But there you are translate Spanish
3,431 parallel translation
But there are times when you're sure to be discovered, and all that's left is how and when.
Pero hay veces que estás seguro que serás descubierto. y todo lo que queda es cómo y cuando.
But there are certain moments - - human moments - - that no amount of training can prepare you for.
Pero hay ciertos momentos... momentos humanos, que ningún entrenamiento puede prepararte para ello.
Now, you made some questionable choices today that you are gonna feel bad about for a while, but there is one choice you coulda made that you would have regretted forever.
Ahora, tomaste algunas decisiones cuestionables hoy por las cuales vas a sentirte mal durante un tiempo, pero hay una decisión que podría hacer que te arrepintieras por siempre.
I hate going there, and I don't want to go there, but you two are some sneaky so and SOS.
Odio hacerlo, y no quiero hacerlo, pero vosotros dos sois unos traidores.
But you're not even experiencing the moments that you are there for.
Pero ni siquiera disfrutas los momentos en los que estás.
yeah, But you're gonna have your dad there, And you are gonna find new pirates to play with.
Sí, pero tendrás a tu padre ahí, y encontrarás nuevos piratas con los que jugar.
There are scores of other kids out there that aren't just going to die, but they are going to kill their families, too, and you are the only one that can stop that.
Hay muchos chicos por ahí que van a morir, pero también van a matar a sus familias, y tú eres el único que puede evitar esto.
Look, I am sure there is a better Haven, but right now in this one, you are not safe.
Mira, estoy segura de que hay un Haven mejor pero en este Haven, en este momento, no estás a salvo.
I understand you feel you would have an uphill battle But i'm pretty sure there are a lot of people on the jury give me a shot.
Entiendo que sientes que estás en una batalla perdida, pero estoy seguro de que hay muchos en el jurado que quisieran una oportunidad.
But there are other people there watching you, sitting in the dark.
Pero hay otras personas allí. Mirándote. Sentadas en la oscuridad.
There are a lot of underbelly things that I can tell you, but trust me, this is not one of them.
Hay un montón de puntos débiles que podría contarte, pero confía en mí, este no es uno de ellos.
But there are months when we don't see you.
Pero hay meses en los que no te vemos.
♪ There's a battle ahead ♪ Many battles are lost ♪ But you'll never see the end of the road ♪
* hay una batalla a continuación * * muchas batallas son perdidas * * pero nunca veras el fin del camino * * mientras viajes conmigo *
If we do this right and we... and we get you on a prosthetic that fits, you'll need less, but you are not there yet.
Si hacemos esto bien y... y te conseguimos una prótesis que se ajuste, lo necesitarás menos, pero no estás ahí todavía.
So, the attorney general's ready to honor our agreement with you, but as we discussed, there are few things you'll need to do first.
Bueno, el fiscal general está dispuesto a ratificar nuestro acuerdo contigo, pero tal y como hablamos, hay unas cuantas cosas - que tendrás que hacer primero.
If you turn yourself in there are extenuating circumstances But you might have to do some time
Si te entregas, hay circunstancias atenuantes... pero tendrás que cumplir algún tiempo.
But where are all the elves? There you go. Here, let me help.
Mi triste Navidad
We got a freaked-out kid in there. So sorry to bother you, but we've come to terms with your eventual demise, and we are here to say farewell.
Perdón por molestaros, pero hemos aceptado vuestro deceso final, y estamos aquí para despedirnos.
- There's also a plum, which I don't know about the nutritional value, but in a symbolic point of view, you know that the cooplettes are the size of plums right now?
- También hay una ciruela, de la que no sé su valor nutricional, pero desde un punto de vista simbólico, sabes que los cooperillizos son del tamaño de ciruelas ahora mismo?
Yeah, but you and I both know there are no accidents.
Sí, pero los dos sabemos que no existen los accidentes.
I know everyone says I was out there, but... are you sure?
Sé que todo el mundo dice que estaba ahí fuera, pero... ¿ estás seguro?
But how are there two of you?
¿ Como hay dos de ti?
But there are lots of good jobs where you don't need a hat.
Pero hay mucho trabajos donde no ocupas un sombrero.
( Sighs ) You and I have known each other long enough that we are like family, which means that we have earned the right to hate each other from time to time, but that doesn't mean that there's not still love underneath.
Sabemos desde hace tiempo que somos como familia, lo que significa que nos hemos ganado el derecho a odiarnos de vez en cuando, pero eso no significa que por debajo haya amor.
But you're not carrying around just a violin case with a packed lunch in there, are you?
Pero no estás llevando sólo un estuche de violín... con un almuerzo ahí dentro, ¿ verdad?
Sitting in our shelt theyre morning, the rain's coming down and the three of us are in there and we're making jokes and having conversations but you'll get that silence and my thoughts aren't on like, oh, missing home.
Los tres estábamos sentados en el refugio esta mañana, estaba lloviendo... y no dejábamos de hacer bromas y hablar... pero luego venía ese silencio y no pensaba en que extrañaba mi casa...
Well, that's what i... i don't know what your thoughts are but look, i like malcolm but individual immunity long term, once it's there, once you here in with another tribe physically... it doesn't matter, it's about social at that point.
Bueno, eso es lo que... No sé en qué estás pensando, pero... me agrada Malcolm pero ganará las inmunidades individuales, y una vez, que estés con otra tribu físicamente fuerte... No importará, será un juego social en ese momento.
