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They got him translate Spanish

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They got him doped up big time.
Lo tienen dopado.
I think they got him.
¡ Creo que lo mataron!
They got him linked to what they think is a Russian syndicate active on the East Coast... pretty much from here to New York.
Está vinculado con una organización mafiosa rusa de la costa este- - opera desde aquí hasta Nueva York.
They got him, okay?
Ya lo tienen cubierto.
They got him.
Lo atraparon.
They got him.
Lo agarraron.
He was dead in the front room. They got him out of there.
Estaba muerto en la sala, y lo sacaron de ahí.
They got him on 60 Minutes next week calling for 30 days for the inspectors.
Lo tienen en 60 Minutos la semana próxima, pidiendo 30 días más.
You hear how they got him?
¿ Oíste cómo lo atraparon?
They got him in Chino, right in the middle of the yard. Right where you put him. Goddamn vice cop.
Sí, lo mataron en el patio de Chino, donde tú lo pusiste, maldito policía.
They got him.
Estará bien. Llegaron a tiempo.
I wonder if they got him to the morgue in 30 minutes or less.
Me pregunto si lo entregaron en la morgue en menos de treinta minutos.
One day, JoJo got his head stuck in the mailbox and Spike went over to try to help him and got his head wedged in there, too, and they both suffocated.
Un día JoJo atascó su cabeza en un buzón y Spike se acercó para ayudarlo y también se atascó allí mismo, y ambos murieron asfixiados.
Tell him we'll pay him. We got plenty of that funny money they use around here.
Dile que le pagaremos, tenemos mucho del dinero raro que usan por aquí.
And then they make this poor chump sing the same song that got him kicked off in the first place.
- Sí, seguro.
People thought she killed him, so they got their revenge.
Pensaron que ella lo mató y se vengaron.
Well... a long time ago, er... when you were no more than a baby, your father got himself into some trouble and they put him into prison.
Verás... hace mucho tiempo, err... cuando tú no eras más que un bebé, tu padre se metió en algunos problemas y lo metieron en la cárcel.
Hey, hey, boys, they got him.
Hey, hey, hey, chicos.
Okay, well, you got him here alive, and they can doamazing things, huh?
De acuerdo, bien... Lo trajiste con vida y ellos hacen cosas maravillosas.
Because they got to him.
- Porque lo acorralaron.
Killing Sally Sheridan got their man into office. Now they've got to keep him there.
El matar a Sally Sheridan les dio la oportunidad de tener a uno de los suyos en el poder, quieren mantenerlo.
They got 100,000 witnessesto the crime, and now they got his own wifetestifying against him.
Tienen 100.000 testigos del crímen y ahora tienen a su propia esposa testificando en su contra.
The hospital said he was alive when they got to him, but they couldn't get him out.
El hospital dijo que estaba vivo cuando llegarón a él, pero no pudieron sacarle.
If Zachary got fussy, you know, they would pick him up and they would feed him and they'd walk to the back of the church.
Si Zachary se ponía ñoño pues ellos lo agarraban y lo alimentaban y caminaban hasta la parte de atrás de la iglesia.
They've got him
Ellos le tienen.
- Mr. Yunji got kicked out of his band. They said his blood pressure medication was making him tone deaf.
Al señor Yunai le han echado de un grupo porque la medicación para la tensión le hace desafinar. ¿ Has oído algo así?
They've got him, and we have to get him back.
- Ellos lo tiene, tenemos que rescatarlo...
Well... a long time ago, er... when you were no more than a baby, your father got himself into some trouble and they put him into prison.
Verás... hace mucho tiempo, er... cuando tú no eras más que un bebé, tu padre se metió en algunos problemas y lo metieron en la cárcel.
I got a call back in November and, erm, from a television producer for Hard Copy and he said that a boy who had been missing earlier for four years had turned up and he wanted me to track him down so they could get an interview with him.
Recibí en noviembre una llamada de un productor de televisión de Hard Copy y me dijo que un niño que estuvo desaparecido por cuatro años había aparecido y que quería seguirle la pista para poder tener una entrevista con él.
And I'm following him around because Beethoven's got something that people like, something they wanna see.
Y lo sigo porque Beethoven tiene algo que le gusta a la gente, algo que quieren ver.
They were arguing the boy heard them, got upset and ran out. I ran after him.
Estaban discutiendo, el crío los ha oído, ha salido corriendo, yo he ido detrás de él, y...
Should I tell him they got away or what?
¿ Le digo que escaparon o qué?
They got his own wife testifying against him.
Harán declarar a su propia esposa contra él.
Griffiths was in charge, and at the end of it, they just shipped him out, they got rid of him.
Griffiths estaba a cargo, y al final de eso, simplemente lo sacaron, se deshicieron de él.
The more they get to know him the more they think theyve got a good chance of filming another hunt.
Mientras más la conocen, más se dan cuenta de que tienen chances de filmarla en otra cacería.
When Boyd got out, I asked him to look in on Grace and Inez... to take care of them if they needed anything.
Cuando Boyd salió, le pedí que les echara un vistazo a Grace e Ines... que las cuidara por si necesitaban algo.
We have solid intelligence pointing us to where they're keeping Andy Sullivan and a good idea of who's got him.
Tenemos inteligencia sólida. apuntándonos a donde mantienen a Andy Sullivan y una buena idea de quién lo tiene a él.
They've got him.
Lo tienen ellos.
Transport police wanted to ID the mugger, who was unconscious, so they swabbed his mouth, but they got two DNA strands from the sample - his and hers. And? And hers, because she gave him mouth-to-mouth, yeah.
La policía quería identificar al asaltante, que estaba inconsciente, hicieron un frotis de su boca y... obtuvieron dos muestras de ADN, de él y de ella, porque le hizo el boca a boca, sí.
According to him, by the time they got home he had proposed.
Según él, al llegar a la casa, ya le había propuesto matrimonio.
Every time I close my eyes I see us just running away, running while they rape him over and over again. And because we did nothing... they got away.
Cada vez que cierro mis ojos, nos veo escapando corriendo mientras lo violan una y otra vez y porque no hicimos nada se escaparon.
All we've got to do is find him before they do.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es encontrarle antes que ellos.
'But he won't have a Nectar card because he thinks it means they've got him!
Claro que también cree que si te haces una tarjeta descuento te tienen fichado
And I hope they find something because even if we nab King, we got nothing to hold him on past today.
Y espero que encuentren algo porque aun si atrapamos a King no tenemos nada para retenerlo más allá de hoy.
Well, OK, I kinda got into a fight with those luchadoresI told you about, and he kinda got knocked out, and I don't know where they took him or anything.
Bien, como que me metí en una pelea contra... esos luchadores de los que te conté, y él resultó golpeado, y yo no sé donde lo llevaron ni nada.
They called someone every few hours after that. I got the sense that it was him.
Después de eso, llamaban a alguien cada un par de horas tuve la sensación de que era a él.
If they ain't got to him yet.
Si no lo tienen a el todavia.
They got to him through his family.
Ellos llegaron a el atravez de su familia.
When he found out that Billy got them, he flew into a rage and that's what they argued about that night, him and Helen.
Cuando se enteró de que Billy los había conseguido, ardió en cólera y fue de eso de lo que discutieron esa noche, Helen y él.
- Without him, they got nothing.
- Sin él, no tendrán nada.
- What if they got to him?
- ¿ Qué pasa si ellos lo tienen?

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