And died translate Spanish
14,846 parallel translation
♪ She lived in her liquor And died with a flicker
♪ Bebía demasiado Y murió repentinamente
Those young men went down to Mississippi and died doing the work the government hasn't been willing to do for 100 years.
Esos jóvenes fueron a Mississippi y murieron haciendo el trabajo que el gobierno no ha querido hacer en 100 años.
And died.
Y se murió.
She could not bear the shock and died.
No pudo soportar el choque y murió.
My ancestors fought and died there, actually.
Mis antepasados lucharon y murieron allí, en realidad.
We have autopsy reports here of all 29 dogs, most of whom contracted and died of the Parvo virus while under your care.
Aquí tenemos informes de la autopsia de los 29 perros, la mayoría de los cuales contrajeron parvovirus estando bajo su cuidado.
I know, when our family ruled this country, how many of them fought and died on the battlefield.
Sé que cuando nuestra familia gobernó este país... ¿ Cuántos de ellos pelearon y murieron en el campo de batalla?
And then he started again, and he got sick and died.
Y luego empezó de nuevo, y él se enfermó y murió.
Old man up and died some years back.
Viejo y muerto Algunos años atrás.
And she... died.
Y ella... murió.
and Mathilde died The same day.
Y Mathilde murió el mismo día.
Lots of people have got sick and they've died.
Mucha gente se ha enfermado y ha muerto.
And so after she died, stories started that if you went and knocked on her door she would come and get you.
Y después de que falleció, las historias comenzaron, que si ibas y tocabas a su puerta ella vendría por ti.
When Jody died, you were the guy that took care of me, and... - I will owe you forever for that.
Cuando murió Jody, fuiste el que se ocupó de mi, y... siempre estaré en deuda contigo por ello.
"She lost a brother when she was 16, " and both her parents died a few years ago.
Perdió a un hermano a los 16, y sus padres murieron hace unos años.
We were bombed, and we flee from Nigeria, we ran to the desert, we went Sahara Desert and many died.
Nosotros fuimos bombardeados, y huimos de Nigeria. Huímos al desierto, fuimos al Sahara y muchos murieron.
Only 30 were rescued and the rest died.
Sólo 30 fueron rescatados, y el resto murió.
No minister, no church, no Holy Willie who died in Valencia and we're not getting the tree back?
No hay cura, no hay iglesia, ni tipo santurrón que la palmó en Valencia, ni los alemanes nos van a devolver el árbol.
After that, Mitch and I had a joke, which one of us was gonna be the last man standing, and Mitch got lucky, died in his sleep.
Después de eso, Mitch y yo bromeábamos... sobre cuál de nosotros seria el último en quedar vivo. Mitch tuvo suerte, murió mientras dormía.
And my dad died when he was 50 years old.
mi papá muerto cuándo tenia50 años.
And one more thing... Tell her that her mother died.
Y una cosa más... dile que su madre ha muerto.
And if his daughter had died?
¿ Y si su hija hubiera muerto?
The night Beth died and last night.
La noche en que Beth murió y anoche.
My folks, they told me to reach for the stars, and then my pals in the force said reach for the brass ring, and then my wife died, and I reached for whatever came in a gallon and cost a buck fifty.
Mis padres decían que apunte al cielo y mis compañeros de la policía decían que busque el gran premio luego, mi esposa murió y lo único que busqué venía de a cuatro litros y salía 1,50 dólares.
But, yeah, she died in a crash and then two days later, her aunt goes to her house to clean out the place, and lo and behold, alive and well, Misty Mountains.
Pero, sí, murió en un accidente automovilístico y dos días más tarde su tía fue a su casa a limpiarla y ¡ qué sorpresa! Vivita y coleando, Misty Mountains.
- And she died.
- Y ella murió.
A person who died in an accident, without relatives, of similar age, height and build.
Una persona que murió en un accidente, sin familiares, de edad, altura y contextura similares.
And Richard died because he loved me too much.
Y Richard murió porque me amó demasiado
It's like I died and went to gamer heaven.
Es como si hubiera muerto y estuviera en el cielo de los videojuegos.
Everybody died but me, Wilson and Stone.
Todos murieron, excepto yo, Wilson y Stone.
Cashew, my phone died, and I was not about to walk across campus with this.
Cashew. Mi teléfono murió y no iba a caminar por el campus así.
And there died my Icarus, my blossom... .. in his pride.
Y aquí yace mi Ícaro, mi vástago... en toda su gloria.
Would I had died a maid And never seen thee, never borne thee son, Seeing thou hast proved so unnatural a father.
¡ Ojalá hubiese muerto doncella, sin nunca conocerte o darte un hijo, pues demuestras ser un padre desalmado!
But he, poor man, by your first order died, And that a winged Mercury did bear,
Pero mató al infeliz vuestro primer decreto... que un alado Mercurio hizo llegar.
And only in that safety died her brothers.
Por esa seguridad murieron sus hermanos.
I fell from this cliff before, and I died.
He caído de este acantilado antes y morí.
Instead of a six, I fell into the water. - And I died.
En lugar del seis, caí al agua y morí.
And because of that, died.
Y debido a eso, ha muerto.
So, Hank's mom died when he was very, very little, and so it makes him upset to think about her.
La mamá de Hank murió cuando era muy pequeñito... así que lo entristece pensar en ella.
His wife died almost instantly and the little boy lingered on for a few more days before joining his mother.
Su esposa murió casi al instante y el hijo resistió unos días más antes de unirse a su madre.
So, Gregory Lancaster, 75, died at home last night from pneumonia attended by his doctor and surrounded by his family.
Gregory Lancaster, 75, murió en su casa anoche de neumonía... atendido por su médico y rodeado de su familia.
And it's where he wanted to be when he died.
Y es donde quería estar cuando muriera.
Her disease had caused considerable damage when she died. And it took too long to properly cryonize her.
La enfermedad le había causado un gran deterioro cuando murió y además tardaron demasiado en crionizarla.
And that's why they all died.
Y es por eso que todos murieron.
But they did and our invasion died with them.
Pero lo hicieron y nuestra invasión murió con ellos.
Soraya's husband was the teacher at School... and he died in the wave along with my brother Tigo and the rest of the class.
El marido de Soraya era el maestro de la escuela, Murió junto a mi hermano Tigo y el resto de la clase.
You said Clive Kaiser died and left this property to me? Yes.
Espere. ¿ Dice que Clive Kaiser murió y me dejó esta propiedad a mí?
I have two memories of my senior year. The hospital where my mom and I waited as my dad died.
De mi último año, tengo dos recuerdos... el cuarto de hospital donde con mi madre esperamos la muerte de mi padre.
And then she died.
Y luego murió.
He spoke to you, and then he died.
Él te habló, y luego murió.
The daughter died. And this preppy, rich ass family.. .. pays him off.
La hija muere, y esta familia burguesa y rica... le paga.
died 275
died in 24
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
died in 24
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17