And drink translate Spanish
14,483 parallel translation
You two would have rather stay out here and drink than go home and be with your babies?
¿ Vosotros dos preferís estar por ahí y beber que ir a casa y estar con vuestros bebés?
We go mountain biking and drink mint chip shakes at midnight.
Vamos en bici y bebemos batidos de menta por la noche.
My plan is to sit here and drink the majority of this vodka and get remarkably wasted and watch the world end.
Mi plan es sentarme aquí y beber la mayor parte de este vodka y ser muy perdido y ver el fin del mundo.
I suppose we could bottle that rage and drink it instead.
Imagino que podríamos embotellar esa rabia y beber eso en su lugar.
I thought the point was to wear cute winter outfits and drink hot toddies.
Creía que el objetivo era llevar ropa bonita y beber ponche caliente.
For the paying public, it's a place to watch improv and drink watered-down margaritas for 8.99.
Para el público que paga, es un lugar para ver improvisación y beber margaritas aguadas por $ 8.99.
Oh, you could rent a hut on the beach and drink out of coconuts.
Podrías alquilar una cabaña en la playa y beber en cocos.
Look, Peter, I'm sorry Quagmire moved away, but you can't just sit around the house and drink all day.
Mira, Peter, lamento que Quagmire se mudara pero no puedes solo sentarte en la casa a beber todo el día.
Now, if you all would abide by that, I'd be honored to buy you and your boys a drink, soon as I'm done with my business here.
Ahora bien, si están dispuestos a acatarlas, me complacerá invitarle a usted y a sus chicos a un trago, en cuanto termine con mis asuntos aquí.
And you, go drink some tea or something.
Y tú, ve a beberte un té o algo.
Well, mormons respect authority, don't drink or take drugs, spend time in foreign countries, and they speak several languages.
Bueno, los mormones respetan la autoridad, no beben ni se drogan pasan tiempo en países extranjeros y hablan varias lenguas.
Now, let's be a couple of outlaws and get me a fucking drink.
Ahora, seamos un par de forajidos y consígueme una puta bebida.
And I've never done that before. Was it a drink this man bought you?
¿ Fue en la bebida que este hombre le compró?
I can drink it all night, and I do.
Puedo beberlo toda la noche, y lo hago.
Gonna finish my drink and then I'm gonna go.
Voy a terminar mi copa y después me iré.
And Timmy already premiered his drink.
Y Timmy ya estrenó su bebida.
I mean, the longer it takes to make a drink, the less drinks you make, and time is money.
Es decir, cuanto más tiempo se tarda en preparar una bebida, menos bebidas preparas, y el tiempo es dinero.
Oh. I was in the neighborhood, and I just figured we'd grab a drink after the game.
Estaba por el vecindario y pensé que podíamos tomar algo después del partido.
When he does not show up for drink and whores, the knights will come looking for us.
Cuando no se presente a disfrutar de unos tragos y de unas putas, los caballeros comenzarán a buscarnos.
I can sit here and have a drink with a friend if I want to, because I'm not an alcoholic.
Puedo sentarme aquí y tomar un trago con un amigo si quiero porque yo no soy una alcohólica.
If you eat, like, 1,000 calories and only drink warm water, you'll totally lose weight but keep muscle.
Si comes, como, 1000 calorías y sólo beber agua tibia perderás peso totalmente pero mantendrás músculo.
Buy me another drink, and I'll tell you everything.
Invítame a otra copa, y te lo contaré todo.
So you have open defecation that puts toxins into the ground water, which in turn affects the water kids drink, and the food that grows that they eat.
Durante generaciones han comulgado con la naturaleza. La defecación pública es tóxica para las aguas subterráneas... afectando el agua que beben y la comida que comen.
Want to get a drink tonight and celebrate?
Quiere un trago para celebrar?
I got two things on my to-do list... To get a drink and a hot shower, in that order.
Tengo dos cosas en mi lista de cosas que hacer... tomar un trago y una ducha caliente, en ese orden.
