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You always did translate Spanish

1,520 parallel translation
You always did look good in gray.
Siempre te viste tan bien en gris.
You're glad that you're not like us, tied to the old ball and chain, unable to do whatever we want when we want like you always did.
Qué suerte tienes de no ser como nosotros, con la cadena y la bola de hierro a cuestas, sin poder hacer lo que nos apetece y cuando nos apetece, como tú siempre hiciste.
You always did have too much mouth.
Siempre hablas demasiado.
You do, but. You always did.
Sí la necesitas.
- You always did.
- A ti te gustaba.
You always did want to be a detective, didn't you?
Siempre quisiste ser una detective, ¿ verdad?
You're gonna look the same as you always did.
Lucirás como siempre.
You always did cut them corners, didn't you?
Siempre quisiste acabar con esas esquinas, ¿ verdad?
You always did need to be reminded of your place.
Siempre hubo que recordarte cuál era tu lugar.
You always did have a bit of bottle, you.
Siempre tuviste un poco de coraje.
Did you always want to run a corner shop?
¿ Siempre quiso tener una tienda en la esquina?
Yes, I did, I'm ashamed to say. But I always wanted you more.
Sí, es verdad y me avergüenza decirlo, pero siempre te deseaba más a ti.
I always did think you were a hard worker, if a little bit...
Siempre pensé que eras muy trabajadora Quizás un poco...
And no matter what you did on that basketball court a lifetime ago, and no matter what you do now, I'll always be your big brother.
Y no importa lo que hiciste en la cancha de basket hace tiempo, y no importa lo que hagas ahora... yo siempre seré tu hermano mayor.
Siempre ha sido uno de mis sueños. ¿ Te has tomado las píldoras para el dolor?
Always fun to be in the bathroom listening to people talk so clearly you're sure they just heard you pee. You did, didn't you?
Qué divertido es ir al baño y oír a la gente hablar tan claro... que sabes que te oyen hacer pis.
Did you always?
¿ Siempre fue así?
Always thought you'd come back but you never did.
Siempre creí que regresarías pero nunca lo hiciste.
You did what you wanted to do. I was always saying, "Don't do it." You did it and it worked.
Hiciste que lo que querías hacer Y yo siempre te decía no lo hagas, no lo hagas
You did, and for that you'll always be in my heart.
Tú lo hiciste y por eso estarás siempre en mi corazón.
Did you always have that moustache?
¿ Siempre has tenido ese bigote?
Did you know there'll always be better days and worse days?
Vos sabías que siempre va a haber un día mejor y otro día peor?
But you gotta do me a favor. You gotta always tell me the truth... just like you did before.
Pero quiero que siempre me digas la verdad, Bea... como hiciste.
When I did spend time with you, I... always thought of you as a woman.
Cuando pasé tiempo contigo... siempre te consideré una mujer.
Grimur, you have to tell you mother that she did a fine job, as always.
Grímur, debes decirle a tu mamá que ha hecho un excelente trabajo, como siempre.
Is there a point, or did you just want to know if I'd read it? There you go again, always looking for a point.
Entonces Iván y tú participaron para conseguir lo mismo.
When you were little, I always did bath you,... instead of your mother.
Cuando eras pequeño, siempre te lo hacía yo el baño,... en vez de tu madre.
All I did was always support him, you know, so that he had... a friend, someone he could trust.
Yo lo único que hice fue siempre apoyarlo, sabes, que él tuviera... un amigo, una amiga, alguien en quién confiar.
I don't always carry the phone, the wife knows the pin code, - it's our wedding day, but she just whines, - why did you sleep with me then, - I go like, what's a couple of fucks,
Mi mujer conoce el código de Pin, porque es nuestra fecha de bodas. Y ésta otra se queja entonces de haber estado conmigo. Y le dije, que te importa si, de vez en cuando, -
And I always admire San Fran for that. And today, I've realized how you did it. put all the niggers on the other side of that bridge.
y siempre admire a San Fran por eso, y hoy, me di cuenta de cómo lo consiguieron... poniendo a todos los negros al otro lado del puente
I've always known who you are, but i did not understand.
Siempre he sabido lo que eres, pero no lo entendía.
What did you always used to say? "Math is the true universal language."
¿ Qué nos decía siempre? " Las matemáticas son el lenguaje universal.
You just wanted me to keep on doing what I always did.
Sólo querían que hiciera lo de siempre.
What did I always tell you?
¿ Qué te dije siempre?
Did you always want to be a doctor?
¿ Siempre quiso ser médico?
How come we always have to tell you what we did, and you never tell us what you did?
¿ Por qué nosotros le decimos qué hicimos y Ud. nunca nos dice qué hizo?
For whatever the heck it's worth, I always thought you did the right thing... even though it cost you your job there on the force.
Es un placer. Porque todo lo que diablos que vale la pena, Siempre pensé que hice lo correcto... a pesar de que le puede costar su trabajo allí en la fuerza.
So you brought her to the dorm and did what you always wanted to do.
La llevó al dormitorio e hizo lo que siempre quiso hacer.
I always thought you had issues with what I did.
Siempre pensé que tenías tus reservas sobre lo que hacía.
You know, she always did.
Siempre lo hacía.
I guess it was only a matter of time before he got to you. - He always did prefer the vulnerable ones.
Supongo que es porque eres de su tipo de mujer preferida.
And It dawns on me. I bet every time you did get hired it was always by a man.
Seguro que cada vez que te contrataron... lo hizo un hombre.
Because the night before you did this, we looked at each other and said that we would always be together.
Porque la noche anterior nos miramos... y dijimos que siempre estaríamos juntos.
# Cause if the good ones are always taken, # # then how, oh how did I find you?
# Cause if the good ones are always taken, # # then how, oh how did I find you?
Matt did. - Matt was always a little more fascinated with our absentee father than I was. - What do you mean?
¿ A qué te refieres?
Did you always know that you wanted to be an accountant? Sort of.
Siempre supiste que querias ser contador?
She always hung in there because that's what you did back then.
Siempre enfrentó la adversidad porque eso era lo que hacían entonces.
I always ask after you. If that's true, why did you fuck me over?
Primero la verdad, ¿ porqué me jodiste?
Well, I have to confess, my eye did always go to you up on the screen.
He de confesar que siempre me fijaba en usted.
"wait for you, I always did"
"Esperándote, yo siempre lo hacía"
Yes, I remember that you did help me make my first cartoon films, and that is something about you that I love and will always be grateful for.
Recuerdo que me ayudaste a hacer mis primeras películas de caricaturas y eso es algo de ti que amo Sí. "Joven EImiran Realiza Pelicula" y que te agradeceré siempre.

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