And d translate Spanish
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Considering both victims were stalked and dumped in the same location, I'd say there's a good chance that it's nearby.
Teniendo en cuenta que las víctimas fueron vigiladas y abandonadas en la misma zona, yo diría que es muy posible que esté cerca.
I thought I'd stop in and... and check on you guys.
Se me ocurrió parar a preguntarte cómo estaban.
They'd work together and, uh... figure out who... else to blame.
Trabajarían juntos y pensarían a quién... culpar.
And I guess I'd be weighed down lugging it anyway.
Y supongo que estaría agobiada llevándolo a cuestas de todos modos.
There are many moments I would like to relive and many ill's I'd like to fix.
Hay muchos instantes que me gustaría revivir y muchos males que me gustarían subsanar.
She asked us if we'd mind, and... Particularly me.
Nos preguntó si nos importaba y particularmente a mí.
Now, if you wake up Saturday morning and there's still been no change, I'd be confident the serum is completely ineffective.
Bien, si te despiertas el sábado por la mañana y sigue sin haber cambios, confiaría en que el suero es completamente ineficaz.
Well, no suicide note, and she'd just booked a vacation to Hawaii.
Bueno, no hay una nota de suicidio, y acababa de reservar unas vacaciones a Hawái.
And you wish you'd never had me.
Y desearías nunca haberme tenido.
And what'd you say?
¿ Y qué dijiste?
And I wish you'd had a little of that comfort and protection left over for me.
Y ojalá hubieras dejado un poco de ese consuelo y protección para mí.
If we had helped you find the spiritual strength you needed, things might be easier now. And you'd know... Mark is in a better place.
De haberte ayudado a hallar la fuerza espiritual que necesitabas, las cosas podrían ser más fáciles ahora, y sabrías que Mark está en un lugar mejor.
And that would be terrible, but he'd want you to move on.
Sería terrible, pero él querría que rehicieras tu vida.
That I'd never stop proving myself to her, and that I'd never, ever stop loving her.
Que nunca dejaría de esforzarme por ella, y que jamás dejaría de amarla.
She's the love of my life, and I know she'd take a bullet for me.
Es el amor de mi vida. Recibiría un tiro por mí.
The other Kings and Queens who died... we'd always just thought it was just infighting.
Los otros reyes y reinas que murieron... siempre creímos que era por lucha interna.
And if they had employment on the ship, then you'd let them travel?
¿ Si tuvieran empleo en el barco, las dejarían viajar?
He came round and said to Mama that if she married him, he'd be able to get you out.
Se acercó y le dijo a mamá que si se casaba con él, sería capaz de sacarte.
I think she feels your arrest may have been, in some small way, her fault, and I think she'd like to help if she can.
Creo que ella siente que su arresto... puede haber sido, en alguna pequeña forma, su culpa, y creo que le gustaría ayudar si puede.
If you could get a photo and piece in The Daily, Tom, I'd be incredibly grateful.
Si pudieras conseguir una foto y ponerla en The Daily, Tom, te estaría increíblemente agradecido.
And Peter says he'd like you to marry me.
Y Peter dice que le gustaría que te casaras conmigo.
You'd be mostly looking at land, buildings, and utilities.
Eso sería, en su mayoría, terrenos, edificios y servicios.
Eventually they'd have to shutter some schools, leading to overpopulated classrooms and forced free periods.
Tendrán que cerrar escuelas, lo que produciría salones sobrepoblados y horas libres forzosas.
And it's where I always thought I would take you when you'd earned the promotion to Head of Crim.
Y es a donde siempre pensé que te iba a traer cuando te ganaras el puesto de jefe de criminales.
And I'd like to talk about it.
Y me gustaría hablar de eso.
We'd only gone a few miles before Richard and James completely changed their minds and realised that The Excellent was the best car they'd ever been in.
Solo habíamos hecho unos pocos kilómetros... Antes de que Richard y James cambiaran totalmente de idea Y se dieran cuenta de que "El Excelente" era el mejor auto...
I'd mended my dog and things were going well here too.
Había arreglado mi perro... Y las cosas andaban bien aquí también
I'd successfully welded two cars to the seabed, and that was good.
Eh, yo había soldado de forma exitosa dos autos al lecho marino... Y eso estaba bien
We'd now lost four cars, a boat and our raft.
Habíamos perdido cuatro autos, un barco y nuestra balsa
And we'd just like to say no coral was damaged while we were building our reef.
