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They got nothing translate Spanish

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When settling time comes, they got nothing left. When advances are paid, and the interest taken out. Nothing, for a year's sweat.
Después de pagar los intereses, a la familia no le queda nada tras un año de sudor.
They got nothing on me, see?
No tienen nada de qué acusarme.
They're not going anyplace. I guess they got nothing else to do.
- No tendrán otra cosa que hacer.
They got nothing but time?
Tiempo es lo único que les sobra.
They got nothing else to do up there but talk.
No tienen nada más que hacer aparte de hablar.
They act like they got nothing else to do.
Éstos actúan como si no tuvieran nada más que hacer.
Oh, they got nothing but brandy, boss.
Solo tener bebida cognac.
A big outfit, they got nothing to worry about with drought.
Pero con una buena instalacion, no hay que preocuparse.
They got nothing to do... but go to court.
No tenemos nada... que hacer en un juzgado.
What do you mean? Since those kids got back from the hospital, they've been living on nothing but milk.
Desde su vuelta al hospital, ellas no se alimentan más que de leche.
They've got a whole town that does nothing but make roquefort somewhere in France.
En Francia, hay una ciudad que sólo se dedica a eso.
iii take this off. They ´ rre after somebody and they ´ vve got nothing on me.
Están buscando a alguien y me alegro de que no tengan nada contra mí.
They've got nothing on me!
¡ No tienen nada contra mí!
- They've got nothing.
Ellos no tienen nada.
They deliver the show in tin cans and we got nothing to worry about.
Entregan la película en latas y no tenemos de qué preocuparnos.
You know it's funny. When people got nothing, they act like human beings. We get along swell here.
Cuando la gente no tiene nada actúa humanamente.
Probably they've got nothing on!
Seguramente van desnudos.
They got me down, but that's nothing.
Me han metido en cama, pero no es nada.
They think about nothing but money. A girl's got to do the same instead of fooling away her time on a guy like me. - Unless he crashes through.
Una muchacha debe hacer lo mismo... en lugar de perder el tiempo con un tipo como yo... a menos que tenga suerte.
There's nothing I can do about it, if they want their money. You got us into this with your flag-wavin'.
No puedo hacer nada si quieren su dinero.
I see. I got nothing against you personally. But the next time any of my clients decide they might want to kick up a fuss.
No tengo nada contra usted, pero cuando otro cliente quiera molestarme, recordará lo que le pasó a usted.
Them and their ma's all the time bawling me out because they ain't got nothing to eat, as if I had anything to do with it.
Se pasan el día gritándome porque no tienen qué comer, como si eso fuera culpa mía.
They got nothing from him
No le sacaron nada.
One of'em is just a baby. Just a little baby, and they haven't got a thing to go on! Nothing!
Uno de ellos sólo es un bebé y no tienen nada que comer. ¡ Nada!
They'd stop at nothing and they've got Doctor Watson.
- Eso dice usted.
Because old people got nothing else they can get excited about.
Porque los viejos no tienen otra cosa que los entusiasme.
They've got nothing to complain about.
No dan pena.
The next to have nothing. But they got what they deserved.
En un minuto lo tienes todo,... y al siguiente, nada.
They've got nothing on me.
No tienen nada contra mí.
Thieves! No flour, no bread, no nothing, and they got 2 inches of fat on the face.
Nosotros sin harina, ni pan, ni nada y encima nos lo restriegan por la cara.
They've got nothing on me, but you might have a few uninvited guests.
Ahora debemos tener mucho cuidado. De mí no saben nada, pero tú podrías tener invitados inesperados.
I remember I asked him if he wanted me to wait. I know a fella that got rolled once on Camden West. He didn't have nothing, so they stole his pants.
- A Camden West y le pregunté si quería que lo esperara porque sé que allí roban hasta zapatos y calcetines.
- Nothing. Not after they got me in the car.
- Nada, me metieron en el coche.
All the suckers got dough and nothing they can buy - no new cars, no new homes, nothing!
Cualquier idiota puede conseguir pasta, pero no coches nuevos, ni casas nuevas, ni cosas así.
My paintings, they've got nothing to say to nobody.
Mis pinturas no tienen nada que decirle a nadie.
We got nothing they want.
No tenemos nada que les interese.
- They've got nothing to disinherit.
- No tienen nada para desheredar.
They've got nothing to beef about.
No tienen motivo de queja.
They've got nothing left to sell
No les queda nada más para vender.
They say : " "We've no rice, we've no wheat. We've got nothing!" "
Dicen : "no tenemos arroz, no tenemos trigo, no tenemos nada".
They must think we got nothing better to do than stand here.
No puedes decir que no soy bueno contigo.
I got nothing against niggers, as long as they behave.
No tengo nada en contra de los negros, mientras se comporten.
Yes, they're certain nothing got past them.
Sí, están seguros que no pasó nada.
Nothing should be the matter, unless they've got enough intelligence to cut the lines.
Nada muy importante, a menos que se hayan vuelto lo bastante inteligentes como para cortar las líneas.
They say that nothing's got a value, except the value that men put on it.
Dicen que las cosas tienen el valor que uno les da.
Of course there's nothing missing but there would be if they got Mr Memory.
Claro que no ha desaparecido nada... mientras el Sr. Memoria no abandone el país.
There's nothing on it because the race hasn't been run yet, but we got a little camera here that takes pictures five minutes before they happen.
No hay nada porque la carrera aún no se realiza, pero... Tenemos una camarita que toma fotografías 5 minutos antes de que pasen las cosas.
Then later on they said,'When I got nothing to do 'I'm gonna just right back to the reservation.'
"Cuando no tenga nada que hacer regresaré a la reserva".
I got nothing against them'cause they're poor.
No tengo nada en contra de ellos porque son pobres.
They are nothing but a farrago of circumstantial evidence which would never have got to court had the defendants not finished their evening near the garage, hadn't happened to leave the public house moments before the murder.
No son más que un revoltijo de pruebas circunstanciales que no habrían llegado al tribunal si los acusados no hubieran acabado aquella noche cerca del garaje,... si no se hubieran ido de la taberna momentos antes del asesinato.
They've got nothing.
Ellos no saben nada.

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