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Hold it still translate Spanish

279 parallel translation
Hold it still.
Hold it still a minute.
Quédese quieto un minuto.
- Hold it still!
- ¡ Sujeta al caballo!
Hold it still a moment.
Déjelo quieto un momento.
- Hold it still.
- Sujétala.
Hold it still.
Will you hold it still?
Hold it still and I'll go look at it :
Ilumínala para que pueda ir a verla.
Hold it, still!
¡ Quietos, no se muevan!
I'll hold it perfectly still for you.
Quédense quietos, por favor
You made me an offer to leave with you. Does it still hold good?
Antes me pidió que me fuese con Vd. ¿ Sigue queriendo que vaya?
All right, hold still, girls. - Say, do you think it's safe?
Agárrate fuerte.
Hold still, it's almost done.
Calma, ya casi hemos terminado.
Hold it. Still.
¡ No se mueva, así!
I still hold it dear in my heart and now I would like to know from you who has commited this unnatural crime against my person?
Todavía lo recuerdo con cariño. Ahora me gustaría que me dijera Ud. quién ha cometido este crimen antinatural contra mi persona.
Would you hold that train still while I try to mount it?
¿ Quieres aguantarme el tren mientras intento montarlo?
Still now. Hold it.
Escucha, estoy tan solo que habría sido feliz con hablar, pero estoy demasiado cansado siquiera para eso.
Now stand still. - Hold it, Mr. Doe.
- Un momento, por favor.
You still have a terrible hold over me... and it frightens me.
Aún tienes una gran influencia sobre mí... y eso me asusta.
But if you don't hold on to me, it means they're still after you.
Pero si no te aferras a mí, seguirán buscándote.
It's a bee! Hold still, I'll get it!
¡ No se mueva, ya la tengo!
That he'd examined the glass and found it to be clean, that it had been washed and dried, would you still hold to your statement that there were a few drops of burgundy remaining in the bottom of the glass?
Que había sido lavada y secada. ¿ Continuaría usted afirmando que había unas gotas en eI fondo?
I can still hold up my end... when it comes to a hard day's work, but I'm not the man I was once.
Aún puedo hacer algo... si hay que trabajar duro, pero ya no soy el que era.
- Well, hold it still, darling.
Estáte quieto.
Hold it! Still!
No se muevan.
The Germans still hold it.
Los alemanes aún lo tienen.
We're still left with a force more than adequate to hold it.
Aún nos queda un número más que suficiente para ocuparlo.
Don't shaft me. I won't hold still for it.
No me pinches, no te dejaré.
Hold still, and I'll fix it.
Estate quieto y te lo arreglo.
Hold it! Hold it! Hold still!
Quieta, estate quieta.
Well, I'll hope, she's only just started, it can't have got a hold on her yet, she can still stop.
Bueno, no ha hecho más que empezar Ahora no se la puede parar, aun puede pararse
Hold on. It's still good.
Está buena, está buena, ésta se recupera.
Mr. Gibbons, you wouldn't hold still for a back rub if you couldn't convert it into currency.
Un pavo el acre, y es mi última oferta. ¿ Un pavo el acre, dice?
I could hold this until it turns into a fossil. I still wouldn't get used to it.
Aunque lo tenga hasta que se fosilice, no me acostumbraré.
I've been messing around in private- - he don't hold still for nothing like that, so if it was to get out to him, he'd make me old before my time.
Él no permite nada de eso, así que si se llega a enterar Me haría vieja antes de tiempo.
Hold still... got it!
¡ Un momento, ya está!
Don't do it and hold still.
Debe estarse quietecita.
I did shanghai a few lads last night... but they're still in the hold sleeping it off.
Bueno, anoche contraté a unos jóvenes pero todavía están durmiendo.
- I can't hold it. It's still drifting.
- No logro estabilizarla.
Now just hold still. That's it.
Estate quietecita.
Now, hold it as still as you can, Cinnamon.
Intenta no mover nada, Cinnamon.
- Hold it! This is still alive!
- ¡ Quieto ahí, que todavía está viva!
Damn it, hold still!
Maldita sea, no te muevas.
- Ow! - Hold still, damn it!
- ¡ Estate quieto, maldita sea!
Yeah, that's it. Now, you hold her still now.
Ahora, mantenla quieta.
Hold her still now. That's it. Now.
Quieta, listo.
Hold still, Peter, it's time.
Quédese quieto, Peter, ya es la hora.
- Don't kid yourself! - That's it. - You hold still like that.
Vamos a revisar esas facturas...
It's safer to hold his knife still and move the patient back and forth.
Es mejor mantener el bisturí quieto y mover al paciente.
Put it... Bancini, hold still.
Bancini, no te muevas.
Damn it! Hold still.
¡ Maldita sea, no te muevas!

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