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Would it not translate Spanish

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Would it not be easier...?
¿ Y no sería más fácil...?
Andy would say, "Nina, we've got a career here. That's not going to continue if you don't nurture it."
Yo le decía : "Nina, tenemos una carrera que no va a seguir avanzando si no la nutres".
That would explain why it's not moving.
Eso explicaría por qué no se está moviendo.
My life's over... but it would be very comforting to know that Adrien's is not.
Mi vida ha terminado... pero sería muy reconfortante saber que Adrien es no es.
Fix it so everyone else would get old, but not me.
Lo arreglaría de tal modo que todo el mundo envejeciera, menos yo.
This is not at all what I thought it would be.
Esto no es en lo absoluto lo que pensé que iba a ser.
It's just not what I would do.
Simplemente no es lo que yo haría.
Sir, it would behoove you not to compound your prior lack of candor with more lies.
- Señor, no es necesario que añada más mentiras a su anterior falta de sinceridad.
I would not be asking for this if it wasn't for someone I consider family.
No te pediría esto si no se tratara de alguien a quien considero familiar.
How would it be possible for one of them to suffer the effects of the poison while the other did not?
¿ Cómo podría ser posible para uno de ellos... sufrir los efectos del veneno mientras que la otra no?
I called you and you told me not to worry and that you would handle it.
Te llamé y me dijiste que no me preocupara, que lo manejarías.
Something the GSC would never let me do, because it's not a military upgrade.
Algo que la CSG nunca me permitiría hacer, porque no tiene aplicaciones militares.
If it were not for you, I would have retired to my room.
De no ser por usted, me habría retirado a mí cuarto.
I thought, without it, the police would have no proof, - not if we kept our mouths shut.
Pensé, sin eso, la policía no tendría evidencia,... no, mientras mantuviéramos nuestras bocas cerradas.
It's not too late for me to rescind Margaux's invite, because that would be so preferable to a public smack-down at my reception at my reception.
Todavía hay tiempo de anular la invitación de Margaux porque es preferible eso a que le partas la cara en mi fiesta.
I would say it's a pleasure, but my mother taught me not to lie.
Diría que es un placer pero mi madre me enseñó a no mentir.
Well, that would be nice if it was for sale, but it's not.
Bien, eso estaría bien si estuviera en venta, pero no lo está.
If it does not, they would be killed...
Si no lo hacía, ellos la habrían matado.
It could even die if I do not I would be... Reached for medicine.
Ella pudo haber muerto si yo no llegaba a tiempo con su medicina.
I know it's not about us. But I still would like the chance to be able to, like, appreciate it without having, like, this thing looming over me...
Pero igual me gustaría la oportunidad de poder apreciarlo sin tener esta cosa acechándome...
Well, it would also be wrong not to eat them though.
Sin embargo, también estaría mal no comérselos.
I'm not, but do you ever think about it, like, if I would still be with you if I was human?
No lo hago, pero ¿ alguna vez has pensado en ello, en plan, si seguiría estando contigo si fuera humana?
Though I wasn't willing to die for them... because not for a minute did I think that it would have an effect.
Aunque no estaba dispuesto a morirse por ellos porque ni por un minuto pensé que eso funcionara.
And you would have killed him as planned, had it not been for your terrible aim.
Y usted lo habría matado de acuerdo al plan,... si no fuera por su terrible puntería.
I did not imagine it would look like this.
No me imaginé que se vería así.
It's why I'm not staying at my place, and yes, I could probably go get a place of my own, but I feel like that would kind of be admitting that my marital problems are more than just temporary, so...
Es por eso, por lo que no me quedo en mi casa, y si, probablemente debería buscar un sitio para mi, pero eso parecería como admitir que mis problemas maritales son mas que algo temporal, así que..
Which would qualify it as a worthy password as its goal is not to be easily guessed.
Lo cual calificaría como una contraseña válida ya que su objetivo es que no sea adivinada con facilidad.
I would love that, but it's not like I'm rolling in free time
Me encantaría, pero no lo es como que estoy rodando en el tiempo libre
It would be a lie to say that you are not needed there, but you can now.
Sería una mentira decir que no eres necesario, pero vete ahora.
If either of us was likely to bolster words with blows, it would have been my father, not me.
