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Get into the car translate Spanish

451 parallel translation
You conduct the lady to her seat, leave the auditorium, get into the car number 3825 waiting outside the door, and drive at full speed over the mountain road into the quarry. Melior!
Acompañará a la señora a su asiento, saldrá de la sala, subirá al coche... que está delante de la puerta, matrícula 3825, y conducirá a todo gas por la carretera hacia la cantera Melior.
Go away, all of you, get into the car!
¡ Larguesen! Ojo.
You get into the car.
Suba al auto, por favor.
Get into the car.
Suban al vehículo.
- Did she get into the car willingly?
- ¿ Se subió de buena gana?
Oh, now, come on, get into the car.
Ah, vamos, sube al auto.
- Get into the car.
- Suba al coche.
I figure we can get into the car, take Mona, and clear out.
Supongo que podremos llegar al coche, coger a Mona y largarnos.
Get into the car.
Métase en el coche.
He wants the man to see me go - leave the building, get into the car and drive away.
Quiere que el tipo me vea ir en el auto.
Now, get into the car, miss.
Ahora suba al auto, señorita.
Oh, Pollyanna. Will you please get into the car? We've simply got to get home!
Pollyanna, por favor, sube al auto.
Get into the car!
¡ Rápido! ¡ Móntate en el auto!
I said get into the car!
¿ A quién se lo dije! ¡ Súbete rápido al auto!
Get into the car!
Sube al coche.
Get into the car.
Sube al coche. Me acercaré yo.
That I would almost rather stay here with you than get into the car.
Que casi preferiría quedarme aquí contigo que subirme a un auto.
I can't get into the car comfortably!
¡ Tengo dificultad para subir al coche!
Finally, the cops intervened and tried to get into the car.
Y sólo entonces intervino la policía. Querían subir en el coche.
- I saw them get into the car...
- Les vi subir al coche.
- Get into the car?
- ¿ Ah, sí, subir?
Okay, get into the car.
Bien, entonces suban al auto.
Get into the car and do it quick.
- Entre al auto y rapido.
Get into the car.
Sube al auto.
The girls fighting to get into his car.
Las chicas peleando por meterse en su coche.
Then get into your car and drive away into the country, miles away, and stay there until we've got him.
Luego, coja el coche y márchese bien lejos. No vuelva hasta que le atrapemos.
Every time I step into my car, get near a window, walk around the block. Every time somebody opens the door, I hunch my shoulder waiting for that thunder.
Cuando subo al coche, cuando me asomo a una ventana, cuando alguna puerta se abre, espero que alguien venga a por mí.
The only trouble we might get into is if a federal monitor car picked up his frequency.
El único problema que puede ocurrir es que un coche patrulla federal capte esta frecuencia.
You get along into the eating car and have your supper.
Vete al vagón comedor, tienes tu cena.
I mean, would you please get back into the car, Mr. Farrell?
Perdón, quise decir, ¿ tendría la bondad de volver al coche, Sr. Farrell?
And if that's the way it is... I'll just get into your car.
Y si es la única forma... simplemente me meteré en su coche.
Go and get into the nice car.
Vete al coche.
- Meterla en el coche.
Get the car into the alleyway with the engine running,
Lleve el coche al callejón y téngalo en marcha.
From a car parked in the southeast corner of that lot... You get a perfect view of the horses as they start into the stretch.
Desde un auto estacionado en la esquina sureste del estacionamiento... tienes una vista perfecta de los caballos cuando entran a la recta.
Run my car into town and get the riot gun, Charlie.
Lleva mi coche hasta el pueblo y trae las armas antimotines, Charlie.
I saw two men get out of a police car as we pulled into the station.
Vi salir a dos hombres de un coche de policía al entrar a la estación.
He, who well-informed circles consider as the next Prime Minister, is just leaving his home and about to get into his car.
A quién círculos bien informados consideran como el próximo Presidente del Consejo, está dejando su casa y está por subir al auto.
Rama, help me get him into the car
Rama, ayúdame a meterlo dentro del auto.
If you get into that car, I'll call the police.
Si subes al auto, llamaré a la policía.
Couldn't get the elephant into the car, eh?
No pudisteis meter el elefante en el coche, eh?
You know, I used to get up at 6 : 00 in the morning, rush through my breakfast, jump in my car, race down to the studio, get into wardrobe, makeup, get up on that stage, and then at 9 : 00 in the morning
Mira, me levantaba a las 6 de la mañana, desayunaba, iba al estudio en coche, vestuario, maquillaje... Iba al plató y a partir de las 9 de la mañana inventaba el teléfono.
We'll help you get the car out and you can go into the town and buy the whisky for us then we can all sit down and drink it together, like good friends, okay?
Nosotros le ayudamos a sacar el coche usted va al pueblo a por el whisky y nos lo bebemos todos juntos como buenos amigos, ¿ eh?
You'd get everyone into the car and drive to an isolated area. There, you'd change cars.
Os meteríais todos en el coche y conduciríais hasta un lugar solitario.
How long will it take to get out of that tub, into this costume and out to the car?
¿ Cuánto vas a tardar en salir de esa bañera, ponerte este vestido y salir al coche?
Quickly, get back into the car.
Rápido, métete en el coche.
Now, if you will all get into your car... ... we will escort the von Trapp Family Singers to the festival.
Ahora, si todos suben al auto escoltaremos a la familia von Trapp al festival.
The one thing my honourable mother taught me long ago was never to get into a car with a strange girl.
Mi honorable madre me enseñó hace mucho tiempo que nunca debe meterse uno en el coche de una desconocida.
I know that, 99, but once you find the car and get it out of the parking lot at the airport, and with the traffic into town, believe me, it'll be another three days.
Ya sé, 99, pero una vez que encuentren el auto salgan del estacionamiento del aeropuerto y sorteen el tránsito, pasarán otros tres días.
And when he is ready to go back into Havana, he will phone the residence for a car to come and get him.
Cuando esté listo para volver a La Habana, llamará para que le envíes un coche.
You let the air out of her tire, you stayed to see her get into Parks's car and then you killed her.
- Usted le desinfló el neumático se quedó para ver que subiera al auto de Parks y luego la mató.

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