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As your maker translate Spanish

38 parallel translation
- But... - As your maker, I command you.
- Pero- - - ¡ Como tu creador, te lo ordeno!
As your maker, I command you.
Como tu creador, te lo ordeno.
As your maker...
Como tu creador...
As your Maker I command you.
Como tu creador, yo te lo ordeno.
As your maker, I release you.
Como tu creador, te libero.
As your maker, I command you!
Como tu creador, ¡ te lo ordeno!
As your maker,
Como tu creador,
As your maker, I command you.
Como tu creadora, te lo ordeno.
Pam went all, "As your maker, I command you" on me.
Pam fue con todo su "como tu creadora, te lo ordeno" sobre mí.
Just say the words, "As your maker, I release you."
Solo di las palabras "como tu creador te libero."
As your maker... I release you.
Como tu creador te libero.
As your maker, I command you to go along with my security team.
Como tu creador, te ordeno que acompañes al equipo de seguridad.
As your maker, I command you to never speak of Sheriff Stormer and his untimely true death.
Como tu creadora, te ordeno que nunca hables del Sheriff Stormer y su inoportuna muerte verdadera.
- As your maker, I command- -
- Como tu creador, te ordeno...
- No. As your maker, I command you.
Como tu creador, te lo ordeno.
As your maker, I command you to resist the urge to kill me.
Como tu creador te ordeno que resistas el deseo de matarme.
You say the words "As your maker, I release you" and it's done.
Pues dices "Como tu creador, te libero" y ya está.
As your maker- -
Como tu creador...
As your maker, I command you, come with me.
Como tu creador, te lo ordeno, ven conmigo.
As your maker, I command you... later.
Como tu creador, te lo ordeno... más tarde.
As your maker, Jessica... I release you.
Como tu creador, Jessica... te libero.
As your maker.
Como su creador...
As you stand you'll go before your Maker ill conditioned!
¡ Tal como sois apareceréis ante el Creador con desventaja!
I thought it was a a terrible travesty that he should be awarded a a peace prize when in fact he was a war maker not a not a war in der adapted Kissinger what would you say was the high point of your tenure as Secretary of State and i
Es una terrible paradoja que haya sido premiado por haber hecho la paz, Cuando en realidad lo que hacía era crear guerras, no terminarlas. Sr. Kissinger ¿ Cuál fue su punto más alto como secretario de Estado?
"So I am returning your kind gift of a coffee maker, cos as it turns out, the man to whom I was engaged is a deceitful, sex-crazed jackass."
Te devuelvo tu bonito regalo, porque resulta que el hombre con el que me iba a casar era un cabrón adicto al sexo.
They're taking your bomb maker out in pieces as we speak.
Ellos agarraron a tu fabricador de bombas... en pedazos mientras hablamos.
I would ask if your robot is prepared to meet its maker but as you are its maker, clearly the two of you have met.
Preguntaría si tu robot está listo para conocer al creador, pero como eres tú evidentemente ya se conocen.
Just as you liked enticing all those starving men with your flesh, luring them into your maker's clutches so that he could murder them, and defile their bodies in unspeakable ways as you watched.
Tal y como tu disfrutaste tentando a aquellos hombres hambrientos con tu carne, atrayendolos a las garras de tu creador para que él pudiera asesinarlos, y contaminar sus cuerpos en formas indescriptibles como has visto.
As honored as I am to be your man-maker, I just feel like you should get out there, you know?
Aunque ha sido un honor ser la que te convierta en un hombre, siento que tienes que salir por ahí, ¿ sabes?
As your new personal assistant - slash-style maker, it's my job to help you find the ideal catchphrase for your brand.
Como tu nueva asistente personal de estilo, es mi trabajo ayudarte a encontrar el eslogan ideal para tu marca.
Well, you know, I did tell you that can have your rain forest hair goop back as soon as I get my ice cream maker.
Bueno, tú sabes, yo te dije que puedes volver a tener tu pegote capilar de selva tropical ni bien me devuelvas mi máquina de hacer helados.
" As your baby's maker,
" Como creador de su bebé,
Your Honor, Mr. Maker accepts all of the allegations and enhancements at this time and pleads guilty as charged.
Su señoría, el señor Maker acepta todos los alegatos y agravantes en este momento y se declara culpable de todos los cargos.
You may as well go to your maker with a clear conscience.
Sería mejor que te reunieras con el creador con la conciencia limpia.
Unless, as a man of God, you don't fear death, and you're content in your convictions and prepared to meet your maker, right here and right now.
Salvo que, como religioso, no le tema a la muerte esté conforme con sus convicciones y preparado para conocer a su creador.

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