He's good translate Spanish
20,924 parallel translation
He's a good kid.
Es un buen chico.
No, he's no good.
Es un inútil.
Listen, as close as he gets, Matt's... pretty good at not getting himself killed.
Por más que se arriesgue mucho, Matt sabe evitar que lo maten.
I haven't left him, and I think it's because... he continues to show me a good time. He tells me whatever I do is cool.
No lo dejé, y creo que es porque... él me muestra cosas buenas, me dice que lo que hago es genial.
If he's with Clary, then she's in good hands.
Si está con Clary, ella está en buenas manos.
He's, uh, very... very good at magic.
Es muy bueno con la magia.
It doesn't matter'cause when we're done with him, he's as good as dead.
No importa, porque cuando terminemos con él, será hombre muerto.
He's... a good brother.
Es un buen hermano.
- He's not as good as you are.
- Él no es tan bueno como eres tú.
It's only by the grace of the good Lord that I'm not pushing up daisies myself.
Solo es por la gracia del Señor que no he terminado bajo las margaritas.
If he goes into general population, he's as good as dead.
Si va a la cárcel común, lo matan.
He's gone to ground in the citadel's bunker and he's holed up good and tight.
Se ha recluido en el búnker de la ciudadela y se ha puesto cómodo.
I mean, really, what good's an angel if he can't help a brother out?
Quiero decir, en serio, ¿ De que sirve un ángel si no puede ayudar a su hermano?
He's such a good kid.
Él es un buen chico.
As good as he is at football, that's how good I am at being his girlfriend.
Tan bueno como él está en el fútbol, eso es lo bueno que soy a ser su novia.
But he's a good guy.
Pero él es un buen tipo.
He's a good kid, Detective.
Él es un buen chico, detective.
Yeah, his coach thinks he's actually pretty good too.
Sí, su entrenador piensa que también es muy bueno.
But I saw him, and you can tell he's good people.
Pero lo vi, y puedes decir que es buena gente.
- He's good looking.
- Es bien parecido.
Emile... he's a good friend of yours?
Emile... él es un buen amigo suyo?
He's like, "It was good."
Y él dice : "Bien".
He's smart, ruthlessly violent, and good with a gun.
Es inteligente, implacablemente violento y bueno con un arma.
He's ruthlessly violent and good with a gun.
Es implacablemente violento y bueno con un arma.
And he's forced to back away from the outlaw he's been pursuing for the past year, giving up on Jesse James for good.
Y es obligado a apartarse del forajido que ha estado persiguiendo durante el último año, renunciando a Jesse James para siempre.
Not necessarily'cause that officer was a good guy, but because he's a symbol of the system.
No necesariamente porque el agente fuera un buen tipo, sino porque era un símbolo del sistema.
Do you think it's a good idea to take away from him something that he really loves, which also helps him get that testosterone out?
¿ Tú crees que es una buena idea quitarle algo que él ama hacer, y que además le ayuda a liberar toda esa testosterona?
Principal Dwight is a hypocrite who likes to make the rules, but thinks he's too good to actually follow them himself.
Principal Dwight es un hipócrita / i que le gusta hacer las reglas, pero piensa que es demasiado bueno para ellos seguir en realidad a sí mismo.
In his own childish way i think he's a good guy.
Su manera es infantil, pero es un buen tipo.
My boy. He's been tried good and hard to make sure he don't see none of those fairy islands.
Mi hijo.... lo intento, y se aseguro que no lo hagan.
There's a pretty good chance he saw his sister's vibrator when he was on his little fact-finding mission.
Hay una buena posibilidad de que vio el vibrador de su hermana cuando estaba en su pequeña misión de investigación.
The EMT said he's heavily sedated but stable, so they should be good to move him as soon as the road clears.
Los servicios médicos de urgencia dicen que está muy sedado, pero estable, y que podrán trasladarlo tan pronto se despejen las carreteras.
He's kind, has a good soul.
Es amable y tiene un corazón de oro.
Got a bad knee, now he has a bad arm, but he's got a good heart.
Tiene una rodilla mala, ahora tiene un brazo malo, pero tiene un buen corazón.
He's doing good work, but it's as if something is left out of these reports, something he's hiding.
Está haciendo un buen trabajo, pero si hay algo que se ha dejado fuera de estos reportes, algo está escondiendo.
Because he's the good son and you're the bad son.
Porque él es el hijo bueno y tú eres el hijo malo.
Yes, he's on very good terms with his mother.
Sí, se lleva muy bien con su madre.
Well he's a good kid. Ned.
Bueno, Ned es un buen chico.
That's why he was good at running this place and... working in bars.
Por eso era bueno dirigiendo este lugar y trabajando en bares.
Well, I guess... It's good he heard me.
Qué bueno que me haya escuchado.
And here is my good friend Benjamin Grant. He's the founder of Pollyhop, and he's gonna tell you about our partnership.
Y aquí está mi amigo Benjamin Grant, el fundador de Pollyhop, quien les contará de nuestra sociedad.
But he's getting good press, not the public outcry we had hoped for.
Pero tiene buena prensa, no la protesta pública que esperábamos.
He's a good guy.
Es un buen tipo.
He's got lots of real good stories to tell, too.
Tiene muchas historias que contar, también.
My hero cop boyfriend is all over TV telling people they're gonna be ok, so I tell everyone here to believe him, because, you know, he's one of the good ones.
Mi novio quien es el héroe policía está en la televisión diciéndole a la gente que todo va a estar bien, así que les he dicho a todos los de aquí que te crean, porque, ya sabes, eres uno de los buenos.
He's good.
Es bueno.
People pay small fortunes for work that's less good than what's been done on you.
La gente paga pequeñas fortunas por un trabajo menos eficiente que el que te he hecho.
He's in very good shape.
Está en muy buen estado.
He's big, mean, and no good. Just my type.
Era grande, malo y para nada bueno... mi tipo.
Yeah, well it's a good thing too because he's our only customer.
Sí, bueno, está bien porque es nuestro único cliente.
We have to figure out something good. He's the first to call us on our birthdays, and he always gets us amazing presents.
Él es el primero en llamarnos en nuestro cumpleaños y siempre nos da regalos asombrosos.
he's good at it 17
good 48980
good night 12775
good morning 12476
goodbye 8643
goodnight 1676
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
goody 261
good morning to you 106
good 48980
good night 12775
good morning 12476
goodbye 8643
goodnight 1676
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
goody 261
good morning to you 106
goodness 671
goodspeed 27
goodweather 34
good job 2434
goodie 48
goodwin 111
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
goodspeed 27
goodweather 34
good job 2434
goodie 48
goodwin 111
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
good to see you 2547
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good call 326
good work 1533
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good call 326
good work 1533
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17