Is that a thing translate Spanish
10,716 parallel translation
- I am an accredited dog walker... - ( Is that a thing? )
- Soy una paseadora de perros acreditada... - ¿ Eso existe?
Is that a thing?
¿ Eso es una cosa?
Come on, is that a thing?
Vamos, es que una cosa?
- Is that a thing?
- ¿ Eso es una cosa?
Yeah. The only thing that makes any sense is there's a robbery going down, Frank was in on it somehow, ambushes his crew, takes the score for himself,'cause he knew the exact moment that they were gonna roll out of here.
La única cosa que tiene algún sentido es... se estaba ejecutando un robo, Frank de alguna forma estaba metido en ello... emboscó a su equipo, tomó el botín para él solo... porque sabía el momento exacto... en que iban a salir de aquí.
What we were talking about earlier, the whole, uh, one time thing, so is that like one time a week, one time a day?
Lo que hablábamos antes... todo... lo de una vez... ¿ es una vez a la semana, una vez al día?
The first thing I would do as regent is pull the French troops from Scotland, end the reckless war that Francis sustained purely out of his love for you.
La primera cosa que haría como regente es sacar a las tropas francesas de Escocia, poner fin a esta insensata guerra que Francisco mantuvo puramente por su amor hacia ti.
The only thing that is real is the present, and you've plundered it- - robbed it of the very geniuses that might have averted the dystopia you so fear.
Lo único real es el presente y usted lo ha saqueado... robado a los verdaderos genios que podrían haber evitado la distopía a la que tanto teme.
Anyway, Dr. Ken is a man of medicine, so this is the kind of thing that matters to him, but more importantly, he is my friend.
De todos modos, el doctor Ken es un hombre de la medicina, por lo que este es el tipo de cosa que le importa, pero lo más importante, él es mi amigo.
That is a thing.
Puede ser muy bueno.
Why can't you accept that you're Hyde and he is the only thing who can destroy Dance?
¿ Por qué no aceptas que eres Hyde y que eso es lo único que puede derrotar a Dance?
That's the worst thing you can do, is to be wearing Crocs and have a small dick.
Es lo peor. Tener Crocs y la polla chico.
Oh, the sad thing is that's what he'll be remembered as.
Oh, lo triste es que es que va a ser recordado como un...
Whether or not you're offended by it or not is one thing, but it's not really a subject that they would choose to be exposed to, so to speak.
El ser ofendido o el no ser ofendido por ello es una cosa, pero realmente no sería un tema que podrían elegir por ser expuesto, por así decirlo.
How is that a bad thing, when our leaders do nothing but pit the factions against each other?
¿ Cómo es que eso es malo, cuando nuestros líderes no hacen nada salvo enfrentar a las facciones unas con otras?
Listen, I know that the last thing you want to do right now is relive any of what you've been through, but anything you can tell us is gonna help us catch this guy.
Escucha, sé que es lo último que quieres hacer ahora... es revivir cualquier cosa por la que pasaste... pero cualquier cosa que puedas decir nos ayudará a encontrarlo.
But what is the thing that can be offered for free at the discretion of a doctor?
Pero, ¿ qué es lo que podemos ofrecer gratis y a discreción de un doctor?
The only thing I'm sorry about is that for a second,
Lo único que siento es de que por un segundo,
The only thing I can tell you is that there has never been a year like this one.
Lo único que te puedo decir es que nunca ha habido un año como éste.
Her eyewitness account is the only thing that places Caleb and Catherine at the murder scene, and since the police never found a gun, she's the strongest evidence that the D.A.'s got.
Su testimonio es lo único que sitúa a Caleb y Catherine en la escena del crimen, y dado que la policía nunca encontró un arma, Es la evidencia más fuerte que tiene la fiscalía.
The thing that makes this switch unique is we are This switch unique is we are switching from two tribes to Switching from two tribes to three tribes.
Lo que hace que este cambio sea único es que estamos pasando de dos tribus... a tres tribus.
Adam is really into the engagement, but that's a good thing, right?
Adam está realmente metido en el compromiso pero eso es algo bueno, ¿ no?
This is the only thing that can get Catherine and Caleb off!
¡ Tienes que hacerlo! ¡ Es la única cosa que pueden salvar a Catherine y Caleb! ¡ Es la única cosa que pueden salvar a Catherine y Caleb!
Uh that light is a good thing, right?
Uh que la luz es una buena cosa, ¿ verdad?
The important thing is that I would pass a lie detector test.
Lo importante es que pasaría un detector de mentiras.
The thing is, when a guy wears a Hawaiian shirt, people expect a certain lightness of spirit that you - -
La cosa es que cuando un hombre lleva una camisa hawaiana, la gente espera una cierta ligereza de espíritu que usted...
That thing is connected to the Internet?
Esa cosa está conectado a Internet?
Her problem is that hot people should know that just because a person does something that is reckless and likes it does not mean that they are going to keep doing that thing, okay?
Su problema es que la gente guapa debería saber... que el que una persona haga algo insensato... y le guste... no significa que vaya a... seguir haciéndolo, ¿ sí?
