Except for her translate Spanish
404 parallel translation
I've never loved a woman except for her.
Nunca he querido a una mujer, salvo a ella.
She's all dressed for the party except for her gown.
Está vestida para la fiesta excepto por el vestido.
Except for her ears.
Salvo por sus orejas.
Except for her eyes.
¡ Sólo en sus ojos!
"Except for her to whom the king holds out the golden scepter."
excepto para aquella a quien el Rey otorgue el cetro de oro. Me atrevo a hablar, Asuero, porque una vez me entregaste un reino llamado del corazón.
Except for her to get lost.
Salvo para que ella se pierda.
Except for her.
Excepto por ella.
Except for her, they were all quite friendly to me...
Salvo para ella, todos eran muy amable conmigo...
She was well-bred and rather frail, except for her famous mammalia.
Era bien educada y bastante delicada, excepto por su famosa delantera.
She get so angry with me when I'm with anyone, except for her, my husband and now you.
Ella se enoja conmigo cuando estoy con alguien... que no sea ella, mi marido, y ahora tú.
She doesn't see anybody except for her donkey.
Nunca ve a nadie, excepto a su asno.
Except for her.
Sí. Excepto ella.
There was nothing that could be done for her, except wait.
No se podía hacer nada por ella, salvo esperar.
It's a great spot for a dame to bring a guy up to a point where he can't see anything else in the world except her.
Enhorabuena, solo te veía a ti en el mundo.
I've no excuse, except a mother's excuse for wanting an impossible ideal for her son.
No tengo excusas excepto la que encuentra una madre buscando un ideal imposible para su hijo.
I wasn't much good for anything after that except hanging around her.
Después, no he sido bueno en nada, salvo en perder el tiempo... a su lado.
You'll have to get rid of her after the wedding. Poor little girl. All alone in the world... except for a no-good father.
Deberás deshacerte de ella después de la boda Pobrecita, está sola en el mundo, sólo tiene un mal padre
He has her eyes, blue, and when he smiles... he's just like my wife, except for the teeth.
Tiene ojos azules, y cuando sonríe... es como la madre, excepto los dientes.
Except for Magda, no one was with her but me.
Y nadie ha estado más que Magda y yo.
I suppose that when a man has once loved a woman, he will do anything for her, except continue to love her?
Supongo que un hombre que ha amado a una mujer hará cualquier cosa menos continuar amándola.
But no one knew it except a prince... who spent many years in many lands... looking for her.
ESCRITOS HISTÓRICOS Y DELITO DE FALSIFICACIÓN. que empleó muchos años en muchas tierras... buscándola.
We'd have wrapped her up except for those two prematures that rattled our eyeteeth.
Le habríamos dado de no ser por los torpedos que fallaron.
There was nothing that could be done for her, except wait.
No había nada que hacer, excepto esperar.
No one, except for Miss Cristina. Because Jesus came and told her she'd go to heaven.
Ninguno excepto la Sra. Cristina porque anoche Cristo vino a decirle que irá al paraíso.
I didn't look at it except as a background for her.
Aunque yo todo lo veía en segundo plano
Look at her, except for those pants she wears.
Mírala, excepto por los pantalones.
Not only is a cook overpaid to begin with... but a cook doesn't have to pay for her home... a cook doesn't have to pay for her food... a cook doesn't have to pay for her light or heat or TV... or any of her clothes, except maybe her pants.
No sólo se le paga demasiado a una cocinera... sino que no tiene que pagar alojamiento... no tiene que pagar comida... no tiene que pagar electricidad o calefacción o TV... ni ropa, excepto los pantalones.
Everyone failed, except for Jeoffrey de Peyrac, Count of Toulouse, her husband, whom everyone tried to take from her.
todos fallaron, a excepción de Jeoffrey de Peyrac, conde de Toulouse, su marido, a quien todos trataron de quitarle.
If you would not be starved by cruel masters if you would not be ruled by anyone except the Queen, God bless her but who do have the urge to seek wealth, fine clothes, and glory you can do no better than to enlist for the 11th Regiment of Hussars.
Si no quieren que un amo cruel los mate de hambre ni que les dé órdenes nadie más que la Reina, Dios la bendiga pero sí quieren obtener riquezas, finas vestimentas y gloria lo mejor que pueden hacer es incorporarse al Undécimo Regimiento de Húsares.
Well, he said it wasn't too hard to talk her into skipping the errands, except for the dress?
Dijo que no le costó convencerla de no hacerlos... -... salvo por el vestido.
I want you to tell me that you know for a fact there's nothing wrong with my daughter except in her mind! Tell me you know for a fact that an exorcism wouldn't do any good!
