Is that yours translate Spanish
2,847 parallel translation
Is that yours?
¿ Es suyo?
Is that yours?
¿ Es tuyo?
Is that yours?
¿ Es tuya?
Is that yours?
¿ Es esto tuyo?
Is that yours? [Gasps]
Sí, me han dicho que T jodió el milagro del parto... y el coche también, por eso quiero hablar con mi mujer.
Is that yours or mine?
Sí. "No".
Is that yours?
¿ Es el tuyo?
Is that yours outside?
¿ Eso de ahí fuera es tuyo?
Is that yours?
Es tuya?
- Is that yours?
- ¿ Es tuyo?
Is that yours?
¿ Has sido tú?
Why do not you worry about that your child is sitting in my house when it should be in yours?
¿ Por qué no te preocupas de que tu hijo esté sentado dentro de mi casa cuando debería estar en la tuya?
How far is that Debar of yours? - Two days of horseback riding.
¿ A cuánto queda esa Debar de ustedes?
See, their reasons is that they just don't like it here, but yours says what it is not to like and why not not to like it.
Vea, sus razones son que a ellos no les gusta aquí pero las suyas dicen lo que no es de gustar y porque no hacerlo
That car is yours?
- ¿ Ese es su auto?
First thing I'm gonna do is take a hose to that skinny-ass body of yours.
Lo primero que haré será manguerear ese delgado cuerpo tuyo.
That toy of yours really is fast!
¡ Ese juguete tuyo es realmente muy rápido!
It's a company that's in difficulty, like yours is, but it too, could potentially become a jewel.
Se trata de una empresa que tiene dificultades como la suya, pero también, es potencialmente una joya.
- And another thing. I think the kid is yours. Chew on that.
Y te voy a decir otra, yo creo que el niño es tuyo, fíjate Io que te digo.
If I win, 50 % of that is yours.
Si gano, el 50 % de eso es suyo.
every word you utter is a musical concert to me... where ever you take me, it's ajourney in palanquin to me... any place you're is heaven to me... any mischievous act of yours is ploy of cupid to me... love is that shore and pangs of separation on this shore lost to us... yesterday is that shore and today on this shore gives way to our future...
Cada palabra que pronunciamos es un concierto musical para mí... Donde quiera que me lleves, es como una aventura en un palanquín para mí. En cualquier lugar donde estemos juntos es como el cielo para mí.
Is that one of yours, then?
Es ese uno de los tuyos, entonces?
So dig in this pile for what's yours,'cause anything that's left is going in the trash.
Así que buscá en este montón lo que sea tuyo, porque lo que quede va a ir a la basura.
You have no idea how much crazy is bouncing'around that lopsided skull of yours.
No tienes idea cuanta locura rebota suelta en ese cráneo chueco tuyo.
That's full-finger "fuck you." Yours is wimpy.
Este es el dedo "jódete". El tuyo es cobarde.
This is all your fault, you and that giant skull of yours!
¿ Patos hechos de jabón?
What I'm saying is that I have assisted more severe cases than yours, and I'm very, very good at what I do.
Lo que digo es que yo ayudé en casos más severos que el tuyo, y soy muy, muy bueno en lo que hago.
Why can't you just use that brilliant scientific mind of yours and at least admit that the possibility of what I'm saying here is true?
¿ Por qué no usas esa brillante mente científica tuya y al menos admites la posibilidad de que lo que estoy haciendo es verdad?
That baby of yours is a money pit.
Ese bebé suyo es una boca sin dinero.
That's mine, and this is yours.
Eso es mío y esto es tuyo.
That partner of yours is clean out of her mind.
su pareja Es totalmente loco.
That dog is yours and you're gonna go back there and you're gonna get him.
El perro es tuyo, regresarás y te lo llevarás.
So why don't you unlock that imagination of yours and give them a show that is so fierce that everybody in this town will remember your name forever.
Entonces por que no desbloqueas esa imaginación tuya... y dales un show que sea tan feroz... que todos en ésta ciudad... recuerden tu nombre para siempre.
If you want to know where he is, I want unfettered access to that brain of yours.
Si quieres saber dónde está, quiero acceso irrestricto a se cerebro tuyo.
But according to the DMV, that boat belongs to her daddy, so smashing counters isn't going to make it yours, is it?
Pero de acuerdo al Registro de Vehículos, ese barco pertenece a su padre, así que destruir mostradores no hará que sea tuyo, ¿ verdad?
Tell me something that I don't know about Cassius and it is yours.
Dígame algo que no sé de Cassius y es suya.
You say you have great tits and I most certainly concur, but that ass of yours is no slouch either.
Dices que tienes tetas fabulosas y estoy obviamente de acuerdo, pero... tu culito tampoco está mal.
I couldn't sleep last night. My mind was racing, and that couch of yours is no fucking help whatsoever.
Estaba acelerado y ese sillón que tienen no ayuda.
I don't know why you're thinking the things you are, but all's I can say is that I'm here, and I'm yours.
No se porque piensas de la forma que haces pero todo lo que puedo decir es que estoy aquí, y soy tuyo.
One day that temper and big mouth of yours is gonna get you in deep trouble.
Un día tu mal genio y tu bocota te meterán en un gran lío.
Is it true that the piano I play every day is yours?
¿ Es verdad que el piano que toco todos los días es tuyo?
Antril? That crap of yours is Antril?
Esa mierda tuya, ¿ es Antril?
You know, I may never have a resume like yours but there is something that I know that you don't.
Tal vez nunca tenga un currículum como el tuyo pero hay algo que yo sé y tú no.
Is yours so tiny that you have to buy a car this big?
¿ Es la tuya es tan pequeña que necesitas un coche de este tamaño?
And what business is that of yours?
¿ Y qué negocio es el de la tuya?
It's yours and whose is that?
Es tuya, y ¿ de quién es esto?
- That crate of yours really is a ship?
- ¿ Esa cosa tuya de verdad es una nave?
Underneath that hard shell of yours, there is a soft candy center.
Bajo ese duro caparazón, hay un suave corazón de caramelo.
Two-time Olympian and silver medalist, Darby Conrad. I'm sure that Darby has a few words to say, so the floor is yours.
Dos veces olimpica y medalla de plata, Darby Conrad Estoy seguro de que Darby tiene unas palabras que decir, por lo que el lugar es suyo.
Okay, that kiss is yours to keep, but you have a lot of explaining to do, and until you prove to me that you're the guy that I think you are, there is no more kissing.
Vale, este beso es tuyo para que te lo guardes. Pero tienes mucho que explicarme, y hasta que me demuestres que eres el tío que creo que eres, no hay más besos.
So, tiffany, where is that pesky husband of yours hiding, huh?
¿ Entonces, Tiffany, tu molesto esposo dónde se está escondiendo?
is that you 2352
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is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that all of it 17
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that all of it 17