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They got her translate Spanish

1,106 parallel translation
They got her upstairs.
La tienen arriba.
So, if they got her, it's because she trusted god-Almighty sherlock holmes.
Si la atraparon es porque confió en el todopoderoso Sherlock Holmes.
- They got her inside!
- ¡ Ha entrado!
- I'm afraid they got her.
- Ellos la tienen.
- They got her in this house near town.
- En una casa cerca del pueblo.
They got her.
Ellos la tienen.
They got her drinking, slit her throat and dropped her in the Seine.
Tienen su forma de beber, se cortó la garganta y la dejó en el Sena.
If they got her anywhere, they got her at Torchies.
La deben tener en "Torchie ´ s".
They got her at the hospital.
Ellas fueron al hospital.
Sounds like they got her, sir.
Suena como que se las arreglarán, señor.
So I mean they got her for cheaper with three pictures...
Y la consiguieron más barato con 3 películas...
He takes the case, and they got this scene where Ironside... has got to get to the woman in time to grab the poison from out of her hand.
Acepta el caso. Y hay una escena en que Ironside... llega justo a tiempo para quitarle el veneno de las manos a la señora.
The princess got ill. They called a doctor but he couldn't help her.
La princesa cayó enferma y el rey Benjamín llamó a un doctor.
- Think they got to her?
- Velma. - ¿ Crees que llegaron a ella?
They were supposed to perform for her, but got drunk instead, and I joined them.
Debían actuar ante ella y, en cambio, acabaron borrachos y yo con ellos.
Apparently, the fbi has something on her folks, so they got picked up.
EI FBI tenia cierta informacion sobre su familia y Ia arresto tambien.
Esther's got her own music, her own public, they want her.
Esther tiene su música y su público.
They got a single chasing her up the charts right now... number five with a bullet.
Tienen un sencillo en las listas... ... en el número cinco.
Ciertamente muy grave para criar a una niñita.
Hurry! We've got to find out where they're taking her!
Vamos, hay que seguirlos.
Erin's opening the toys I got for her in Tokyo... and they've been bouncing halfway around the world for six months.
Erin abre los juguetes que le compré en Tokio... que llevaban seis meses rodando por el mundo entero.
Oh, for Christ's sake, Marge. They haven't got her.
Por Dios, no la tienen.
They've got her.
Ellos se la llevaron.
Smells just like her too. God they got pretty girls in Las Vegas!
- Qué chicas más guapas hay por aquí.
- I told you they got her!
- ¡ Se lo dije!
Damn, they've really got her locked up in a hell of a place.
Demonios, en verdad la encerraron en un lugar muy difícil de alcanzar.
Finally she got so violent, they had to lobotomize her!
Al final se puso tan violenta que tuvieron que hacerle una lobotomía.
They got women working in front of her... under a Schmeisser.
Tienen mujeres trabajando frente a ella amenazadas con una Schmeisser.
He got wounded in the park, at least this is what they think, but on her bed cover are blood stains.
Fue herido en el parque, al menos es lo que ellos piensan, pero en su cubrecama hay manchas de sangre.
And next to the lawyer there are two fat married couples. the brother and his wife and the sister with her husband. They've got a sick girl.
Junto al abogado viven dos matrimonios gordos, el hermano con su mujer y la hermana con su marido.
They got land, because her brother helped the riot They're cultivating it
Consiguieron tierras porque su hermano nos ayudó.
It got rough and they attacked her.
La cosa está fea en la fábrica. Le pegaron a ella.
Hey, Rhonda here just got her boobs done, and they garnered a very enthusiastic round of applause from the audience. Yay.
Hey, Rhonda acaba de operarse las tetas... y se llevó una ronda entusiasmada de aplausos de la audiencia.
She got pregnant, and they sent her away.
Salió embarazada, y se la llevaron lejos.
- lf they used her as a cover, she's got files. I'll find them.
Si esa mujer ha servido de testaferro, tiene que tener un expediente... oculto en su casa. Yo sabré encontrarlo.
They've got to keep her alive till I get back with the antidote.
Tienen que mantenerla viva hasta que vuelva con el antídoto.
She got sick on vacation and the medication they gave her isn't working.
Se enfermó en vacaciones y el tratamiento que le dieron no da resultado.
They got those Higgins brothers, Floyd and Billy, watching her.
Los hermanos Higgins, Floyd y Billy, la están vigilando.
They've got her!
La tienen ellos.
Adventurers, exploiters. Or people who once they got hold of her, would shut her up altogether.
Aventureros, explotadores o gente que, una vez la consigan, la callarían por completo.
Until they've got her.
Hasta que la tengan.
So they've got a contract out on her for tally sheets?
¿ Y la van a asesinar por unas hojas de registro?
They've got her tied to a vibration-sensitive device.
La tienen atada a un aparato sensible a la vibración.
Before we even got to the store, they heard her screaming.
Antes de que llegáramos a la tienda, oyeron sus gritos.
Afraid of being searched or losing them, she'd put the 6,000 dollars in a handkerchief, which she hid in her bloomers. They got away from her.
Por temor a que la revisaran, y a perderlos... había envuelto los 6 mil dólares en un pañuelito y los había guardado secretamente en su bombacha se les fueron.
- They got her.
Recibieron su merecido.
They got to work on her at once.
Y la ayudaron, la salvaron.
Lao Gar, go back and tell the school, tell them there's Laidi in our team who's got so many songs she doesn't know what to do with them. They can ask her to go and teach some of them.
Cuando vuelvas a la escuela dile al director, que sé cantar muchas canciones y que quieres invitarme a que ensene algunas.
And they've got her in their magnetic beam.
Ya la tienen en su rayo magnético.
The Floresta's got her. They're gonna yank my permit.
Me quitarán el permiso.
How could they have got hold of her card?
¿ Cómo conseguirían su tarjeta?

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