But there are translate Spanish
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I'm sorry, but there are no more flights scheduled for this evening.
Lo siento, pero no hay más vuelos programados para esta tarde. - Si contacta a- -
The townspeople may all be hiding but there are plenty of animals around.
Puede que la gente de la ciudad se haya escondido pero no los animales del bosque y las montañas.
I'm not sure if Vaughn explained to you the full extent of how our list is generated, but there are statistical probabilities attached to each of the potential zombies we've given you.
No sé bien si Vaughn te ha explicado con detalle cómo generamos nuestra lista, pero hay probabilidades estadísticas asociadas a cada uno de los zombis potenciales que te hemos dado.
Well, The Polygraph Protection Act keeps an employer from forcing you to take a lie detector test, but there are exceptions.
Bueno, la Ley de Protección de Polígrafo mantiene un empleador de lo que obligó a tomar una prueba de detector de mentiras, pero hay excepciones.
But there are laws of space and time that you just seem to be blowing off.
Pero hay leyes del tiempo y el espacio que parece que simplemente te estás saltando.
Well, no one has committed per se, but there are some interested parties.
Bueno, no se ha comprometido nadie, pero hay gente interesada.
I know we've been fiercest rivals both on screen and off, but there are certain things that even the fiercest rivals do not do to one another!
Sé que hemos estado rivales más feroces tanto en pantalla como fuera, pero hay ciertas cosas que incluso los rivales más feroces no hagas a los otros!
I mean, they're not, they're not difficult on paper. I hate them but there are people all over the world who have it tougher than me. You know, like...
O sea, no son, no son difíciles en teoría, las odio pero hay gente por todo el mundo que lo tiene más difícil que yo.
I know you don't want to believe this, but there are people in the NSA who want us to be better.
Sé que no quiere creer esto, pero hay gente en la NSA que quieren que seamos mejor.
No clue, but there are no external incisions, period, end of story.
Ni idea, pero no hay incisiones externas, punto, fin de la historia.
That may be true, but there are a lot of people out there with them.
Eso puede ser verdad, pero hay mucha gente ahí fuera con ellos.
You know, being a model's a very interesting job, but there are other good ones out there.
Ser modelo es un trabajo interesante, pero hay otros trabajos interesantes. Lo sé.
I understand, but there are children
Lo entiendo, pero hay niños
Pictures of blue whales are rare, they're the biggest animal ever to live on the planet, but there are only a few underwater pictures that exist today.
Fotos de ballenas azules son raras. Es el animal más grande que jamás haya existido en el planeta, pero hay pocas imágenes submarinas existentes, donde se puede ver al animal.
But there are a lot of good people, including Mom, who are working really hard to make sure we get to celebrate plenty more Christmases.
Pero hay mucha gente buena, incluyendo a mamá, que están trabajando muy duro para asegurarse que lleguemos a celebrar muchas más navidades.
Uh, Maestro, there's one more thing, and I don't want to be a nag, but the lawyers are wondering when you're gonna sign those papers.
Uh, Maestro, hay una cosa más, y no quiero ser una molestia, pero los abogados se preguntan cuando va a firmar los papeles.
But the point is, there's nothing about it that means Tweek and Craig Are actually gay at all.
Pero el punto es, no dice nada al respecto sobre de que Tweek y Craig sean realmente gay del todo.
Keeping our country safe has become more and more difficult, but I believe there are several things...
mantener a nuestro pais seguro es una tarea muy dificil pero creo que hay varias... No!
There are people who know, but they have to stay very hidden. I'm just having a hard time swallowing all this. And between me and this one over here, we can swallow just about anything.
hay personas que lo saben, pero tienen que ocultarse tengo dificultad para tragarlo y entre yo y ella, podemos tragar de todo dios, eres un ano
I know that the newsmen in there are trying to help, too. But now I'm going to tell you something very important, Jimmy.
sé que los reporteros estan intentando ayudar, tambien pero ahora te dire algo muy importante, Jimmy.
Well, I wanted to get you a bazooka, but, apparently, there are laws.
Quería comprarte una bazooka... pero aparentemente hay leyes.
I get that your cell wasn't working, but you are aware there are other phones you could have used.
Me sale que su celular no funcionaba, pero eres consciente hay otros teléfonos que podría haber utilizado.
Well, I was, but only to write you an apology, and now that it appears I've broken into your office, there are two things I need to apologize for.
Bueno, yo era, pero sólo a escribir una disculpa, y ahora que parece que tengo irrumpido en su oficina, hay dos cosas I tenga que disculparse.
All the other guys are still there, unrolling their sleeping bags, but not me.
Los demás chios siguen allí abriendo sus sacos de dormir, pero yo no.
There are some risks, but- -
Hay algún riesgo, pero...
I ran Koslow's telephonics, and there are a bunch of calls to Victoria Wasson, but the odd thing is, there's even more calls to Lauren Wasson.
Ejecuté los registros telefónicos de Koslow... y hay un montón de llamadas a Victoria Wasson... pero lo extraño es... que incluso hay más llamadas a Lauren Wasson.
