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They got away translate Spanish

864 parallel translation
They got away from me, boss.
¡ Me dieron esquinazo, jefe!
One of the guys slugged me. They got away.
Uno de ellos me pegó, y escaparon.
They got away from you.
- ¡ Se han escapado!
We chased them seven, eight miles, but they got away from us.
Les seguimos 7 u 8 millas, pero escaparon.
I guess they got away.
Creo que escaparon.
Now, don't tell me they got away with the payroll.
No me digas que se escaparon con el dinero para los sueldos.
- Then they got away with our only evidence.
Escapó con la única prueba.
They got away.
Se están escapando.
We had lots more, but they got away!
- ¿ En serio? - Teníamos más, pero se han escapado.
I tried to stop them to keep them just as they were when you left, but they got away from me.
Traté de detenerlos, de mantenerlos como estaban cuando te fuiste. ¡ Pero se escaparon de mí!
They should be. They got away before we did.
Se fueron antes que yo...
They got away.
Se han ido.
- They got away.
- Se han escapado.
But they got away through the Red Sea.
Pero se fueron atravesando el Mar Rojo.
They got away with the children.
Se escaparon con los niños.
They got away.
Se han escapado.
If by some damned coincidence they got on my track I'll get away through this tunnel.
Si por una maldita casualidad alguien me descubre, huiré por este pasadizo.
I've got to get away before they come.
Tengo que escapar antes de que vengan.
They all got away?
¿ Todos escaparon?
Those guys haven't got much chance getting away with it, have they?
Esos tipos no lograrán salirse con la suya, ¿ o sí?
Maybe one day they'll learn that they haven't got one chance in a million to get away with this.
Algún día aprenderán que no tienen ninguna oportunidad de escapar.
Killed the guard and got away with all the money. "They"?
Mataron al guarda y escaparon con todo el dinero.
I got my size back, and they're not taking that away from me.
Recobré mi valía, y no me despojarán de eso.
Stop them! They've got away.
¡ Detenles, se escapan!
I've got to get away before they find out who they've arrested or I'll never get out.
Debo huir antes de que sepan a quién arrestaron, o no saldré nunca.
Six months later, they got the gloves away from them. They're all right now.
Seis meses más tarde Ies quitaron Ios guantes.
Between them, they murdered him and got away together.
Ellos dos lo asesinaron y huyeron juntos.
You're asking me to throw away the only thing I got left that they can't take.
¿ Me pides que pierda lo único que me queda?
They all got away.
- Well, there must be something wrong when there's so much hate... people being tortured, killed... everything they've got in the world taken away from them.
- Además, ¿ qué? Debe de haber algo malo si hay tanto odio. Torturan a la gente, la matan... les quitan todas sus posesiones.
Algún día os daréis cuenta de que no podéis salir de aquí.
They think about nothing but money. A girl's got to do the same instead of fooling away her time on a guy like me. - Unless he crashes through.
Una muchacha debe hacer lo mismo... en lugar de perder el tiempo con un tipo como yo... a menos que tenga suerte.
They're searching for a man that got away from them.
Buscaban a un fugitivo.
- They say the criminal got away.
- Dicen que el culpable huyó.
I concluded by pointing out that if this town really wanted an honest, courageous and veracious Mayor, they had better catch you before you got away.
Concluí diciendo... que si esta ciudad realmente quiere un alcalde honesto, valiente y veraz... deberían irte a buscar antes de que tomaras el tren y te fueras.
They told me they practically copped him, but he got away.
Me dijeron que casi lo atrapan, pero que escapó.
Keep'em away! They've got a grudge against me.
Me odian a mí.
In another minute they would have thrown me in the sea and got away on a boat chartered by Simpson.
Un minuto más y me tiran al mar. Iban a escapar en un barco que tiene Simpson.
I've got to get away before they find him.
Debo huir antes que lo encuentren.
If I hadn't got away just in time, they'd have got us all tonight!
Me escabullí, si no, nos pescaban a todos.
They all got away, didn't they?
Todos escaparon, ¿ no?
If they think we're all getting away, maybe I've got a chance.
Si piensan que todos nos escapamos, quizá tenga una oportunidad.
They had us ringed. At night, we got away. Made it to the relief point, but you weren't there, sir.
Nos tenían cercados, pero por la noche nos escapamos y llegamos al punto de relevo,
I was going to stash them away but.. But things got awfully tough after they nailed you.. and.. The plates was hot and I got scared and I lost my nerve and..
Yo iba a esconderlas, pero... las cosas se pusieron feas cuando te pillaron Buscaban las planchas y tuve miedo.
See, by the time they figure out how we got away, we'll be gone, right?
Para cuando se den cuenta de cómo huimos, habremos desaparecido.
That's more important than Palinov. If I've got a choice between preventing 4 people from being chewed up, bitten by snakes, or dying of exposure or picking up a couple of smugglers, well, it's ok with me if they get away.
Si tengo que escoger entre salvar a 4 personas, o pillar a un par de contrabandistas, no me importa que se escapen.
They got away, sir.
Han huido, señor.
- None. They all got away.
- No, todos huyeron.
Everyone got a kipper and away they went.
Les han puesto en la mano unos cuantos arenques y en marcha, se acabó el problema
The rest of them got away, but they shot the horses from under two.
Los demás se escaparon, pero hirieron los caballos de dos de ellos.
They tried, but I got away.
Lo intentaron pero les esquivé.

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