Thing is, I wouldn't be having a baby at 20 if I didn't have the BRCA gene, and I know that you're not ready to be a dad, but if there are feelings that we want to explore,
La cosa es, que no estaría teniendo un bebé a los 20 si no tuviera el gen del cáncer, y sé que no estás preparado para ser padre, pero si hay sentimientos que queramos explorar, y desde que necesitamos citas, pensé que podríamos ir
But when you are with someone, as I want to be with you, then there aren't tough times.
Pero cuando estás con alguien, como yo quiero estar contigo, entonces no hay tiempos difíciles.
But when the weight of a mission threatens to tear your team apart, there are times when you're forced to mislead even the people you're closest to...
Pero cuando el peso de una misión amenaza con destruir a tu equipo, hay ocasiones en las que te ves obligado a despistar incluso a las personas más cercanas a ti...
But if there is no concrete evidence against Ussing you are courting trouble.
Pero si no hay evidencias concretas contra Ussing estás buscando problemas.
I've also been looking for her, I thought she was in "the in between" but she wasn't there what "the in between" are you talking about the room she goes to, when she does want to listen anymore
También la he estado buscando, creía que estaba en "El entremedio" pero no estaba. ¿ De qué "entremedio" estás hablando? La sala en la que va, cuando no quiere escuchar más.
I just met the Minister of Finance did you provide information to the police yes, but there is something that strange some files are missing
Acabo de encontrarme a la Ministra de Economía. ¿ Has proporcionado información a la policía? Sí, pero hay algo raro.
I do follow the news, is not some unimportant opposition politician, they are screwing you over again Lund, can't you see it no they are not, but is going to take some time there was not 12 registration numbers in that notebook, there were 13
Sigo las noticias, no es una oposición política sin importancia, te están engañando de nuevo, Lund, ¿ no puedes verlo? No, no lo están, pero esto va a llevar un poco de tiempo. No había 12 números de matrícula en esa libreta, había 13.
'Cause, you know, I don't know... I don't really know her that well, but there are STD's, and has Amy been with other guys?
Porque, yo no sé yo realmente no la conozco bien y existen enfermedades, ¿ Amy ha estado con otros chicos?
If you want to You should check with your attorney, but I assure you, that there are no traps.
Si quieres, puedes hacer que lo revise un abogado, pero no hay trampa alguna.
But then, of course, there are lots of things you've never mentioned.
Así y todo, hay muchas cosas que nunca has mencionado.
I'm sorry, but there are plenty of other houses in Seattle for you not to screw interns in.
Perdón, pero hay muchas otras casas en Seattle donde no acostarte con internas.
But when you and Dr. Lahiri started going on bedroom dates, I figured there had to be some good in you, but now that I see the kind of guy you are, I like you less, and that makes me like Dr. Lahiri a little less too, which makes me not like you at all!
Pero cuando tú y la doctora Lahiri empezásteis a acostaros pensé que algo bueno tendrías que tener, pero ahora que veo qué clase de tipo eres, me caes peor, y eso hace que la doctora Lahiri me caiga un poco peor también,
Are you talking about my clever but crude excuse for getting us out of there together, or my clever but, uh, very successful placement of my hand on your...?
Estás hablando de mi inteligente pero grosera excusa para que nos fuéramos juntas o de mi inteligente pero muy exitoso - tocamiento de tu...?
So, dad, the cribs are over there, but while we're here, a little advice, you can never have too many onesies. All right?
Entonces, papá, las cunas están por ahí, pero mientras que estamos aquí, un pequeño consejo, nunca tienes suficientes bodys, ¿ vale?
There's cracks and i don't know if people are telling me the truth, but i am not going home after you.
Hay aberturas y no sé si los demás me están diciendo la verdad, pero no me iré a casa después de ti.
But we need to be there any way... If you run away like you to accept, that you are a sinner.
No lo sé, pero tiene que haber alguna manera.
- Isabel. You were happy because there are things you never tell children. But a lot of bad things happened while your brother and you played.
Isabel, erais feliz porque hay cosas que no se le cuentan a los niños, pero pasaron muchas cosas malas mientras vos y Alfonso jugabais.
But what are you doing in there?
¿ Qué es lo que haces ahí dentro?
But there have been such divisions, so many cracks in that five, and their identities as people is so varied. You have two parents who are trying to play a straight-up, almost christian game in lisa and in skupin.
Pero hubo tanta divisiones, tantas fisuras, en esos 5, y su identidad como personas es tan dispar, tienes 2 padres, que tratan de jugar derecho, el juego más cristiano de Lisa y Skupin.
I think there is such great gallantry in the idea of going to battle, going to war, knowing you are severely outnumbered, but believing you have right on your side.
Creo que hay tanta gallardía en la idea de ir a combatir, ir a la guerra, sabiendo que son ampliamente superados en número pero creyendo que tienes el derecho de tu lado
But there are things about you that neither of us can change, so...
Pero hay cosas de ti que ninguno de nosotros puede cambiar, así que...
... or watching Ernest Saves Christmas three times in a row. But there are some traditions you can only do once.
... o viendo Ernest Saves Christmas tres veces seguidas Pero hay algunas tradiciones que solo puedes hacer una vez.
But on my career they made a... you know, they find there are some common things, which is they all want to support me.
Pero sobre mi carrera hicieron un... ya sabe, coincidieron en que había algunas cosas en común, y es que todos querían apoyarme.
- Now, it could be that there are mitigating circumstances that would make these charges less for you, but we need to hear what that is.
- Podría haber circunstancias atenuantes que reducirían los cargos, pero necesitamos escuchar cuáles son.
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there it is 67
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there it is 67
but there's nothing here 17
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there are others 19
but there isn't 28
but there we are 16
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there you are 4720
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
but there isn't 28
but there we are 16
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there you are 4720
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are good 169
you aren't 92