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What were they translate Spanish

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What were they called?
¿ Cómo se llamaban?
What were they discussino?
¿ Qué tienen que hablar?
What were they like?
¿ Cómo eran ellos?
What were they looking for?
¿ Qué estaban buscando?
What were they looking for so much?
- Puede ser cualquier cosa.
What? Yeah, Louisa in accounting said they were distributing these all over her neighborhood in Miraflores.
Louisa de Contaduría dijo que los repartieron por todo Miraflores.
- What were they doing in there?
- ¿ Qué estaban haciendo allí?
They knew what their parents were doing, Anna.
Ellos sabían lo que sus padres estaban haciendo, Anna.
But as long as it stayed in the editorial office, and as long as they were doing the terrific work they were doing, I didn't tell them what to do.
¡ BUENA DROGA! Pero mientras se quedara en la oficina editorial... y mientras hicieran el gran trabajo que estaban haciendo... no les decía qué hacer.
I can't even remember what it was about, but I do remember that they were laughing all through.
No recuerdo de qué se trataba... pero recuerdo que se reían todo el tiempo.
They were what was going on in town.
Ellos eran la novedad.
These guys came up... They were so scary, and they were so like, "You motherfucker, what do you know about race relations?"
Ellos venían y... asustaban tanto, y decían : " Hijo de puta, PARTE 3 :
Is that what they were here for?
¿ Es por eso por lo que estaban aquí?
I don't know what the fuck they were talking about, because it seems like we'll never be done.
No sé a qué demonios se referían, porque parece que jamás terminaremos.
- What parish they were assigned to.
- ¿ A qué parroquia fueron asignados?
And they found exactly what they were looking for.
Y encontraron exactamente lo que estaban buscando.
What they said, what they were wearing, anything.
Lo que dijeron, lo que llevaban puesto, nada.
What difference does it make what they were wearing?
¿ Qué más da lo que llevaban puesto?
No one really knows what happened, only that they were never found.
En realidad, nadie sabe lo que pasó, sólo que fueron nunca encontré.
No matter what crowd they were a part of.
Sin importar de que grupo formara parte.
It's like what Chekhov said when his patients were fevering on what kind of food they liked to eat :
Es como dijo Chéjov cuando sus pacientes se excitaban por la comida que les gustaba comer :
They were asking me what you do besides trying to play ball.
Me preguntaban qué haces además de jugar baloncesto.
It's what they were blue pieces.
Es lo que eran los trozos azules.
People were doing what they wanted to do. I mean, there was nothing really out in the open, but you know, if you're there late enough probably there was.
Jaco y yo nos juntábamos hoy y seguíamos juntos durante días, sin parar.
It felt like I didn't want to just... Be with someone or be interested in someone who was only concerned about, you know, uh, the next new coat they were going to buy and the next new pair of skis, and what, you know, I don't know, which restaurant they were gonna eat in.
Sentí que no quería simplemente estar con alguien ni interesarme en alguien a quien solo le preocupara cuál era el próximo saco que compraría o el próximo juego de esquíes o cuál no sé, cuál sería el próximo restaurante al que iría a comer.
If some part of Oscar understood what, you know, why they were, like, rebelling and why they were going on their own, another part of him was like very anxious and very worried because, you know, he felt like, it wasn't... the timing was off.
Si una parte de Oscar entendía qué hizo que ellos se rebelaran y por qué estaban independizándose otra parte de él estaba muy inquieta y muy preocupada porque sintió como si no fuera... el momento apropiado.
They were all, what do you call'em, warriors and braves?
¿ Todos eran como los llaman : Guerreros y valientes?
What makes you think they were after you?
Por qué crees que te querian a ti?
Your options are not what they were.
Tienes otras opciones.
I didn't know why or how - what they were thinking.
No sabía por qué o cómo - qué estaban pensando.
We tried a lot of different ways of making a film for you but they were all too goofy or irrelevant or just not what we wanted.
Nosotros tratamos un montón de diferentes maneras de hacer una película para tí pero todas eran muy tontas o irrelevantes o simplemente no es lo que queríamos.
- What, what they were stolen?
- ¿ Cómo, qué robaron?
- What, what they were stolen?
- ¿ Qué, qué robaron?
I think that's what they were trying to do is not have that squared-off jaw like Chris Reeve or any of the other people that have played
Creo que no querían tener un mandíbula cuadrada como Chris Reeve o el que haya interpretado a
I'm just trying to think what they were there for.
Estoy tratando de pensar para que estaban ahí.
So as we're coming in to discuss at the conference table our incredibly large-budget film with a Tim Burton take, which is deconstructionist and unusual and unique, what's going on around us is you were looking at the board and going- - you can just see the bombs as they were going off.
Así que mientras discutíamos en la mesa de conferencias nuestra increíble película de gran presupuesto con una visión Tim Burton, que es deconstruccionista, e inusual y única, lo que está pasando a nuestro alrededor es que mirabas el tablero y... podías ver las bombas explotando.
I didn't know what those were, but they're like salty peas.
No sabía lo que eran. Son como guisantes salados.
I went out to New York to kinda hear what they were doing.
Fui a Nueva York para conocer un poco lo que estaban haciendo.
I wonder what they were running away from.
Me pregunto de qué estaban huyendo.
I wonder what they were happy about.
Me pregunto lo que estaban contentos.
Or what grief were they hiding.
¿ O qué pena estaban escondiendo.
I'm not sure what their intentions were, but... lt seems they may have found him.
No sé cuál era su intención, pero... Parece que lo encontraron. ¿ Me acompañas a identificarlo?
Just in the sense that we hit a rhythm that they were comfortable with, that was what they had in mind.
En el sentido de que tomamos un ritmo con el que estábamos cómodos, que era lo que tenían pensado.
- [Gale] And that's what "Back to the Future" is about, that sudden realization, that idea that your infallible parents, who you think are infallible when you're a little kid, they were gawky teenagers,
Y de eso se trata Volver al Futuro. El darse cuenta de que los infalibles padres de uno, que uno cree que son infalibles cuando es niño, fueron adolescentes torpes que se la pasaban en un auto y no sabían qué diablos hacían.
So, instead of the old forms of farming, which were very much in-tune with nature, they were linked to the cycles of the natural year and the seasons, what you see now is an intensification where the land is almost reconsidered as if it was a factory.
Así que en lugar de los antiguos tipos de cultivo que estaban muy en sintonía con la naturaleza, estaban relacionados con los ciclos del año natural, y las estaciones. Lo que se ve ahora es una intensificación donde la tierra está casi reconsiderada como si fuera una fábrica.
He immediately knew who they were And what had been going on, even in Rome
Él supo inmediatamente quiénes eran... y todo lo que había estado sucediendo.
When I saw what they were trying to do to me, how that judge was trying to enslave me,
Cuando vi lo que intentaban hacerme, cómo ese juez intentaba esclavizarme,
They were particularly concerned with what was happening to young people.
Estaban particularmente preocupados con lo que le sucedía a los jóvenes.
Where they were and what they were thinking at any given moment.
Saber dónde están y qué piensan en cualquier momento dado.
And so, finally I... trying to make out what they were saying and whatnot.
y, finalmente yo... tratando de distinguir que me estaban diciendo y que no.
After all this was over, what did you think they were gonna do with you?
Después de todo esto había terminado, ¿ qué crees que se va a hacer contigo?

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