Y nos gustaría agregar que ningún coral fue dañado... Mientras fabricábamos nuestro arrecife
Once again, I'd managed to coax my car into some kind of life and I was on my way.
Una vez más logré inyectar a mi auto algo de vida Y estaba en camino
The only reason you'd buy the Bentley is cos your hip-hop record's gone to number one, and the only reason you'd buy the Jag is cos you can't afford a Range Rover.
La única razón por la que comprarías el Bentley... Es porque tu disco de hip-hop llegó al puesto número uno Y la única razón por la que comprarías el Jag...
They calculated the odds from our last jump point, guessed that we'd drop out near the closest station, and they guessed right.
Calcularon las posibilidades desde nuestro último punto de salto, supusieron que saldríamos junto a la estación más cercana y acertaron.
And, like you, I didn't believe he'd actually do it.
Y al igual que tú, no creí que realmente fuera a hacerlo.
If I did that, there'd be nothing to stop these intruders from making their way to the lab, shooting you both, and taking the Blink Drive for themselves.
Si lo hiciera, nada evitaría que estos intrusos llegaran al laboratorio, les dispararan a los dos, y se llevaran el Impulsor Instantáneo.
Well,'bout as well as you'd expect, which is somewhere between hopeless and terrible.
Bueno, tan bien como cabría esperar, lo cual es algo entre desesperado y terrible.
- And I'd say it's working.
- Y yo diría que está funcionando.
And they'd help us?
¿ Y nos ayudarían?
I'd like to announce the conspirators have been caught and set a date for their trial by the end of the week.
Quiero anunciar que los conspiradores han sido atrapados y que la fecha de su juicio sea al final de esta semana.
I'd say "the one and only," but lately, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Diría el "único e incomparable", pero últimamente parece que no es el caso.
Do you know that when Four downloaded his old memories, he started avoiding me, almost like he knew something about my past and he didn't want to put himself in a position so he'd have to tell me.
¿ Sabes que cuando Cuatro descargó sus antiguos recuerdos, empezó a evitarme? Casi como si supiera algo sobre mi pasado y no quisiera estar en la posición de tener que decírmelo.
The only Baron who'd care is mine and I killed him already, remember?
El único Barón que me importa es el mío y ya lo maté, ¿ recuerdas?
We'd go on these disaster missions, but the guy had allergies, asthma, and we'd end up having to take care of him.
Nos embarcábamos en misiones desastrosas, pero tenía alergias y asma y siempre terminábamos teniendo que cuidarlo.
When she finally did show up, she'd be stoned, just completely out of her mind, and she's say how sorry she was and that she'd make it up to me, and I let her.
Y cuando por fin llegaba estaba drogada, totalmente incoherente, totalmente incoherente, diciendo que lo sentía mucho y que me lo compensaría y yo se lo permitía.
Right now I'd take it black, cold, and too weak to defend itself.
Ahora mismo lo tomaría negro, frío y demasiado débil para defenderse.
I'd shake the mattresses and sweep the floor out for scorpions and such.
Yo sacudiría el colchón y barrería el suelo por los escorpiones y esas cosas.
And I'd like you to help us with the other people.
Y me gustaría que nos ayudara con la otra gente.
I told your dad I'd get you to bed by 9 : 00 PM and he's coming back soon, so...
Le dije a tu papá que irías a dormir a las 21 h y va a regresar pronto, así que...
The legend of the marmot is that, the marmot promised he'd never drink water, or eat grass, would never go out in the dark, would stay in his hole, and in order to keep his promise, he cut off his thumb.
La leyenda de la marmota es que la marmota prometió que nunca bebería agua ni comería pasto, que no saldría en la oscuridad, que se quedaría en su agujero, y para cumplirlo, se cortó el pulgar.
And I don't care what they tell you in Washington D.C. Because no man sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office in 2016 has given us that right.
No me importa qué les digan en Washington D.C., porque nadie sentado en un escritorio en la Oficina Oval en 2016 nos dio ese derecho.
When I agreed to follow you cross-country to chase your ex-boyfriend, I didn't realize I'd be thrown out of a plane, scavenging for my belongings and fighting a snake for my favorite pants.
Cuando acepté seguirte por todo el país para perseguir a tu exnovio no contaba con que me tirarían de un avión, que hurgaría entre mis cosas y que me pelearía con una serpiente por mis pantalones favoritos.
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and damn it 17
and did she 20
and did you 118
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and damn it 17
and did she 20
and did you 118