He's so old translate Spanish
447 parallel translation
That's the old glove he cut the thumb out of. So them fast rounders would stick better.
Es el viejo guante al que le recortó un pedazo para atrapar las pelotas rápidas.
I've heard so much about you, it's just like meeting an old friend.
He oído tanto sobre usted, que es como conocer a un viejo amigo.
Police are after him and this paper's two weeks old, so he's probably in jail by now.
Pero la policía lo busca y este diario es viejo. Ya debe estar en la cárcel.
That ol dog of Candy's, he's so old he can hardly walk.
Candy tiene un perro tan viejo que casi no camina ya.
Good old Robert. He's so kind, so sensitive.
El buen Robert es tan amable, tan sensible...
So you know he's the old-fashioned type, who'd die to defend his honor, or who'd kill for it.
Sabe que es un tipo a la antigua y moriría por defender su honor, e incluso mataría.
Tu padre, es tan anticuado para estas cosas. Muy bien.
So your old man's got $ 190 and he's going to give it to you?
- ¿ Y tu padre quería dártelos?
- Water is so deep in some of'em creek beds, had to use old Betsy's belly for a boat.
El agua es tan profunda en esos arroyos que he tenido que usar la barriga de Betsy como bote.
Oh, I don't forget my old neighborhood and my old friends Just because Hugo's doing so well.
No me he olvidado de mi barrio ni de mis amigos sólo porque a Hugo le vaya bien.
Your old man is dead, so he's dead, period.
Tu padre está muerto.
Even so, he's old.
Pero tiene una cierta edad.
Well, that depends on him. But he's so old
Bueno, eso depende de él.
I don't care if he's handsome or ugly, or young, or old... just so he's got money, that's the main thing, money.
No me importa que sea guapo o feo, joven o viejo con tal de que tenga dinero, es Io más importante, el dinero
He's dying, and it'll make the poor old man so happy.
Está muriéndose y le hará tan feliz al pobre hombre.
He hasn't seen you since he was 4 years old, and he's asleep, so I wouldn't - yeah, sure.
No te ha visto desde que tenía cuatro años, y está durmiendo, así que yo no... Sí, claro.
A man's only got so many fights to win, so many dreams to dream, so much loving and hating to do, and usually old age catches up with him... before he can correct any mistakes he's made.
Uno tiene un límite para las peleas... Ios sueños, el amor y el odio... y al final uno envejece... antes de corregir los errores que cometió.
He's 14 months old but he's so sweet and plump.
Tiene 14 meses pero está hecho un toro.
Do you believe what the old man... who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro... said the other night... about gold changing a man's soul so that he ain't the same kind of a guy... that he was before finding it?
¿ Tú te crees lo que el viejo... del Oso Negro... dijo la otra noche... sobre el cambio del alma del hombre por el oro y que se deja de ser... quien se era antes de encontrar oro?
He'd be so crazy to get'em, he might even make a straight deal - lt's too bad your old man is laid up.
Le interesarían tanto que incluso podría hacer un negocio limpio. Lástima que tu padre no pueda.
And so, in brief, here is a family you can be proud of and whose blood I would gladly make a transfusion of into these old aristocrat's veins.
He aquí, pues, en resumen, una familia de la que usted puede enorgullecerse y de cuya sangre haría de buen grado una transfusión a mis venas de aristocracia de pura cepa.
" So saying, he gazed long and earnestly into the old man's eyes and then turned and strode away.
"... tras decir eso, miró al anciano a los ojos. dio media vuelta y se alejó.
"Uh, that old man, he's too smart for me, " but that boy, he's so taken up with Mr. Frog, I'm gonna grab his dough ball and just scat away. "
"Ese viejo es demasiado listo para mí, pero ese muchacho, está tan absorto con el señor rana, que cogeré su cebo y me escaparé de aquí".
He's waiting for the prize pike, and he's been waiting for so long that the pike should be as old as that old fart.
Está esperando al gran lucio, y ha estado esperando tanto tiempo... que el lucio debe ser tan viejo como ese vejestorio.
You were so sure before that someone, anyone... He's an old man.
Parecías tan convencido de que cualquiera...
You've known Max a long time, so you know he's the old-fashioned type... who'd die to defend his honor or who'd kill for it.
Max es del tipo tradicional, de los que morirían para defender su honor... o matarían.
He's so wound himself round the old Lady's heart that she would believe nothing to his prejudice.
Está tan ligado al corazón de la vieja dama... que ella no creería nada en su contra.
So I come straight away to find me old father, what I know he's probably at this here very bar bar in this here particular low haunt at this here particular time of day.
Así que vengo directamente a encontrar a mi viejo... padre, que se que es probable que esté en este bar... en este refugio en particular a esta... hora del día en particular.
