One male translate Spanish
656 parallel translation
I think the truth lies somewhere between you, and for that reason I suggest that you take one male and one female of each species.
Entre las dos posiciones está la verdad, y por eso sugiero que se lleven un macho y una hembra de cada especie.
I need one male and one female.
Necesito un hombre y una mujer.
For less than ten million, you can get ten animals : one male, nine females. The pregnancy lasts four months, not at all like us.. and in a year, 50 chinchillas.
Con menos de un millon te llevas a casa 10 animales un macho y 9 hembras, el embarazo dura 4 meses en un año tienes 50 chinchillas 5 millones
One male and one female.
Uno masculino y el otro femenino.
Here in Louisiana, the breeding ratio is one male to every five females.
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But in Virginia, a great specialist of the time declares the ideal ratio to be one male for eight females.
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One male gorilla, age seven... fully conditioned bed maker, grade "A."
Un gorila macho, de siete años. Condicionado a hacer camas, grado A.
Lot eight, one male chimpanzee... in early prime and perfect physical condition
¡ Lote ocho! ¡ Un chimpancé macho! Joven y en perfectas condiciones físicas.
It's all itemized under the care and feeding of one, count them, one male dolphin,... Alpha, age 4.
Está todo detallado en el marco del cuidado y la alimentación de uno, contar con ellos, un delfín macho,... Alpha, 4 años de edad.
If Arak does not come forth, one male two-leg will be taken from each family of the settlement to suffer the retribution due for the foul crime of Arak.
Si Arak no sale, un macho bípedo se tomará de cada familia para sufrir el castigo por el delito cometido por el desaparecido Arak.
God created man from one male and one female
Dios creó al ser humano de un hombre y una mujer...
Two adult males, one adult female, and one male child.
Dos machos adultos, una hembra, y un infante.
One male, two males, three males, four males...
Un hombre, dos hombres, tres hombres, cuatro hombres...
The big one's female and the small one male.
El grande es la hembra y el pequeño, el macho.
( Male announcer )'There goes Joe Greer, number one.'
Ahí va el número 1, Joe Greer
'Tis one of the delightful misfortunes that overtakes the male of the species.
Es una de las maravillosas desgracias que le sobreviene al macho de nuestra especie.
How about making the most of a male fish now one has been washed up, eh? What about a smacker?
Ya que la marea me trajo, ¿ qué tal un beso?
We, on our part, will procure young male and female elephants... and forward them unto you one or two pairs at a time.
Nosotros, por nuestra parte, conseguiremos jóvenes elefantes machos y hembras y se los enviaremos, una o dos parejas cada vez.
Seems we have a very healthy male Iris, and he asked if he could have some pollen so he could breed it to one of his.
Ah, por lo visto tenemos un lirio muy viril. Me ha pedido un poco de polen para sus ejemplares.
If one slave of a household be guilty of murder, then all male slaves of the same household... Shall die with him.
Si el esclavo de una familia es culpable de asesinato... entonces, todos los esclavos de esa familia... morirán con él.
"One war bride, male".
"Una novia de guerra macho".
Male, female, eunuch, every one of them.
Hombres, mujeres, eunucos, cada uno de ellos.
Male or female, all have a right to ask for one thing.
Una sola. Y esto es tan difícil.
( Male # 4 )'In the present crisis No one can shirk the clear call of duty.
En la presente crisis, nadie puede eludir la clara llamada del deber.
Now, let me dwell just for one moment on the American male.
Déjame hablar por un momento del americano.
One's going to the opera two have heavy dates and the fourth is available to any honorable and single male crew member.
Uno va a la opera, dos tienen citas importantes, y el cuarto esta a disposición de los solteros del equipo!
Are you one of those male nurses?
¿ Uno de esos enfermeros?
hunting the male. This sport made them so famous in the world that today there isn't one respectable anthropologist who doesn't refer to this archipelago as one of the few places in the world where women still practice polygamy.
Este deporte las hizo famosas en todo el mundo, tanto que hoy no hay autor etnólogo que no cite estas islas como uno de los pocos lugares de la tierra donde las mujeres practican aun la poliandria.
Unfortunately, the male of the Trobriand, when in fear, keeps making the mistake of climbing on something where, sooner or later, he will be caught and forced to nest, one way or the other.
