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Make a note translate Spanish

728 parallel translation
Make a note of that.
Make a note of that.
- Toma nota de ello.
Make a note of that.
- Tome nota de eso.
Yes, sir, I'll make a note.
Sí, señor, así lo haré.
I'll make a note of it on my cuff.
Lo anotaré en el puño de mi camisa.
That reminds me, I must make a note to Mrs Walker telling her to lay off the apple pies for a while and make me mince pies.
Por cierto, debo decir a la Sra. Walker que estoy harto de las manzanas, quiero tarta de queso.
I must make a note of this.
Tengo que tomar nota de esto.
I must make a note of this, Mr. Chang.
Tengo que tomar nota de esto, Sr. Chang.
Make a note.
Tome nota.
- Thanks, I'll make a note of it.
- Gracias, tomaré nota.
All right, captain. I'll make a note of it.
Bien, capitán. tomare nota de él.
At any rate, make a note.
Si el Sr. Halton viene otra vez, tome nota.
- Make a note of that, Charlie.
- Anota eso, Charlie.
Make a note of it.
Anota eso.
Make a note of it.
Doc, make a note of their names.
Tome nota de los nombres.
Make a note of that, doc.
Anote eso, Doctor.
And make a note of that too.
Y también puedo tomar notas.
Make a note-According to the police, Miss Manton's costume was fetching.
La policía destacó el traje de Manton.
I'll make a note of it.
Tomaré nota.
Make a note to put a safe in one of the front windows and have Patsy Mason open it with one of those new can openers.
Hay que poner una caja fuerte en uno de los escaparates. Para que Patsy la abra con uno de esos abrelatas nuevos. ¡ Jerome!
Make a note of that.
- Anótalo.
Make a note of that, Miss Pettypass.
- Tome nota, Srta. Pettypass.
I make a note that little René...
Entonces, anoto que el pequeño René...
I'll make a note of it.
Lo anotaré.
Make a note of it.
Apunte eso.
- We shall make a note of it.
- 60 decagramos. - Lo anotaremos.
Vicky, apúntalo bien.
I'll make a note.
Lo anotaré.
- Make a note of that.
- Anota eso. Lo usaré.
Make a note of that.
Toma nota de eso.
I must make a note of that.
Tengo que tomar nota.
Especially fruit. Make a note of it.
Especialmente la fruta.
Make a note of it, Steve.
Toma nota, Steve.
Landis, make a note of this.
Landis, toma nota de esto.
Make a note of that.
Fíjese bien en eso.
Make a note of that.
Apunta eso.
I'll make a note of it.
Tomo nota.
Make a note for inspector Barret.
Haga una nota para el inspector Barret.
You just make a note of it in your little black book.
Escribe una nota en tu librito negro.
That would be wonderful. - Make a note of that, dear.
- Anótalo, Walter, querido.
Make a note of that.
Toma nota.
Make a note of that.
Two days later, Stephen Dallas disappeared... leaving behind him a note saying he was trying to make a life... somewhere else.
Dos días después, Stephen Dallas desapareció... dejando una nota diciendo que estaba tratando de rehacer su vida... en otro lugar ".
Why, I can't make Dad sign a note, because- -
No puedo decirle que lo firme...
- I'll make a note.
- Me lo apuntaré.
- May I make a note of that?
Kretschmar-Schuldorff. - ¿ Puedo apuntarlo?
High, high, high, la-do-da-de-a I'll take the high note And you take the low note And we'll make
Yo cantaré una nota alta y tú canta una nota baja si logramos hacerlo cantaremos una canción melódica y equilibrada.
Well, I'll make a note of that.
Gracias, muchachos.
You said, "This doesn't concern me." Make a note of that, David.
Toma nota de eso, David.
- A C-note should make me very happy.
- Cien dólares me harían muy feliz.

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