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Unfortunately not translate Spanish

1,903 parallel translation
- Unfortunately not.
- Lamentablemente, no.
Unfortunately not suitable for identification.
Desgraciadamente no nos permite hacer una identificación.
Unfortunately, it does not exist.
Desafortunadamente, no existe.
Unfortunately not.
La Sra. Bevan no nos dejará hacer la obra.
It's not the first time she's run away, unfortunately...
No es la primera vez que huye, por desgracia.
And unfortunately, a woman, within three seconds, is gonna notice whether or not your shoes match your pants or your shirt's buttoned up too high or it's tucked in when it shouldn't be or you have a cell phone attached to your woven belt.
Y por desgracia, una mujer, en tres segundos, notará si tus zapatos hacen juego con tus pantalones o no o si te abotonaste la camisa hasta arriba o si está metida cuando no debería o si tienes un celular pegado a tu cinturón de lana.
- Unfortunately, he's not joking.
- Desafortunadamente, no bromea.
Well, unfortunately, they're not afraid of me.
Bueno, desafortunadamente, no me tienen miedo.
Unfortunately, he's not Tripp anymore.
Desafortunadamente, ya no es Tripp.
Sounds promising so far ~ Unfortunately, it is not what we're looking for at this time. Thank you for thinking of us.
Suena prometedor desafortunadamente, no es lo que estamos buscando ahora gracias por pensar en nosotros
You know if all of us stood united, in terms, the world would be different in every way, Unfortunately, that's not the reality.
si todos nos unieramos, pronto, el mundo seria diferente en muchas maneras, desafortunadamente, esa no es la realidad.
Unfortunately, we're not convinced.
- Por desgracia nosotros no creemos eso. ¿ Nosotros?
It's really... it's been illuminating, but, unfortunately, until you're ready to make a decision, there's not that much I can do for you.
verdaderamente instructivo, pero, desafortunadamente, hasta que usted no esté decidida a tomar una decisión, no puedo hacer gran cosa por usted.
Unfortunately one of our leases did not go well Police is everywhere here.
Uno de nuestros "alquileres" se torció.
Brian, Kirk Cameron is the one who converted me But unfortunately he's not available
Brian, Kirk Cameron es el que me convirtió a mi,... pero lamentáblemente no está disponible.
Unfortunately, Bette, this is not your first offense.
Desafortunadamente, Bette, esta no es tu primera falta.
Unfortunately, not all of us.
Por desgracia, no.
But, unfortunately for you, I am not that man.
Pero desafortunadamente para ti no soy ese hombre.
Unfortunately, I'm not, and that's why I'm gonna need a copy of your donor list.
Yo no por eso necesito la lista de sus donantes.
Unfortunately, this has moved beyond what we may or may not wish to believe.
Desgraciadamente, esto está más allá de lo que creemos o no.
- Unfortunately, Mr. Kahane... we're not accepting any new patients prior to the shutdown.
Desafortunadamente, Sr. Kahane. No estamos aceptando a nuevos pacientes antes del cierre.
Unfortunately, I've also learned that i maybe am not great at figureing people out that i thought.
Desafortunadamente, aprendí que tal vez... no soy tan buena descifrando gente como creía.
Unfortunately, Mr Dowland, as Miss Lane is your opponent, and since she is a sister in arms, so to speak, your request is not something...
Desafortunadamente, Mr Dowland, ya que Miss Lane es su oponente, ya que es como una hermana, por así decirlo, su petición es algo...
Unfortunately, Minnie, sometimes "sorry" is not enough.
Desgraciadamente, Minnie, algunas veces, decir "lo siento" no es suficiente.
Unfortunately, I'm not really in the mood for a pissing contest right now.
Lamentablemente, no estoy de humor para una pelea de quién es mejor.
