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Keep your mouth shut translate Spanish

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You just couldn't keep your mouth shut.
No podías mantener la boca cerrada.
Keep your mouth shut!
¡ Mantén tu bocota cerrada!
I told you to keep your mouth shut.
Te dije que mantener la boca cerrada.
Then keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you're talkin'about.
Entonces mantén tu boca cerrada si no sabes de lo que estás hablando.
- But keep your mouth shut, Peixe.
- Boca cerrada, ¿ entiendes, Peixe?
Then keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you're talkin'about.
¡ Pues cállate, si no sabes de lo que hablas!
Keep your mouth shut!
Quedate callada!
Keep your mouth shut, okay?
Mantén la boca cerrada, ¿ está bien?
Then, you didn't keep your mouth shut completely.
Entonces tampoco callaste del todo.
Keep your mouth shut.
No abras la boca.
Word of advice. Keep your mouth shut till you hire a lawyer.
Mantén tu boca cerrada hasta que contrates un abogado.
You knew exactly what was at stake but you just couldn't keep your mouth shut.
Sabías exactamente que estaba en riesgo pero no podías callarte.
I win, you keep your mouth shut about the ring, and you leave me and Susan alone.
Yo gano, mantienes la boca cerrada sobre lo del anillo, y nos dejas a Susan y a mí en paz.
Oh, keep your mouth shut.
Mantén la boca cerrada.
Keep your mouth shut!
¡ Mantengan la boca cerrada!
Keep your mouth shut.
Cierra la boca.
Stick behind me and keep your mouth shut.
Quédate detrás de mí y mantén tu boca cerrada.
Here, and tie it firmly around Batuk's stomach. And until this is not done keep your mouth shut.
- Aquí tienes, átalo con firmeza alrededor del estómago de Batuk y mantén la boca cerrada hasta que lo hayas hecho.
And keep your mouth shut!
Mantén la boca cerrada!
Keep your mouth shut,
Manten la boca cerrada,
Keep your mouth shut, he'll turn your life into a living nightmare... You won't know the difference between when you are living and when you are dreaming?
Mantén la boca cerrada, vas a convertir tu vida en una pesadilla... no podrás diferenciar cuando estás soñando y cuando estas despierto
I'll thank you to keep your mouth shut,'dude'!
¡ Agradeceré que mantengas tu boca cerrada,'tío'!
Maybe because you can't keep your mouth shut.
Quizás porque no puedes mantener la boca cerrada.
Better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid... than open it and remove all doubt.
Mejor mantener la boca cerrada y poner cara de tonto... que abrirla y aclarar todas las dudas.
No, but sometimes you just gotta know when to keep your mouth shut.
No, pero algunas veces tienes que saber cuando mantener la boca cerrada.
If you keep your mouth shut, we'll be fine.
Si mantiene su boca cerrada, todos vamos a estar bien.
I say you keep your mouth shut and let her dream.
Cierra la boca y déjala soñar.
But I'd keep your mouth shut about all of this.
Pero yo no diría nada sobre todo esto.
You know what, keep it professional and keep your mouth shut.
Mantenlo profesional y cierra la boca.
You couldn't keep your mouth shut.
No pudiste mantener la boca cerrada.
Can you keep your mouth shut for more than five seconds? Don't even talk to me, Molly.
¿ Te puedes callar de una vez?
Keep your mouth shut and your mother happy, or you'll have me to answer to!
¡ Mantienes la boca callada y a tu madre contenta, o tendrás que responder ante mí!
I guess sometimes it pays to keep your mouth shut, but i can't help myself.
Supongo que debo mantener la boca cerrada, pero no puedo evitarlo.
Keep your mouth shut.
Ten la boca cerrada.
Keep this place sparkling clean and keep your mouth shut.
Mantenlo todo limpio y mantén la boca cerrada.
You just stay close and keep your mouth shut.
No somos compañeros. Tú tan sólo te quedas cerca y mantienes la boca cerrada.
you just don't know when to keep your mouth shut, do you?
No sabes cuándo callarte, ¿ verdad?
I needed you to keep your mouth shut, that's what I needed.
Necesitaba que mantuvieras tu boca cerrada. Eso era lo que necesitaba.
you keep your mouth shut, and you get to see your kid in visitation.
Tú mantén la boca cerrada y podrás ver a tu hija en las visitas.
But keep your mouth shut About it.
Pero mantén tu boca cerrada al respecto.
- Keep your mouth shut!
¡ Anda, cierra el pico! ¡ El pico, cerradito!
Or you gonna keep your mouth shut like the rest of these people? Right.
¿ O te callarás como el resto de esta gente?
You stay here and keep your mouth shut until we need you to eyeball mack daddy.
Tú quédate aquí y mantén tu boca cerrada hasta que te necesitemos para identificar a nuestro objetivo.
No, you need to keep your mouth shut.
¡ No! Tiene que callarse la boca.
You stay away from my daughter and you keep your mouth shut about me and Adrian's mom.
Mantente alejado de mi hija y cierra la boca sobre lo mío y la mamá de Adrian.
Only if you keep your fucking mouth shut.
Sólo si mantienes tu maldita boca cerrada.
Well, I advise you keep your little underachieving mouth shut because my relationship with my daughter is none of your business.
Bueno, te aconsejo que mantengas tú pequeña boca cerrada porque mi relación con mi hija no es asunto tuyo.
- Keep your mouth shut.
- Cállate la boca.
Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Mantén la boca cerrada.
A scholarship. I needed you to keep your mouth shut, that's what I needed.
Necesitaba que mantuvieras tu boca cerrada.
Motherfucker, I told you to keep your goddamn mouth shut.
Hijo de puta, te dije que mantuvieras tu maldita boca cerrada.

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