Si a alguno de nosotros le gustaba reforzar las palabras con golpes hubiera sido mi padre, no yo.
Were it not so, I would not carry this mark, and I would have done in Marburg some time ago what they whisper has been achieved in Salem.
Sino fuera así, no tendría esta marca, y habría hecho en Marburg hace ya tiempo lo que murmuran que se ha conseguido en Salem.
He made sure to tell me... they can only help me so much, and should I not be able to be successful from that point on, that I would have to let it go.
Solo se aseguro diciendoe que sólo podía ayudar un poco, y que si yo no tuviera éxito a partir de ahí, yo tendría que desistir.
This whole occupation, it would fall apart in a second if it wasn't for locals willing to do the dirty work in exchange for special favours like food, like supplies, like not getting sent to work camps...
Toda esta ocupación se derrumbaría en un segundo si no fuera por los lugareños dispuestos a hacer el trabajo sucio a cambio de favores especiales como comida, suministros, no ser enviados a campos de trabajos forzados...
This is not how I thought it would feel.
No es así como pensé que me sentiría.
"There is hardly anyone whose sexual life " if it were broadcast would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror. "
No hay casi nadie con una vida sexual que si se difundiera, no provocase en el mundo sorpresa y horror.
Oh, if I did kill him, which I did not, it would imply I gave a shit about Mr. O., which I did not.
Bueno, si le hubiera matado, cosa que no hice, implicaría que me importaba un carajo el Sr. O., cosa que no es así.
You know it's not my decision, but I would be lying to you if I told you your future wasn't in jeopardy.
Sabes que no es mi decisión, pero te mentiría si te dijera que tu futuro no estaba en peligro.
Well, it... it would not have come together without you guys and your hard work.
Bueno, no se habría logrado sin ustedes y su trabajo.
He told us it would be difficult for you... not looking for Miss Pope. He told us you would need our support.
Nos dijo que le costaría no buscar a la Srta. Pope nos dijo que necesitaría nuestro apoyo.
He killed himself on the day that he was supposed to marry you knowing you were pregnant and not caring that it would ruin you.
Se suicidó el día que debía casarse contigo sabiendo que estabas embarazada. Y no le importó que eso te arruinara.
Well, that's not how I would have put it, but I know you were mad at me for ruining blooper time, so I did all your paperwork.
Bueno, no es así como me he puesto, pero yo sabía que estabas enojado conmigo por arruinar tiempo blooper, así que hice todo el papeleo.
Injury would be horrible at this stage of the game. Stage of the game. we have such a long race we have such a long race ahead of us it's not worth the
Tenemos una carrera tan larga por delante que no vale la pena el riesgo en absoluto.
If his heart were not out there, if it were in here, he would do it himself.
Si corazón no estuviera allí fuera, si estuviera aquí, lo haría él mismo.
She says that it is not would the east without you.
Ella dice que no se habría resuelto sin ti.
I know it's not ideal, but I think you and I would make great copresidents.
Sé que no es lo ideal, pero creo que tú y yo seríamos unas buenas copresidentas.
It always bugged me why someone would go through all that effort to make a sandwich and not finish it.
Siempre me fastidió pensar por qué alguien pasaría por todo el esfuerzo de hacer un sándwich, para no terminárselo.
If you gave a human rat poison, they would immediately puke it all up, so not only would I have survived your attempt on my life, it would have also made me skinnier.
Si le dais veneno para ratas a un humano, lo vomitaría inmediatamente. Así que, no solo habría sobrevivido a vuestro intento de acabar con mi vida, sino que además habría adelgazado.
Oh, and it's not as cold as I thought it would be. Mm-mm.
Y no hace tanto frío como esperaba.
They could put a camera there, turn it off and you would probably not even notice and just feel...
Podrían poner una cámara allí, apagarla, y quizá no lo notarías y sentirías- -
You would do it for someone else... but not for me.
Lo harías por alguien más... pero no por mí.
I don't mean to rip into your beliefs in your own home but we just received some news about Sharon that is not good and if I thought for a second that I could just rub a blueberry on her vagina and fix her, I would do it.
No pretendo reírme de tus creencias en tu propia casa pero nos acaban de decir que Sharon no está bien y si por un segundo pensara que puedo pasarle un arándano por la vagina y arreglarlo, lo haría.

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