Look at her translate Spanish
7,209 parallel translation
Oh, look at her, being all responsible and stuff.
Mírala, siendo tan responsable y todo.
- Look at me, don't look at her.
- Mírame a mí, no a ella.
You couldn't look at her.
No la podías mirar.
Look at her!
¡ Hola guapo!
Niklaus, look at her.
Niklaus, mírala.
Look at her.
Look at her in the eyes.
Mírala a los ojos.
You do not speak or even look at her unless I specifically ask you.
Ni le hablaras ni la miraras siquiera a menos que te lo pida especificamente.
I might ask Stapeley to have a look at her.
Le pediré a Atapeley que le eche un vistazo.
Look at her wrist!
¡ Mira su muñeca!
- Look at her!
- Mírala!
"If you look at her with my eyes.."
"Si nos fijamos en ella con los ojos.."
Look at her, holding court like some newly engaged Kardashian.
Mírala, haciéndole la corte como si fuera una nueva Kardashian prometida.
Look at her!
¡ Mírala!
I can't even stand to look at her and now she's in my pajamas, drooling on my pillow.
Ni siquiera puedo soportar mirarla y ahora lleva mi pijama y babea en mi almohada.
I couldn't look at her face, so I pushed her in and covered her up and I didn't tell anybody about what I did or what I thought you did.
No pude mirar su cara, Así que la empujé dentro y la cubrí. y no le conté a nadie lo que hice o lo que creí que hiciste.
Look at her name.
Mira su nombre.
I can ask her to stop lying, tell her that her 12-year-old son can't even stand to look at her anymore, I can tell her that I think she's better than that.
Puedo pedirle que deje de mentir, puedo decirle que su hijo de doce años no puede ni mirarla a la cara, puedo decirle que creo que es mejor que eso.
Wait, wait, wait, this is my favorite part, it's my favorite part, look at her face, look at her face, look at her face...
Espera, espera, espera, esta es mi parte favorita, es mi parte favorita, mira su cara, mira su cara, mira su cara...
A little, look at her.
- Un poco, mírala.
Franky, look at her.
- Franky, mírala.
CARRIE : Look at her shoes.
Mira sus zapatos.
And he didn't want to look at her face while he was killing her.
Y no quería ver su cara mientras la mataba.
But I couldn't look at her, so I turned her around and I finished it.
Pero no podía mirarla, así que le di la vuelta y lo acabé.
Look at her, remember her.
Mírala, recuérdala.
You even look at her again, I will break your neck.
Si sólo la vuelves a mirar, te partiré el cuello.
Look at her. She breed good for you!
Mírenla. ¡ Es una buena reproductora!
[Whimpers] Look at her.
- Elam : Look at her!
- ¡ Mírenl!
That's ok, I just want to look at her for a while.
No pasa nada, solo quiero contemplarla un rato.
Abuela asked me to never tell you what she said, and I... I didn't want you to look at her differently.
Abuela me pidió que nunca le contara lo que dijo, y yo... no quiero que la veas diferente
- Oh, and look at her cheeks.
- Oh, y mirar a sus mejillas.
And whenever I felt like giving up, I just had to look at her face.
Y cuando pensaba en rendirme, solo tenía que mirar su cara.
If I can take a look at her D.N.A., I might figure out a way to beat this thing.
Si puedo observar su ADN, quizás pueda encontrar una manera de vencer a esta cosa.
- Look at her.
- Mírala.
Vroom. Look at her go.
Miren su marcha.
I usually back your play, but look at her!
¡ Usualmente te afianzo la apuesta, pero, mira a la pobre!
Ah, look at her, so peaceful.
Mírala, tan serena.
If you so much as look at her the wrong way, I will slit your throat.
Si tan solo la miras mal, te cortaré la garganta.
I mean, look at the rack on her.
Quiero decir, mira el estante en ella.
Look, if you're really pissed at your ma, and you need her to know, then you've got to show her.
Mira, si realmente estas enfadada con tu madre y necesitas que lo sepa, tienes que mostrarselo
Yeah, let's look at where that got her.
Sí, veamos a dónde la llevó eso.
Look at her,
Look, if you're really pissed at your ma and you need her to know, then you gotta show her.
Mira, si estás realmente enojado con tu mamá y quieres que ella lo sepa, entonces debes mostrárselo.
That's what you should look at if you want to find the person who framed her for this.
Eso es lo que deberias mirar si quieres encontrar a la persona que la esta inculpando de esto.
When Lucien leaps from his chair at the Doctor's, don't look at him, watch her.
Cuando Lucien se levanta hacia la doctora, no lo mires a él mírala a ella.
She was at the school when we called Mason to look for her, but now we're not hearing back from either of them.
Estaba en la escuela cuando llamamos a Mason para que fuera a buscarla, pero ahora no sabemos nada de ninguno de los dos.
Look, if you're really pissed at your ma, and you need her to know, then you gotta show her.
Mira, si de verdad estás enfadada con tu madre, y quieres que lo sepa, tienes que demostrárselo.
First, look at the ligature on her wrists.
Primero, mire las ligaduras de sus muñecas.
It's... It's poisonous, because regardless of the fact that I love her, we need to look at this, Anne, right now.
Es... es venenoso, porque más allá del hecho de que la amo, debemos mirar esto, Anne, ahora mismo.
- I mean, look. I don't have anything against her personally, at all.
- Lo que quiero decir... es que no tengo absolutamente nada en contra de ella.
look at her eyes 29
look at her face 33
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look at me 7366
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look at you 3730
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look at your face 75
look at her face 33
look at her go 21
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at them 596
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at my face 104
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look at you go 18
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look at this view 22
look at them 596
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22