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They got everything translate Spanish

604 parallel translation
Where I'm takin'you, they got everything.
El sitio a donde les vamos a llevar, tiene de todo.
They got everything in the States.
- En los EE.UU. hay de todo.
They got everything but the balloon ascension.
Tienen todo, menos el ascenso en globo.
They got everything.
¿ Peter, has prestado atención a elîos?
They've got everything else here.
Aquí tienen de todo lo demás.
( Male announcer )'Fighting it out with everything they've got.' 'There goes Eddie into the lead.'
Luchan con todo lo que tienen.
They're bad enough when you got everything that money can buy.
Son bastante terribles aún pudiendo comprar cosas.
They've got everything watched.
La policía está por todas partes.
Get me the mannion files, fingerprints, photographs, everything they got, bring'em in.
Traigan el expediente de Mannion. Fotos, todo.
They've got to fight for a place to play, fight for a little extra something to eat, fight for everything.
Tienen que pelear por un sitio donde jugar, por algo extra que comer, tienen que pelear por todo.
They got the police, the courts, everything.
Louis Midland domina todo el estado.
They don't seem to know, but they say they're awful fools... pullin'up stakes and leavin everything they got... to come out here and squat in the mud and slop till they freeze.
No saben, pero dicen que son unos tontos... por haber dejado todo para venir aquí... - a congelarse en el lodo.
- Well, there must be something wrong when there's so much hate... people being tortured, killed... everything they've got in the world taken away from them.
- Además, ¿ qué? Debe de haber algo malo si hay tanto odio. Torturan a la gente, la matan... les quitan todas sus posesiones.
Who wants to sleep in tents when they've got their own room with a bath, where they know where everything is?
¿ Quién querría dormir en tiendas, teniendo una habitación con baño, y donde se sabe dónde está todo?
This afternoon I was taking them to the Grosberg camp so they could cable the United States and tell them not to believe those stories they hear about the German concentration camps, and you've got to spoil everything.
Iba a llevarles al campo de Grossberg. Para que envíen crónicas a los Estados Unidos desmintiendo las historias que se cuentan sobre los campos. Lo van a fastidiar todo.
They've got everything there.
Tienen todo allí.
They got everything on here but my social security number.
No bromeabas.
They've got everything on them but a waffle iron.
Tienen todo, excepto una waflera.
I start to figure maybe they won't take me... and some cold sweat runs down the middle of my back, and my head begins to buzz... and everything in the middle of the room begins to swim... and I get black spots in front of my eyes... and they say I've got high blood pressure again.
Empiezo a imaginarme que, a lo mejor, no me cogen... y un sudor frío me corre por la espalda, y la cabeza me empieza a zumbar... y en la habitación todo empieza a balancearse... y tengo manchas negras delante de los ojos... y dicen que otra vez tengo la tensión alta.
- You hear everything they say. - I've got it.
- Uno oye todo lo que la gente dice.
When theJaps find out what they've run into, they're going to come after you with everything they've got, but this is the battle we've been praying for.
Cuando los japoneses se enteren con qué se han encontrado... Los perseguirán con todo lo que tengan. Pero ésta es la batalla por la que rezamos.
They've got everything worked out to the smallest detail.
Tienen todo pensado hasta el mínimo detalle.
We've got the ring. We've got Sammy. And they'll verify everything you say when we introduce them.
Tenemos el anillo y a Sammy, y al mostrarlos, confirmarán todo lo que tu digas.
They got everything.
- Tiene todo.
They've made a villain out of him. They don't like his driving. They come to see him spin out, blow up, but he's got everything under control.
Tiene una reputación horrible, se critica su estilo, todo el mundo desea que se estrelle, pero siempre gana.
The navy's gonna plaster the hills with everything they've got.
La armada bombardeará las colinas.
I've got a tape recorder going, getting everything they're talking about...
Tengo una grabadora en marcha, grabando todo lo que dicen.
Well, now, when that happens, they'll throw in everything they've got to try and wipe us out.
Cuando eso ocurra, arrojarán todo lo que tienen para tratar de eliminarnos.
But they got married without ceremony saving up on everything!
¡ Pero después se han casado sin ceremonia y se han ahorrado todo!
- They've got to open. We've checked everything.
Tienen que abrirse, lo hemos comprobado.
You can expect them to throw everything they've got at you, but it's got to be taken at all costs.
Esperen que los ataquen con todo... pero tiene que tomarse a toda costa.
They'll ride into town, pick up the sheriff and hit you with everything they got.
Irá a la ciudad, recogerán al sheriff y vendrán a atacarle a usted.
Big, successful businesses are built by men like me... who give everything they've got to it... who live it, body and soul... lift it up regardless of anybody or anything else.
A las grandes empresas exitosas las construyen hombres como yo... que dan todo lo que tienen... que viven para ellas, en cuerpo y alma... y que las priorizan por encima de todo y de todos.
Ain't it a shame how they get on you about everything because they got no gumption to take it out on the boss?
¿ No es vergonzoso cómo se desquitan con Uds porque no se animan a desquitarse con el jefe?
See us pounding away with everything we've got and them pounding back at us with everything they've got.
Nos verá atacando con todas nuestras fuerzas y a ellos atacándonos con todo lo que tienen.
Put on everything they've got.
Que enciendan todo lo que tengan.
I've got everything I need, and they shouldn't worry.
Tengo todo lo que necesito, y no deben preocuparse.
There is no telling, they've got everything in their way.
No puede saberse, tienen todo a su favor.
Of everything, sir. Look - everyone knows what they've got to do.
De todo, mire señor, todo el mundo sabe lo que tiene que hacer.
According to them, they got GI gear, guns and everything else.
Tienen armas de todo tipo. Hasta americanas.
They've got just about everything, haven't they?
Lo deben de tener todo.
They got mummies there and everything.
Tienen momias allí y todo.
Yeah. It's okay if they go in because we've got everything away. Just a couple of wrecks left there.
Sí, pero no importa si entran dentro, porque lo hemos vaciado, sólo ha quedado chatarra.
They want us to send everything we've got.
Quieren que mandemos todo lo que tenemos...
We can't expect them to patrol everything from here to Greenland with what they've got now.
No pueden patrullarlo todo desde aquí hasta Groenlandia... con lo que tienen ahora.
Tell the engine room to give me everything they've got.
Digale a ingeniería que me dè todo lo que tengan.
You've got just three slugs in the gun, and they've got dogs, shotguns, tear gas, everything!
sólo tienes tres balas, mientras que ellos tienen perros, rifles, gases lacrimógenos, ¡ de todo!
Call Reinhardt and Reinhardt custom tailors. Have them send up everything they've got in their shop — single-breasted, three-buttoned, narrow lapels, medium-gray to dark blue, size thirty-nine regular.
Llama a los sastres Reinhardt y Reinhardt... y que manden trajes rectos con tres botones, cuello angosto... gris claro hasta azul oscuro talle... 39.
They just got to relax and put everything out their mind.
Tienes que relajarte y olvidarte de los problemas.
They've even got a form of baseball. Leagues of everything, just like we've got.
Tienen hasta un tipo de baseball o algo asi, ligas y todo, como las nuestras.
They got speedboats, everything.
Tienen lanchas motoras, todo.

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