El macho en las Trobriands cuando entra en pánico, comete el error de subirse a algo donde, tarde o temprano, será obligado, a las buenas o a las malas, a nidificar.
We captured four of their disrupter-type weapons, two complete outfits of male clothing and perhaps, most important of all, one of their communication devices.
Capturamos cuatro de sus armas dos vestimentas completas y lo más importante un dispositivo de comunicación.
I know that you don't know which one is male and which one is female.
Ya sé que ustedes no saben quién es el hombre y quién la mujer.
Is one a female and the other a male?
¿ Uno es hembra y el otro macho?
One day, the God of Heaven called the male god to him and told him to create an island and become the guardian deity of it.
Un día, el Dios del Cielo convocó al dios y le ordenó crear una isla y ser su guardián.
Red, little, spiky stigmas of the female flower... dangling, yellow male catkin... yellow pollen flying from one to the other.
Estigmas rojos, pequeños y puntiagudos de la flor hembra... colgando, el amento amarillo macho... polen amarillo que vuela de uno al otro.
Class three-one-nine-eight, selected male
Clase 3-1-9-8. Seleccionado hombre, Doctor-Gond.
One of them was a male.
Uno era hombre.
Were you the one who put Juliette with the male?
- ¿ Pusiste tú a Romeo con Julieta? - Sí.
One unidentified male, sex deviate, white, about 45.
Varón no identificado, blanco, invertido sexual, de unos 45 años.
One unidentified male, white and in early 20s.
Varón no identificado, blanco, de veintipocos años.
And one unidentified male, black, in late 20s.
Y varón no identificado, negro, de casi 30.
One full-grown male lion loose on the streets a successful raid by New York's Finest a grand-jury hearing, and the deportation of an Italian bicycle rider.
Un león adulto suelto en las calles una redada exitosa de la Policía de Nueva York una audiencia de un gran jurado y la deportación de un ciclista italiano.
All of them in one room, male and female together, lying in a heap like rats in a sewer.
Todos en una habitación, hombres y mujeres juntos... viviendo amontonados como ratas en una alcantarilla.
Of course! It was one of our male nurses.
- Claro, era uno de nuestros enfermeros.
Youngish, personable, smartly dressed, something of a dandy one suspects, a lady's man with a good deal of male vanity.
Joven, bien parecido... vestido elegantemente. Un dandi, el prototipo de hombre ideal para una dama... con mucha vanidad masculina.
In one, a girl lived intimately with a male dolphin for two months.
En uno, una chica vivió íntimamente con un delfín macho durante 2 meses.
Lieutenant, one of our patrols has picked up your male Negro suspect. And they got his briefcase too.
Un patrullero prendió a su negro sospechoso y tienen su maletín también.
The male ostriches come to a screeching halt, look around and one says to the other one, where'd they go?
Los machos se paran, miran alrededor, y uno le dice al otro "¿ Dónde se han metido?"
And the male is the one who is stronger?
¿ Y el varón... es el más fuerte?
~ And this one, is it a male, too?
- Y ésta, ¿ también es macho?
( Male voice ) people started chatting - - But for the most part, No one really got into it yet, because we thought
"La gente empezó a murmurar... pero a la mayoría no nos preocupó porque pensamos que sería solo otro retraso típico de la hora pico."
( Male doctor ) There was then, a general scurry around to find flashlights and I immediately commanded one, so i can see what was happening.
"Tuvimos que trabajar con linternas porque era necesario continuar con mucha precaución."
male 417
males 20
maleficent 44
malek 37
male or female 65
male voice 64
male and female 30
male reporter 57
male announcer 21
male interviewer 21
males 20
maleficent 44
malek 37
male or female 65
male voice 64
male and female 30
male reporter 57
male announcer 21
male interviewer 21
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one month later 23
one more 931
one more shot 23
one more day 57
one more chance 34
one more hour 17
one more thing 865
one more minute 37
one more time 797
one month later 23
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one more shot 23
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one more drink 18
one moment 967
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one more question 124
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one more try 17
one more big push 18
one more word 46
one minute 770
one month 61
one mississippi 37
one million dollars 24
one mistake 32
one million 61
one man 83
one more big push 18
one more word 46
one minute 770
one month 61
one mississippi 37
one million dollars 24
one mistake 32
one million 61
one man 83