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Yakalayacagiz Çeviri İngilizce

10 parallel translation
Biz herkesi yakalayacagiz!
We'll bust eveybody!
Kagit fabrikasinda o asagilik herifi yakalayacagiz. Onun, neden hoslandigini, anladin mi!
We're gonna bag the son of a bitch at his factory, see how he likes it.
Yardim ariyor ve onu zaten bu sekilde yakalayacagiz.
He's looking for help and that's how we're gonna get him.
Otobuse binemeyecek, cunku onu yakalayacagiz.
She will not be on it because we will stop her.
Onu yakalayacagiz, onu yakalayacagiz!
We'll catch him, we catch him.
Bu serserileri bu sefer yakalayacagiz.
This time we'll nail these scumbags.
Içeri girdikten sonra onu yakalayacagiz.
We'll catch him after he goes inside
Onu yakalayacagiz, anladin mi?
We'll take it from there, understood?
Hepsini yakalayacagiz.
We're going to get all of them.
- Sinyali yakalayacagiz.
There is no coverage.

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