Dígame que está seguro de que lo que le pasa a mi hija radica sólo en su cerebro y que un ex orcismo no serviría de nada.
Well, he said it wasn't too hard to talk her into skipping the errands, except for the dress?
Dijo que no le costó convencerla de no hacerlos...
Good looking broad except for the marks around her neck.
Es muy guapa si uno no se fija en las marcas que tiene en el cuello.
All right, well, there ain't nobody coming round here except for Keechie, and I'll just... I'll give her some of this money here, and I'll tell her to go see my sister Stella.
Bueno nadie vendrá por aquí salvo Keechie, y yo sólo le daré parte de este dinero y le diré que vaya a ver a mi hermana Stella.
Except for Kizzy. We'll keep her.
A ella la conservaremos.
Although she does believe in equal rights... fair play, and justice for all... except when any of it gets in her way.
No obstante, ella cree en la igualdad de derechos... juego limpio y justicia para todos... excepto cuando alguien se interpone en su camino.
For her, life is like a long meal will not let anyone miss the table except the dead.
Para ella la vida es como una larga comida, no consiente que falte nadie a la mesa excepto los muertos.
Except for Charlotte Bront', all of London appreciate her talent.
A excepción de Charlotte Bronté, todo Londres aprecia su talento.
Except for an occasional patient smile, she indicated with her body as little as possible that might reflect on her speech.
Salvo una sonrisa paciente ocasional, evitaba hacer con su cuerpo cualquier cosa que pudiera influir en su forma de hablar.
Except perhaps for my wife and some of her friends.
Excepto quizá por mi esposa y algunos de sus amigos.
You'll be getting it all anyway, except that which is specified for others - those of us who were close to her.
Quédeselo todo, ¿ y qué? Excepto lo que pertenece... a los que la queríamos.
Now then, everybody who was at the shooting party was also at the birthday tea, except for Mrs. Harmon, so that lets her out.
Ahora bien... Todas las personas de aquella noche, estuvieron en la fiesta de cumpleaños, excepto la Sra. Harmon, así que eso la excluye.
Except for the dreams, I've never seen her.
No la había visto más que en mis sueños.
I guess not well, I told you I liked Mike, and I didn't mind the fact that he liked me back except for my mom, I felt kinda bad for her of course Oh yeah, of course
Él parece haber sido el fin. - Para mi madre se sintió mal. - Por Supuesto.
Except for the hair, you could be her twin.
excepto por el pelo, podrías ser su gemela.
So, everyone else was upstairs preparing for the bed, except Mrs. Vanderlyn, who came down for her bag. And yet the plans are stolen.
Bien, todo el mundo estaba arriba en sus habitaciones excepto la señora Vanderlyn que bajó por su bolso y aún así los planos han sido robados.
She's waived alimony and she's willing to waive her rights against your law practice in exchange for the house and all of its contents, except your shaving gear and... his clothing?
No solicitará una pensión y consiente en renunciar a sus derechos sobre usted a cambio de la casa y todo su contenido, excepto sus cosas de afeitar y su... ¿ ropa?
When she arrived at Wheaton for her first semester, she was acting very strangely... always wearing the same clothes... never washing, except just putting on more and more makeup and perfume.
Cuando ella llegó a Wheaton, se comportaba de forma extraña, llevaba siempre la misma ropa, no se lavaba, sólo se maquillaba más y se ponía más perfume.
And though the forester's wife took up the space of three people She was so jolly and so happy to share her basket of cakes and pies with everyone, except for lightning who was still fast asleep, that nobody minded.
Aunque la esposa del Guardabosques ocupaba el espacio de tres personas, compartió la cesta de pasteles con todos con tanta alegría y felicidad, excepto por Relámpago, que aún dormía profundamente, que a nadie le importó.
You're not stopping and thinking about anyone or anything, except for Kelly and her little inner circle, and you know what?
No estás parando a pensar en nada ni en nadie excepto en Kelly y su círculo. ¿ Y sabes qué?
That's all there was, her secretary thinks, except for the jewelry.
Eso es todo lo que había según cree su secretaria, excepto por la joyería.
except for you 175
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for 89
except for him 16
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for 89
except for him 16
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for this one 26
for her 243
for her sake 60
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
hero 275
for her 243
for her sake 60
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
hero 275
here you go 5858
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
herald 31
herb 224
hershey 18
hercules 220
heroin 209
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
herald 31
herb 224
hershey 18
hercules 220
heroin 209
herself 49
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
heroic 33
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
hermann 78
here comes the bride 39
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
heroic 33
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
hermann 78
here comes the bride 39