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They got married translate Spanish

488 parallel translation
I was with them when they got married at Issy.
Estaba con ellos cuando se casaron en Issy.
They got married on the fall when the contest first started.
Se casaron en otoño cuando empezó la competición.
- They got married that's what!
- ¡ Se casaron, eso es lo que pasa!
In my time, when the young girls had headaches, they got married. They didn't take any aspirin.
En mi época, cuando una joven tenía dolores de cabeza se casaba, no tomaba aspirina.
Gosh, Carrie... I used to think girls at the mill were crazy... when they got married and right off the bat started having kids.
Cielos, Carrie... solía pensar que las chicas del molino estaban locas... cuando se casaban e inmediatamente empezaban a tener hijos.
Women would love someone to tell them why they got married.
A las mujeres les encantaría que alguien les dijera por qué se casan.
Young lady when I was a boy there was a strange custom in this country that when a fellow and a girl fell in love, they got married and stayed that way.
Joven cuando yo era un niño, en este país había la extraña costumbre de que cuando dos personas se querían, se casaban y permanecían así.
Fourteen years after they met, they got married.
A los 1 4 años de noviazgo, se casaron.
Dan just told me they got married in New York more than a month ago.
Dan me dijo que se casaron en Nueva York hace más de un mes.
They got married and I kept on loving him.
Se casaron y yo seguí enamorada de él.
So they got married.
Lo cierto es que se casaron.
- They got married.
¿ La recuerdas de la película que... vimos en Roma? Se casan.
But they got married without ceremony saving up on everything!
¡ Pero después se han casado sin ceremonia y se han ahorrado todo!
It wasn't that bad before they got married.
No estaba tan mal antes de que se casaran.
They had a big wedding, but they didn't particularly like each other when they got married.
Tuvieron una gran boda, pero no se gustaban especialmente cuando se casaron.
when they got married, Father Pellegrino gave them the bottle and said :
Se la regaló el padre Pellegrino cuando se casaron.
But I never wrote to you that they got married.
Pero nunca te dije que se habían casado.
and yet, if they got married, they'd destroy each other.
si se casaran se destruirían mutuamente.
Because they got married as God intended. You know?
Porque se han casado como Dios manda. ¿ Sabe usted?
They got married up in San Francisco, right after Ben got back from Korea.
Se casaron en San Francisco, cuando Ben regresó de Corea.
He had the pains for the gal I was working for and she must have liked his brand of cream, because they got married and he became the producer of all her pictures till the talkies came in.
Se enamoró de mi jefa... y supongo que a ella le gustó su crema, porque se casaron... él se volvió productor de sus películas... hasta la llegada del cine sonoro.
Yesterday, they got married.
Ayer se casaron...
You know I always wondered what people would talk about when they got married, and they lived together for years and years.
Me preguntaba de que hablarían Ias parejas que Ilevan mucho casadas.
Didn ´ t they got married properly?
¿ No se casaron con todas las de la ley?
Three months, they got married.
A los tres meses se casaron.
They got married but she couldn't stay away from men.
Se casaron pero ella no podía estar alejada de los hombres.
They got married... and almost everyone of them now... either they're divorced already or they're miserable.
Se casaron... y casi todos ahora... o ya se divorciaron o se sienten miserables.
No. Long before they got married, I rarely saw Hilda.
No, ya antes de que se casaran que no veía a Hilda.
All I have is my job and if we got married, they'd find out all about this.
Todo lo que tengo es mi trabajo y si llegamos a casarnos, encontraríamos todo esto.
Young people got to get married, don't they?
. Los jóvenes deben casarse, ¿ no? .
They got you married, so don't worry.
- No te preocupes, ya estás casada.
They fell in love and got married. That was two years ago.
Él se enamoró y se casó con ella, hará dos años.
They very likely went and got married to console themselves.
Afortunadamente estarán casados. ¿ Qué hará?
- They just got married. - Married?
Es una boda.
They told me I could find you here They told me you just got married
Me dijeron que lo encontraría aquí y que se acaba de casar.
Then, when they have forgotten that you ever got married, have it quietly annulled.
Y seamos honestos, incluso cuando tenías un novio, siempre tuviste sentimientos por mí adentro.
But I supposed that when people were in love, they always got married.
Pero pensé que la gente se casa siempre que está enamorada.
Now, it's perfectly all right for a couple of strangers to get married, But they've got to know each other before they get a divorce.
Es perfectamente correcto para un par de extraños que se han casado, pero deben conocerse el uno al otro antes de divorciarse.
Got married, didn't they?
- Tus padres se casaron, ¿ no?
Charles, remember the time they had the champagne when the oldest Jones girl got married?
¿ Te acuerdas del champán en la boda de la hija de los Jones?
Now they all know that the mightyJohnny Farrell got taken... and that he married a- -
Ahora todos saben que engañaron al poderoso Johnny Farrell... y que se casó con una- -
They'll kill me. I got to get married.
Los O'Brien me matarán. ¡ Debo casarme!
" They liked each other immediately and got married,
" Se gustaron mucho y se casaron.
My happiest associates got married while they were vice consuls
Los colegas más felices son los que se casaron siendo vicecónsules
All your brothers and sisters younger than you. They get married, they got children.
Tus hermanos y hermanas son todos más jóvenes y están casados.
I saw two rocks that got married. And they looked very happy together, too.
Vi dos rocas recién casadas que lucían muy felices juntas.
They've all been there long before I got married.
Ya estaban allí mucho antes de que me casara.
I wouldn't feel comfortable... if you got married just because they offered to take me in.
No me gustaría que te casaras sólo porque se ha ofrecido a alojarme.
If they both got married, it would be ideal.
Si ambas se casan, sería ideal.
- Are you mad? They think that I well, we got married today...
Ni se imagina que yo que nosotros...
When a married couple share the same ideas, they've got nothing to talk about.
Cuando marido y mujer piensan igual, ¿ qué hacen luego? No tienen nada más que decirse.

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