Where is it? - Out there.
Ben disarida park yerinde beklerken, hisselerin çoguna sahip olan Manuel Pla... su an toplanti salonunda Nova'nin baskani Sert'e meydan okuyor.
Today, majority shareholder Manuel Pla is challenging Nova president Sert... inside the boardroom, while I stand out here in the parking lot.
Disarida bir zenci var senin arabani caliyor.
There's a black guy outside breaking into your car.
Disarida yaptigim is bundan iyiydi diyemem. Ama en azindan her gece eve gidip... o guzel kokunun yaninda uzanabiliyordum.
The job I had on the outside wasn't much better than this... but at least I got to go home every night... and lie down next to that sweet smell, man.
su anda disarida.
He's out at the moment.
- Evet, biri disarida.
- Yeah, one of'em's out.
Çamasir disarida. Kapilar acik.
Laundry's out, door's unlocked.
- bu kapi onu disarida tutar mi?
- Will that door keep him out?
Butun bunlardan once sen su disarida ki tabelayi onar bana yuklenme
If you're such a big shot... flix the neon sign you installed for me!
O burada olmali Arabasi disarida!
He has to be here. His car is parked outside!
Haklisin Biz disarida bekleyecegiz onu
You're right. We'll wait outside.
Why ain't you outside there with all your little friends, hollering'?
I won't leave him out in the cold.

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