But the one thing that I have working for me is I've never Voted for abi. I have saved abi twice.
Pero la única cosa que puede jugar a mi favor, es que nunca he votado por Abi y la he salvado dos veces.
Well, thankfully, that is a thing of the past.
Bien, afortunadamente, eso es cosa del pasado.
But this is a good thing that we're doing.
Pero esto que estamos haciendo es una buena cosa.
I know why you wanted to reach me, but the last thing I'm going to do is help you save a U.S. senator, so let's just get that out of the way now.
Sé por qué me estabas buscando, pero la última cosa que haré es ayudar a salvar a una senadora americana, así que saquemos eso del camino ahora.
When you lose, you have to admit that your magic palate thing is bogus and a cry for help.
Cuando se pierde, hay que admitir que lo tuyo paladar magia es falso y un grito de ayuda.
And the important thing for me now is that we continue to love each other.
Y el importante cosa para mí ahora es que seguimos amarnos unos a otros.
But the most important thing is SAVE MONEY to never use the A / C or heat in the summer or winter SAVE MONEY so that you can strengthen the mind.
evita usar calefacción o aire acondicionado en verano e invierno para así entrenarte mentalmente.
All I know is that you've changed. Ever since you joined this PC thing, you just bully people and wait for people to say anything improper so that you can jump down their throats for whatever words he or she used.
solo se que cambiastes desde que te unistes a los PCs, te abusas de la gente esperas que alguien diga algo inapropiado para caerle y atacarle por cualquier palabra que él o ella use
And so, I have been asked to stay on as your principal. A lot of changes will happen in the coming months. The bottom line is that the only thing that distinguishes those who want to kill us from those who don't is that we have the burning desire for social justice.
me han pedido que me quede como su director muchos cambios ocurriran en los siguientes meses la peor parte es que lo que nos distingue de los que nos quieren matar...
Now all of a sudden monica is looking for an all-girls thing. Looking for an all-girls thing. I have no idea where that girl
No tengo idea de qué busca entre las mujeres, pero arruinará algo muy bueno.
I have no idea where that girl is going and she's going to ruin Is going and she's going to ruin a really good thing. A really good thing.
Nosotros cuatro nos mantendremos unidos, al 100 %.
Is that your feeling that maybe Is that your feeling that maybe this will be a good thing.
¿ Que esto podría resultar en algo bueno?
Weird thing is, right after that, he just went quiet.
Lo raro es que, justo después de eso, no volvió a dar señales de vida.
When you have nothing... the one thing that burns into your soul more than the poverty itself is watching those around you with less wit who have everything.
Cuando no tienes nada... lo único que quema el alma más que la pobreza en sí misma es ver a tu alrededor a aquellos que tienen menos ingenio que tú tenerlo todo.
The only thing that connects the attacks is the arms, so the only motives I can think of are to taint the Prosthetics Project or... one of the contractors that they hired.
La única cosa que conecta a los ataques son los brazos, así que los únicos motivos que se me ocurren son arruinar el proyecto de ortopédicos o... uno de los contratistas que contrataron.
It is the only thing that can save Sylvester from plummeting to his death.
Es lo único que puede salvar a Sylvester de caída en picado a su muerte.
Is that even a thing?
¿ Es eso una cosa?
The bayon thing is no more. how would I say bayon's no how would I say bayon's no more when that's all I'm working More when that's all I'm working with.
¿ Como voy a decir que la alianza Bayon ya no existe cuando es eso con lo que cuento?
You see, the fact that it's your first day and there's already more than one option of things you screwed up is not a good thing.
Ves, el hecho de que sea tu primer día y ya haya más de una opción de cosas que arruinaste no es nada bueno.
The thing about a meltwater hunt is that you can only observe them in meltwater, which means in thin ice.
El problema en la descongelación de caza Es que sólo da para verlos en el agua de deshielo, es decir, en la cuerda floja.
ATTENBOROUGH : Gradually, bit by bit, the sequence comes together until the only thing that evades them is a successful hunt.
Poco a poco, despacio, despacio, la secuencia se reúne hasta que lo único que resta es un éxito en la caza.
Look, when my dad went to prison, nobody shielded me from anything, and I was forced to see my dad for who he really is- - and that wasn't such a great thing.
Escucha, cuando mi padre fue a prisión, nadie me protegió de nada y me vi obligada a ver a mi padre como era realmente... y no fue algo bonito.
See, here's the thing, Mr. Tavares, is that the guy who killed those people, who we put away for the rest of his life, he's gonna be set free if we can't find someone who can I.D. him as the shooter.
Verá, lo que ocurre, Sr. Tavares, es que el tipo que mató a esas personas, que nosotros metimos en la cárcel para el resto de su vida, va a ser puesto en libertad si no damos con alguien que pueda identificarle como el asesino.
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that a threat 163
is that all you got 152
is that what this is 151
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that a threat 163
is that all you got 152
is that what this is 151
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
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is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that him 366
is that her 187