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What were you doing translate Spanish

7,731 parallel translation
What were you doing in my house?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo en mi casa?
As a matter of curiosity, though, what were you doing in that cemetery?
Sin embargo, tengo una curiosidad... ¿ qué estabas haciendo en el cementerio?
And what were you doing, Leo?
¿ Y qué estabas haciendo tú, Leo?
Well, what were you doing at 20?
Bueno, ¿ qué hacías tú cuando tenías 20 años?
And what were you doing naked?
¿ Y qué hacía desnudo?
What were you doing in Charlie's house anyway?
¿ Y qué estabas haciendo en la casa de Charlie?
What were you doing here at 6am?
¿ Qué hacía usted en ese funicular a las seis de la mañana?
What were you doing with Ava?
Qué usted era ¿ haciendo con Ava?
What were you doing, going back there?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo, volviendo allí?
And what were you doing in Japan?
¿ Qué hiciste en Japón?
What were you doing in a nightclub?
¿ Qué hacías en una discoteca?
What were you doing there in the courtroom today?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo ahí en la corte hoy?
What were you doing in the house, John?
¿ Qué hizo la casa, John?
Well, you may not want to talk about it, but let me tell you, what were you doing during that six-year engagement?
Bueno, puede que no quieras hablar de eso,... pero déjame decirte, ¿ Qué estuviste haciendo en esos 6 años de noviazgo?
- What were you doing?
- ¿ Qué hacías?
What were you doing with your arms spread out?
¿ Qué hacías con los brazos extendidos?
- Troit, what were you doing?
- Troit, ¿ qué hacías?
What were you doing in there?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo ahí dentro?
Mexico City. What were you doing there?
México D. F. ¿ Qué hacías allí?
So what were you doing at an Irish dance?
¿ Y qué hacías en un baile de irlandeses?
What were you doing at the opera tonight?
- ¿ Qué hacías en la ópera?
What were you doing?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo?
What were you doing?
¿ Que estabas haciendo?
- What were you doing talkin'to that man?
¿ Por qué hablabas con ese hombre?
- Yeah, what were you doing by the school?
Sí, ¿ qué hacías en la escuela?
What were you doing outside last night?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo afuera anoche?
Okay, what were you doing before going crazy?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo cuando enloqueciste?
What were you doing?
¿ Qué has estado haciendo?
What were you doing then?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo entonces?
- What the hell were you doing up there?
- ¿ Qué diablos estaban haciendo arriba?
I saw you with blood on your hands, watching what they were doing to me!
¡ Me viste con sangre en las manos, y lo que estaban haciendo!
Si, quieres explicar lo que estaban haciendo
We've disagreed about tolerance, but you were just doing what you believed was right, what you thought was best for France.
Hemos estado en desacuerdo sobre la tolerancia, pero tú solo estabas haciendo lo que creías correcto, lo que pensabas que era mejor para Francia.
What the hell were you doing telling Caroline for?
¿ Qué diablos haces hablando de eso con Celia?
I didn't know what they were doing up there. And I didn't want to find out, thank you very much.
No sabía qué hacían allí arriba ni tampoco quería averiguarlo, les agradezco.
You knew what you were doing and you chose to do it.
Tú sabías lo que hacías e igual lo hiciste.
What the hell were you doing in there, Bryan?
¿ Qué diablos hacías allí, Bryan?
What were you thinking of doing, opening a restaurant in Red Square?
¿ En qué estabas pensando? ¿ Abrir un restaurante en la Plaza Roja?
I used to lie in bed when I couldn't sleep and imagine what you were doing.
Solía mentir cuando estaba en la cama y no podía dormir e imaginar que estarías haciendo.
So are you gonna tell me what you were doing down there last night?
Así que vas a decirme lo que estabas haciendo ahí abajo anoche?
I know what you were doing in Bastar.
Yo sé lo que estaba haciendo en Bastar.
I know exactly what you were doing.
Sé exactamente lo que estabas haciendo.
- Tell me, did you ever think that what you were doing might have an adverse affect on the children?
Díganme, ¿ alguna vez pensaron que lo que estaban haciendo...? ¿ podría tener un efecto adverso en los niños?
You were boys doing what boys do.
Pero eran chicos, haciendo lo que hacen los chicos.
People were doing what they wanted to do. I mean, there was nothing really out in the open, but you know, if you're there late enough probably there was.
Jaco y yo nos juntábamos hoy y seguíamos juntos durante días, sin parar.
Gosh, I did not know what you were doing yoga.
Cielos, no sabía qué hacías yoga.
... what were you all doing in there for 6 hours?
.. ¿ qué habéis estado haciendo ahí con él 6 horas?
Dad, I'm not sure what you were doing down here or why you were doing it, but this is for you.
Papá, no sé qué estabas haciendo aquí ni por qué... pero te dedico esto.
- What the fuck were you doing?
¿ Qué demonios estabas haciendo?
So, if anyone asks what we were doing, I was playing checkers with you all night, okay?
Así que si preguntan, pasé la noche jugando a las damas contigo.
What the hell were you doing
¿ Y qué demonios hacias ahí?

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