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Keep your cool translate Spanish

152 parallel translation
You have to keep your cool. And get used to the idea that our weapons are nobody's private property.
Tienen que controlar sus nervios y tienen que entender que nuestras armas no son "propiedad privada"
Keep your cool. Gentlemen.
No perder la vida.
Keep your cool!
¡ Pero, fresco!
Keep your cool, gentlemen.
Calmese señores.
- You keep your cool, don't you?
- ¿ Mantienes la distancia?
Just keep your cool
Chico, tranquilo
- Keep your cool.
- Tranquilo.
It depends on how long you keep your cool, how long you hold your breath.
Todo dependerá de tu calma y de cómo controlas la respiración.
- lfyou keep your cool.
- Si mantienes la calma.
Keep your cool, Mitch.
Tranquilo, Mitch.
Keep your cool, Professor.
- Nada, por favor, continúe. Mantenga la calma, profesor.
Keep your cool.
Mantén la calma.
Keep your cool.
¡ Cálmese, Sr. Delculón!
Keep your cool, okay?
Calmaos, ¿ de acuerdo?
You keep your cool and no more wolfie?
¿ Te mantienes frío y no sale el lobito?
Keep your cool and go the speed limit.
Tú mantén la calma.
Do not panic, keep your cool!
¡ Que no cunda el pánico! Cálmense.
Ever the Wellesley girl you keep your cool and understand that the boss is probably testing you as much as your husband.
Siempre como una chica Wellesley... mantendrán la calma y entenderán... que el jefe probablemente las esté examinando a Uds. tanto como a su marido. ¿ Qué sigue?
Keep your cool.
Flash, keep your cool or no one will understand a thing.
¡ Rayo, mucha calma en esa hora! ¡ Nadie te va a entender!
Don't know how you keep your cool.
No sé cómo lo soportas.
So keep your cool.
Así que tranquilo.
Be patient in there. Keep your cool.
Mike, quiero que seas paciente.
Come on, keep your cool.
Vamos, manten la calma.
Yeah, well, if you keep your cool and don't run around like a headless chicken...
Sí, bueno, si mantienes la calma y no corres como una gallina... No hay tiempo para chácharas.
Chief, look, under the circumstances, it's important that you keep your cool.
Jefe, mira, bajo estas circunstancias, es importante que te mantengas frío.
How did you keep your cool?
¿ Cómo te mantuviste frío?
So, keep your cool, cross your legs, and before you know it, it will be your turn.
Así que espera tranquila, cruza tus piernas y antes que te des cuenta, será tu turno.
- Keep your breath to cool the slurry.
- Guardad vuestro aliento para enfriar la papilla.
Keep your corpuscles cool, Vera.
No te alteres, Vera.
Now, keep your sights cool till he's ripe.
Mantén el revólver tranquilo hasta que esté a tiro.
Cool your hot blood and keep your place... which is high enough, but not above the good of the realm.
Calme su ira y manténgase en su lugar... que de por sí es muy elevado, pero que no está por encima del trono.
It has fringe all around the edges and I guess, you could wear it over your head at noon to keep the sun off, or, I suppose in the evening when it's cool you could throw it around your shoulders.
Está toda llena de flecos. Podrías usarla sobre tu cabeza... al mediodía, para protegerte del sol, supongo. A la noche, cuando refresca, podrías usarla sobre los hombros.
- Hey, Jerry, keep your cool kid.
Jerry, mantén la calma.
- That's right, so... be cool. Keep them under there, and keep your sweater closed.
Déjatelos ahí debajo y ciérrate el jersey.
"Keep your breath to cool your porridge."
"Guarde su aliento para enfriar su avena".
Keep your cool.
- Ella llevaba botas y un gorro ruso...
Keep cool, keep your mouth shut, and put the money in this bag.
Cierra la boca y pon la pasta en la bolsa. Volveré pronto.
If you want to keep your beer cool, stick it between his legs.
Si quieres enfriar tu cerveza, déjala en su entrepierna.
This far, you can keep your clothes on... because there's a breeze outside, and it's cool inside.
Por aquí la ropa no molesta aún. Hasta aquí llega la corriente de fuera, se nota algo de fresco y se está bien.
Let's keep cool. You better get your girdle out of mothballs.
Más vale que le quites la naftalina a tu faja.
Looks like you can keep your clowns and your parties and your lame memories of the'60s or the'20s or whenever the hell you thought you were cool.
Ustedes pueden conservar sus payasos y sus fiestas y sus memorias poco convincentes de los'60s, o los'20s o cuando quiera crean que fue estupendo.
Keep at it and never lose your cool.
Insiste y nunca pierdas los estribos.
- Pretty cool way to keep your pants up, eh?
Es una manera genial de mantener los pantalones arriba.
Keep him at your place. I'm cool with it.
no hay problema.
Tell your friend to keep cool. It'll be done in two days.
Dile a tu amigo que se quede tranquilo.
That's cool. You know what? Screw the girl, keep your job.
Acuéstate con ella por el empleo.
I'll tell him to keep off your property. Hopefully, that will cool things off. That will not do a damn thing.
Esperemos que eso calme las cosas.
Keep cool, stay back and shut your mouth.
Mantente tranquilo, no te acerques y cierra la boca.
Yeah The only cool way to dance is to keep your hands at your sides and your eyes looking at the ground. Then every three seconds you take a drag from your cigarette.
Si, la mejor forma de bailar es con las manos a los lados y los ojos mirando al suelo y cada tres segundos, le das una vocanada a tu cigarrillo.
Taking money out of my pocket trying to keep your little country ass cool.
Me cuesta dinero mantener a salvo tu culito de pueblerina.

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