Father, I've been through this so many times, it's like old home week.
He pasado por esto otras veces, es como en nuestro antiguo hogar.
Of course, should he want to drag it because he's an old man, then let him say so, and I will understand.
Por supuesto, si quiere tirarlo al suelo porque es un anciano, entonces que lo diga, y lo entenderé.
This crazy brigand used to raid me so much in the old days I had to hire him. But he's been honest ever since.
Este bandido loco me asaltaba tanto que tuve que contratarle.
- Has the mind of an 8-year-old but he's managed to produce a family, so I keep him on.
Tiene mente infantil, y muchos hijos.
Oh, I've been mixed up in so many murders and robberies and whatnot, it's an old story to me.
- He visto tantos crímenes y robos... que estoy acostumbrada.
His woman had twins, so he's not very old.
Pero la mujer parió un par de mellizos, así que no debe de estar muy viejo.
So good he says it's OK to hit an old lady!
¡ Un buen hombre que dice que está bien golpear a una anciana!
He's so old, yet he wants to drink!
¡ Aún tiene ganas de beber, con lo viejo que es!
Your future husband, he's supposed to be so modern, he buys a car from the old country.
Tu futuro marido, que se supone tan moderno, compra un coche del viejo continente.
Now, don't envy poor old Tom, he's been to the front so many times before, he really knows what he's in for.
No envidio al viejo Tom, ha pasado tantas veces por esto que ya sabe qué esperar.
He rammed the fear of God into me so fast I never heard my old man's footsteps.
Me infundió el temor de Dios tan rápido que no oí los pasos de mi padre.
He's so old.
Es muy viejo.
He's not so old.
No es tan viejo.
Ever since the night the old man died, and I slept so soundly, Marie's actions have been most peculiar.
Desde que murió el viejo yo he dormido profundamente, pero las reacciones de Marie me sorprenden.
My old man's brain was so rotten that he even had to rape my mom.
Mi viejo tenía el coco tan podrido que incluso seguía follándose a mi madre.
So, he's been treated for a hernia, appendicitis, a kidney complaint old age, he's got false teeth and no tonsils.
Además de hernia, apendicitis, cólico renal, prótesis dental, cura geriátrica y ahora, hasta las amígdalas.
here, when he sees the wing flapping, he's wondering what's happend, so he come across.. .. he sees fat old bird and smell here the old perfume.. .. made from rotten dead fish, then, wanting dinner..
Aquí, cuando el ve el aleteo, se pregunta qué pasa, por lo que se aproxima y ve el pájaro viejo gordo y huele el viejo perfume hecho de peces muertos podridos, entonces, buscando cena pasa por encima de estos palos aquí ¿ tu ve la cruz?
I've been thinking about my mama and she's getting so old, and I want to see her.
He estado pensando en mi madre. Ya es muy mayor. Quiero verla.
He's gotten so old he can't wear a gun anymore, huh? You know him?
Ha conseguido hacerse tan viejo, porque ya no podía ni con la pistola.
So maybe he's late, ran into an old friend or his watch stopped.
Se le habrá hecho tarde o cualquier otra cosa.
Of course, the old man swore one time he saw a leprechaun in Loew's 83rd, so I figured he was prone to exaggeration.
Entonces, el viejo juró que había visto un duende en un musical, por lo que pensé que estaba exagerando.
. He's nobody, so he says to his old man...
Él no es nadie, entonces le dice a su viejo...
He's so old.
Ya está muy viejito.
he's so cute 178
he's so handsome 49
he's so hot 26
he's so little 16
he's so beautiful 30
he's so funny 25
he's so sweet 53
he's so happy 18
he's sorry 51
he's so young 27
he's so handsome 49
he's so hot 26
he's so little 16
he's so beautiful 30
he's so funny 25
he's so sweet 53
he's so happy 18
he's sorry 51
he's so young 27
he's so nice 39
he's solid 19
he's so cool 26
he's so good 24
he's so 52
so old 26
older 123
olds 231
oldman 76
old habits die hard 73
he's solid 19
he's so cool 26
he's so good 24
he's so 52
so old 26
older 123
olds 231
oldman 76
old habits die hard 73
old man 1715
old boy 620
old girl 512
old school 99
old sport 107
old guy 44
old bitch 17
older brother 40
older man 27
older sister 23
old boy 620
old girl 512
old school 99
old sport 107
old guy 44
old bitch 17
older brother 40
older man 27
older sister 23
old habits 59
old pal 51
old one 16
old bean 35
old buddy 75
old baby 27
old son 178
old chap 253
old people 49
old fart 19
old pal 51
old one 16
old bean 35
old buddy 75
old baby 27
old son 178
old chap 253
old people 49
old fart 19