Unfortunately, they're "Not burnable garbage"
Desafortunadamente, no son "basura reciclable"
And they finally get to pick up where they left off, And they're married. Unfortunately, this marriage does not last long
Y finalmente lo continuaron donde lo dejaron y se casaron desafortunadamente, su matrimonio no duro mucho porque Nadia murió en un accidente.
Unfortunately, we were not able to remove this.
Por desgracia, no pudimos sacar esto.
Unfortunately, that is not what this is about.
Desgraciadamente, No es de eso de lo que se trata.
Unfortunately, not all the equipment fared so well.
Desafortunadamente no todo el equipo viaja tan bien.
I do not have rights to love, unfortunately, but the song belongs to me, and the right lasts for 70 years after my death.
No tengo los derechos del concepto del amor. Me gustaría tenerlos. La canción es de mi propiedad.
Unfortunately, the opposing team is not present.
Desgraciadamente, el equipo contrario no se ha presentado.
Now, unfortunately, We've not yet unlocked the key to the eye's operation.
Ahora, desafortunadamente todavía no hemos abierto la llave a la operación del ojo.
Unfortunately, Marie is not responding to our messages.
Desafortunadamente, Marie no responde nuestros mensajes.
Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of patience.
Desafortunadamente, no tengo el lujo de la paciencia.
Unfortunately, you only saw coach and not ben wade, who i know and love.
Por desgracia, ustedes sólo vieron a Coach... y no a Ben Wade quien es al que conozco y quiero.
Not before. Unfortunately the majority of our politicians have not had a long term point of view that could understand which were the objective needs of this economy to be able to grow.
Es decir, por desgracia, la mayor parte de nuestros políticos no han tenido una visión a largo plazo capaz de entender cuáles eran las necesidades objetivas de esta economía para crecer.
Unfortunately my last interaction with their dad was not very positive.
Desafortunadamente, mi última interacción con su papá no fue muy positiva.
Unfortunately, not a single one of the ladies that you so egregiously fouled has agreed to stand up and press formal charges against you, and without that the matter ends here.
Lamentablemente, ninguna de las mujeres a las que groseramente engañaste ha aceptado ponerse de pie y denunciarte formalmente. Y sin eso, el asunto se termina aquí.
And, unfortunately... She's not talking.
Y, por desgracia no habla.
Unfortunately he's not around to confirm that, is he?
Lamentablemente él no está a confirmar que, ¿ no? Bueno, pregunte Hugo Greening.
Yes, I unfortunately do not know anything still...
Sí, pues no, desgraciadamente no sabemos nada todavía.
Unfortunately, not everything a fisherman casts overboard is a healthy meal.
Lamentablemente, no todo lo que el pescador arroja por la borda Es una comida sana.
Unfortunately, since Ms. Gonzalez is no longer admitted to this hospital, - she's not our prob...
Desafortunadamente, desde que la Sra. González no es paciente de este hospital, no es nuestro problema...
- not very good news unfortunately, gentlemen.
- no muy buenas noticias, caballero.
Unfortunately I can not tell.
Y este hombre.
Unfortunately, that's not a story you're gonna get to write.
Desafortunadamente esa no es una historia que vas a poder escribir.
Hey, guys, I'm calling, because, unfortunately, we will not be able to give out cost of living raises this year, and I know people expect it.
Hola, chicos estoy llamando porque desafortunadamente no será posible dar aumentos este año, y sé que la gente lo espera.
So, unfortunately, there's not much wiggle room.
Así que, desafortunadamente, no hay mucho espacio para moverse.
I'm not sure of the answerand unfortunately, that's about all I can say.
No estoy seguro de la respuesta y desgraciadamente es todo lo que puedo decirte.
That he cut up Samantha, yes. And that he's claiming he's not involved in Ashley Tanner's murder. Unfortunately, yes, I believe him.
que el corto a Samantha, si y que como el afirma no esta involucrado en el asesinato de Ashley Tanner desafortunadamente, si, le creo así pienso

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