You get dressed translate Spanish
1,497 parallel translation
Sleep is the best thing for these situations. why don't you get dressed and make the bed?
La noche es buena consejera.
As a matter of fact, Lieutenant, I do mind if you get dressed first.
En realidad, sí, teniente. Sí que me importa.
I'm not gonna take a look at anything until you get dressed.
- No veré nada hasta que no te vistas.
What's with your socks, did you get dressed in the dark this morning?
¿ Qué paso con tus medias? ¿ Acaso te vestiste oscura?
You'll never forgive yourself unless you get up and you get dressed and brush your goddamn teeth, because your breath stinks and you take care of those little girls.
Y tú no te perdonarás si no te levantas y te vistes y te lavas los dientes, porque te apesta el aliento y te ocupas de esas dos pequeñas.
Now when we call your name you undress... we examine you, then you get dressed again.
Bien. Vamos a llamar a los que se van a desvestir. Entrarán aquí, y tras la revisación se volverán a vestir.
Well, we better let you get dressed.
Será mejor que te dejemos vestirte.
You get dressed.
Let's get you dressed.
Ve por el uniforme.
You get a ride on 83rd Avenue, dressed like that in the middle of winter.
Usted tiene que ir a la Avenida 83, vestido como a la mitad del invierno.
We have to get you dressed.
Vamos a vestirnos.
Do you mind if I get dressed first?
¿ Le importa que me vista antes?
You'd better get dressed.
Mejor que te vistas.
- You have got to get dressed.
Simón, te tienes que vestir.
Didn't yours teach you not to get dressed in the street?
¿ Y los tuyos, a no desnudarse en la calle?
Boots, how would you like to get all dressed up and go to The Palace?
Botas, ¿ qué te parece cambiarse e ir al teatro?
I don't get it, Buffy. Why'd you think I'd like you better dressed that way?
No entiendo, Buffy. ¿ Por qué pensaste que me gustarías más vestida así?
Ross, could you just stay and help me get dressed?
¿ Podrías ayudarme a vestirme?
Sabes, sin importar en que situación te encuentres, siempre hay tiempo para vestirse.
Josh, you don't need to get dressed.
No necesitas estar vestido.
And you're also late, and that means get dressed right now!
Y además llegas tarde, y eso significa que tienes que vestirte ya!
We've got to get you dressed.
Tienes que vestirte!
Let's get you boys dressed.
Vamos a compraros ropa.
Tell him to wait in the hall. You have to get dressed.
Dile que espere, que tienes que vestirte.
You have to get dressed.
Tienes que vestirte.
Will you please get dressed?
¿ Puedes vestirte por favor?
No, you get dressed.
- ¡ Vistete! ¡ Yo me encargo!
You'd better get dressed, then.
Vístete entonces.
You should get dressed.
Deberías vestirte.
- Rex, I told you I'd get him dressed.
- Rex, te dije que le vestiría.
- Hang on a sec, I'll get dressed and come down with you.
Espérame, voy contigo.
Come on. Get dressed. I'll give you a ride home.
Vamos, vístete, te llevaré a casa.
You can get dressed now, Mr Morse.
Ya puede vestirse, Sr. Morse.
You better get dressed.
Mejor de lo que sé vestir.
Let's get you dressed.
Te pondremos guapa.
Sweetie, Harlin's gonna be here any minute, so you should probably get dressed.
Cariño, Harlin llegará en cualquier momento así que mejor vístete.
Let's get you dressed.
Vamos a vestirte.
No, you have to get dressed.
- Tienes que vestirte. - De acuerdo, me estoy vistiendo.
You've got to get dressed.
Tienes que vestirte.
You've got to get dressed!
Tienes que vestierte!
Don't you want to get dressed?
¿ No vas a vestirte?
Um, in about tive minutes, we're supposed to be joined tor eternity, and I was wondering... - if you were gonna get dressed.
En 5 minutos nos unirán por toda la eternidad y estaba pensando si te ibas a vestir.
She'd like you to get dressed and join her for lunch.
Quiere que almuerces con ella.
Got to get you dressed. Your daddy's gonna be home soon.
Tu papi llegará pronto a casa.
Do you really want to get all dressed up, so some Drakkar Noir-wearing dexter with a boner can feel you up while you're forced to listen to a band that by definition blozs?
¿ Quieres arreglarte para que un idiota pervertido te manosee mientras bailas la música de una banda cuyo nombre es "perdedor"?
Are you going to get dressed?
¿ No te vas a vestir?
Take a look at me after I get dressed, you'll be stunned.
Échame un vistazo después de haberme arreglado Te quedarás pasmado
If you want to get dressed, try these for size.
Si quieres vestirte, veremos como te queda esto.
You ought to get dressed.
La estrella más importante de la gran industria de la televisión.
How you get job dressed like a hippy?
¿ Cómo vas a encontrar trabajo de ingeniero vistiendo como un hippy?
- What? You will never get a boyfriend dressed like that.
Vestida así no encontrarás un novio.
you get me 124
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get 202
you get the point 20
you get some rest 46
you getting this 48
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get 202
you get the point 20
you get some rest 46
you getting this 48