He and Tony are sure the Shilluk were with the missing doctors, but there's nothing to indicate where they went next.
Él y Tony están seguros de que los Shilluk estaban con los médicos desaparecidos pero no hay nada que indique a dónde han ido.
Very clever, but by my count, there are thirteen at The Last Supper.
Muy inteligente, pero según mis cuentas, son trece en la Última Cena.
Indeed there are, but this is the only one I found involving a soldier from a small town by the name of Singer's Glen.
De hecho existen, pero ésta es la única que encontré que implica un soldado de un pequeño pueblo con el nombre de "Singer's Glen".
people say that konbu is good for hair growth but since there is no real scientific proof its real effects are yet to be confirmed.
He escuchado que el kombu fomenta la salud del cabello pero no hay evidencia científica que apoye la idea de que hace crecer el pelo.
You're upset that Carter and I are growing closer, but there is nothing you can do about it.
Te molesta que Carter y yo nos estemos acercando, pero no hay nada que puedas hacer.
But Homecoming is for fun and friends, and my parents are just gonna be so... There.
Pero la Reunión es para divertirse con los amigos, y mis padres van a estar... ahí.
And I know those VHS tapes are hard to get, - but they have them there. - Mm.
Y sé que los casetes VHS son muy difíciles de conseguir, y ellos los tienen ahí.
There are also calves in the herd, but they are well-protected.
Hay bueyes en el hato, pero están bien protegidos.
There's no real evidence that it ever existed, but the more the theories are repeated, the more credence they have and...
No hay pruebas reales de que haya existido, pero cuanto más se repiten... las teorías, más credibilidad tienen y...
Honey, that might have worked when they were little but they're grown now, and you are not always gonna be there to fix things.
La miel, que podrían haber trabajado cuando eran pequeños pero están cultivadas actualmente, y usted no es siempre va a estar ahí para arreglar las cosas.
And... well, look, I'll shut up now, but yes, there was tension, and now there isn't, because here we are saying there shouldn't be.
Y... bueno, mira, ya me callo, pero sí, había atracción... y ya no la hay, porque estamos aquí diciendo que no debería haberla.
But if there are any more infractions, I'm gonna have to report you. ( gobbling )
Pero si hay más infracciones, tendré que reportarlos.
No. The lads are searching his house, but there's nothing there so far.
No, están buscando en su casa, pero no hay nada allí hasta ahora.
Yeah, and I would've taken you there, but... They are closed for Hanukkah.
Sí, y te habría llevado, pero... han cerrado por Hanukkah.
There are times that I have hated my brother, but I could not betray him like this.
hay veces que he odiado a mi hermano, pero no puedo traicionarlo asi.
We are almost there. But I am getting no readings.
Debemos llegar pronto, pero no recibo una lectura.
But, see, now, now there are B-2 bombers,
Pero, verá, ahora hay bombarderos B-2, ataqie de PEM, ICBM
There are more members on the review board but the four of us here today will be handling your interview.
Hay muchos miembros en el Comité de Selección pero nosotros cuatro seremos los que te entrevistaremos hoy.
There are rodents everywhere, but hunting here is no picnic.
Hay roedores por todas partes, pero la caza aquí es fácil.
There are those who were as silver, a lesser metal, but worthy of coinage.
Hubo algunos que fueron como la plata un metal menor, pero digno de acuñar.
There's about five quarts of blood in the human body and, you know, there's no evidence of that, but we certainly can argue and we are going to argue "where is the blood?"
Hay unos cinco litros de sangre en el cuerpo humano. De acuerdo, no hay prueba de eso, y podemos argumentar, y sin duda, argumentaremos : "¿ Dónde está la sangre?"
But often there are soccer matches on weekends.
Pero a menudo hay partidos de fútbol los fines de semana.
A little bit, but there's signs that there are bears around.
Un poco, pero hay señales de que hay osos cerca.
It's very early in the morning and we do have a two day drive ahead of us but the monastery's in Bhutan are really active and first thing in the morning there's usually a morning prayer so I can't resist going in to see if I can gain access.
Es muy temprano en la mañana y tenemos que conducir por dos días pero los monasterios de Bután son muy activos y muy temprano en la mañana usualmente hay una oración matutina así que no puedo resistirme a intentar ingresar.
We've got some great photographs already but that's the problem with this game, if there's an opportunity to take another photo it could be the best one so here we are again in pursuit of another tiger.
Obtuvimos algunas fotografías magníficas, pero ese es el problema con este juego si tenemos oportunidad de tomar otra, quizás esa sea la mejor. Así que aquí vamos otra vez en busca de otro tigre.
but there are limits 17
but there are others 19
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there are others 19
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there it is 67
but there's nothing here 17
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
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but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there isn't 28
but there we are 16
but there you are 27
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
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there are some 34
but there we are 16
but there you are 27
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there aren't 60
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there are some 34
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there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are none 51
there are three 23
there are people here 16
there are so many 43
there are two 35
there are more than 22
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there are no 25
there are many 28
there are none 51
there are three 23
there are people here 16
there are so many 43
there are two 35
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