I had my drink, and now I want my shower.
Me he tomado el trago, y ahora quiero mi ducha.
It's actually not a problem because I've been cooped up in this apartment all day and I think it would be kinda fun to sneak out to get a drink.
En realidad no hay ningún problema porque he estado enjaulada en este apartamento todo el día y creo que sería divertido escaparme para tomar una copa.
- drink and look at pretty women.
- beber y ver mujeres bonitas.
'So we went to our overnight hotel and had a drink there.'
Asi que fuimos al hotel donde pasábamos la noche a tomar un trago allí
He'll come, he'll drink, he'll win some money and go away happy.
Vendrá, beberá, ganará algún dinero y se irá feliz.
Well, why don't we all have a drink, and we can talk about it?
Necesita humedad uniforme Le pongo mucha agua
We fill it up for you on your birthday, and you drink all night for free.
Llenamos para arriba para usted en su cumpleaños, y se bebe toda la noche de forma gratuita.
And if you drink some ginseng alcohol your stamina, which was down here, can rise up like this.
si bebe algo de alcohol de ginseng puede levantarse.
We work til we sweat, drink beer, and eat this good food.
bebemos cerveza y comemos esta gran comida.
Can't a woman come to a bar for a drink and a little self-reflection?
No puede una venir al bar por una copa, y un poco de reflexión?
Drink this three times a day and come back and see me if it doesn't kill you.
Toma esto tres veces al día y regresa a verme si no te mata.
And yet you gladly drink her potion.
Y todavía con gusto tomaste su poción.
Maybe we could go for a drink and talk some more.
Podríamos tomar algo y hablar mas.
Go and grab us a drink, luv.
Id, tomar una copa, amor.
Why don't you heroes go and have a drink in the Empire?
¿ Por qué no van los héroes a tomar algo al Empire?
And somethin'to drink, please? Something... "
¿ Y algo de beber, por favor? ".
- Yeesh. If you wanna blow off work, I'm probably just gonna sit on the couch, drink beer, and watch old episodes of Horsin'Around. Hmm.
Si quieres faltar al trabajo, yo me quedaré en el sillón bebiendo cerveza y viendo viejos episodios de Retozando.
And I didn't drink tonight, so everything's totally legal.
- Y no bebí nada de alcohol. - Así que todo es legal.
I only drink with friends, and, unless this isn't abundantly clear, I don't like you.
Solo bebo con amigos, y, por si no ha quedado bastante claro, no me gustas.
You told me to drink, so I drank, and now I'm cleaning up.
Me dijiste que bebiera, por lo que bebí, y ahora estoy limpiando.
Now let's just have a drink and put this all behind us.
Solo tomémonos un trago y pongamos esto a nuestras espaldas.
You drink beer and you watch football.
- Bebes cerveza y ves futbol.
I owned a bar and I wasn't even old enough to drink.
Era dueño de un bar, cuando ni siquiera tenía edad para beber.
As if we'd want to drink cheap beer out of plastic and then brag about it all over the Internet.
Como si quisiéramos beber en vasos de plástico barato y luego alardear de ello por todo Internet.
We promised them a night of drink and conversation.
Les prometimos una noche de bebida y conversación.
I even had this really dumb plan that we were gonna drink hot whiskeys and watch "it's a wonderful life" together, yet here we are.
Incluso tenía un estúpido plan en el que tomábamos whiskey caliente y veíamos "La vida es bella" juntos, sin embargo aquí estamos.
and drinking 16
drink 1827
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking beer 18
drinking wine 19
drink your drink 16
drink 1827
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking beer 18
drinking wine 19
drink your drink 16
drink some water 60
drink it 243
drink the water 19
drinks on me 39
drink with me 19
drink up 432
drinks are on me 60
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it 243
drink the water 19
drinks on me 39
drink with me 19
drink up 432
drinks are on me 60
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it up 21
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did you 118
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did you 118