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Yakaladim Çeviri İngilizce

51 parallel translation
I got you.
Yakaladim seni.
I got you. L...
Bidwelller'in hiç sahip olamadigi bir firsat yakaladim.
I've got a chance to be something the Bidwells never were.
Suçüstü yakaladim.
Caught you in the act.
Onu öpüsürken yakaladim.
I caught him out here smooching.
Yakaladim onu!
I got him!
Josey Wales'i yakaladim!
I got me Josey Wales!
Simdi yakaladim.
Now I gotcha!
Bu sefer seni yakaladim, seni dumanli serseri.
This time I got you, you lousy, stinking...
Yakaladim seni ufaklik.
Gotcha, shorty.
Bir öykü yakaladim.
I have a story.
- Frekansini yakaladim.
- l've got his frequency.
I got him!
Annecim topu yakaladim Topu- -
- All right! Mama, I got the football!
Sorun yok. Yakaladim onu.
It's okay. I got her!
Hadi koca adam. Yakaladim seni.
Come on, big guy. I've got you.
Aha! You can't escape it!
Yakaladim onu Mowgli! Gördün mü?
I got him, Mowgli!
Yakaladim onu.
Did you see?
Yakaladim onu, Colonel!
[Elephants shouts] I've got him, Colonel!
Yakaladim seni...
Biraz geç yakaladim çünkü tuvalette ellerimi yikamakla mesguldum ama tam zamaninda yakaladim.
I was late because I was in the bathroom washing my hands, but I got the gist.
- Elbette yakaladim.
of course i did.
Yakaladim seni!
Oh, seni yakaladim!
Oh, I got you!
Yakaladim seni.
I got you.
Bir anda üstüne çiktim, yakaladim.
Suddenly, I was on top of him. I grabbed him.
- "O benim dilim" - "Dilini yakaladim."
"That's my tongue." "I have your tongue."
Biseyler yakaladim, müsterimle ilglii de olabilir yada baska birileriyle...
I've picked up a tail. It could be my client or it could be somebody else onto them.
- Yakaladim!
- Gothlm!
Bu olayi sisteme girmeden evvel yakaladim.
I caught this thing before it got into the system.
- Yakaladim seni.
- Got you.
Firarinin uc acidan goruntusunu yakaladim.
Okay, I found a good three-quarters shot of our guy.
Onu telefonda yakaladim.
I caught her on the phone.
Buketi yakaladim mi?
Did I catch the bouquet?
simdi yakaladim seni Briggs.
I got you now, Briggs.
Yakaladim serefsizi!
Here is something.
I saw you.
Resit olmayan bir cocuk yakaladim burada ; 13 yasinda
I have a minor here ; he's 13.
Arkadaslariyla iceriye giriyorlardi yakaladim.
Caught him breaking in with his friends.
Bir yayin yakaladim
I caught a new broadcast. It's another loop.
En cok aranan suclulari yakaladim ben...
I've caught most wanted criminals...
Onlari yakaladim. Bunlar birkaç çocuk.
It's just some kids.
- Buradan yakaladim.
- Capturing from that.
I gotcha!

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