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You looking for something translate Spanish

1,027 parallel translation
Thompson, you looking for something?
Thompson, ¿ estás buscando algo?
You looking for something?
¿ Buscan algo?
- Hey, you looking for something?
- ¿ Buscas algo? - Zapatos.
Are you looking for something?
¿ Busca algo?
I mean, real perfume. You looking for something?
Me refiero a un perfume de verdad...
Are you looking for something, lady?
¿ Está usted buscando algo, señora?
Are you looking for something?
¿ Buscan algo?
- Are you looking for something?
- ¿ Busca algo?
- Are you looking for something?
- ¿ Busca usted algo?
You looking for something?
¿ Busca algo?
You looking for something, son?
¿ Buscas algo, hijo?
Are you looking for something?
¿ Está buscando algo?
- When you looked out were you looking for something?
- Cuando miraba fuera, - ¿ buscaba algo?
Are you looking for something?
¿ Buscas algo?
You looking for something, sir?
¿ Está buscando algo, señor?
Are you looking for something cheaper?
- No está mal. - Si quiere ver algo más económico...
Are you looking for something?
¿ Desea alguna información?
Are you looking for something, Mrs. Mary?
No, Erich, sólo quería hablar con mi marido. Creía que estaba aquí.
Are you looking for something, Mr Eckland?
¿ Está buscando algo, Sr. Eckland?
Are you looking for something?
- ¿ Buscan algo, caballeros? - ¡ Los nudistas! ¿ Dónde están?
- You are looking for something, Monsieur?
- ¿ Está buscando algo, Monsieur?
"Why," she said, "every man born " has something the matter with him. "And if you're looking for the perfect man, you'll never find him."
Me dijo : "A todos los hombres les pasa algo, y si estás buscando al hombre perfecto, nunca lo encontrarás".
You must be looking for something.
Deben estar buscando algo.
But, of course, señor, if you're looking for something cheap...
Pero, claro, si busca algo más barato...
I see that you ´ ve been very lonely and that you ´ re worried about money and there ´ s something in your past that you regret very much and you ´ ve been looking for something for a long, long time.
Veo que se ha visto muy solo que le preocupa el dinero, hay algo en su pasado de lo que se arrepiente y busca algo hace tiempo.
For once, why don't you paint something that people can see what they're looking at?
¿ Por qué no pintas algo que la gente pueda saber qué es? Hazme un favor :
You were looking for something to put in your article, right?
Buscaba un argumento para su artículo, ¿ no es cierto?
You all came here to Deadwood looking for something you couldn't find anywhere else.
Todos aquí vinieron a Deadwood buscando algo que no encontraban en otra parte
You look for one thing here in the Gulf. I'm looking for something else. That's the only difference.
Usted busca una cosa en el golfo y yo otra, ésa es la única diferencia.
It's a sort of... fellow feeling. Something you could only recognise if you're looking for it.
Algo que se reconoce sólo si se busca.
You never meet anybody to talk to... unless it's somebody you happen to know... or somebody fresh or looking for something they're not entitled to.
Nadie con quien dialogar... nadie a quien conozca... o peor si conoces a algún fresco, que solamente quiere tomarse libertades.
I don't get 1200, you'll be looking for something to put your hat on.
Si no consigo los 1200, serás buscado por cualquier cosa que pueda colgarte.
If I find what I'm looking for, the situation would be different than if you tell me something.
Si encuentro lo que busco,... la situación no será la misma que si quisiera decirme algo.
Are you still looking for work? Or something else?
¿ Sigues buscando trabajo o alguna otra cosa?
Because you're looking for something real.
Porque buscas algo real.
And as long as you're looking for something real, you're not lost.
Y mientras estés buscando algo real, no estás perdida.
You see, I saw the Lieutenant looking for something, sir.
Verá, yo vi a la teniente buscando algo, señor.
- You were looking for something.
Cuando yo entré, algo buscaba.
Good evening, partners, cattle rustlers, wranglers, desert rats, varmints, hombres, and all you prospectors who futilely comb the hills of television looking for something of value.
Buenas noches, compañeros, ladrones de ganado, arrieros, ratas del desierto, alimañas, hombres, y todo lo que los buscadores que inútilmente peinan las colinas de la televisión en busca de algo de valor.
Looking for something special? I ask you!
¿ Hay algo especial que busque?
It's tough to find something when you don't know what you're looking for.
Es dificil encontrar algo cuando no sabes lo que buscas.
When you're looking for something, you don't find it!
¡ Cada vez que busco algo, nunca lo encuentro!
Because he's looking for something, and like you, he believes it's here.
Él busca algo, y como usted cree que está aquí.
From the minute I saw your painting, I felt you were... looking for something that... just never happened.
Desde que vi tu cuadro sentí que... Buscabas algo que nunca había ocurrido.
When you run away from something you spent your whole life looking for, you...
Cuando dejas escapar algo que llevas toda la vida buscando...
You spent less time keeping up with me... and more time looking for signs... you may find something.
Si pasasen menos tiempo yendo atrás de mí... y más tiempo buscando rastros... pueden hallar algo.
But if this detective doesn't find what you're looking for, there's something else he might find for you.
Pero si ese detective no encuentra lo que está buscando, puede buscar otra cosa para Vd.
Was you looking for something, anthony?
Estás buscando algo, Anthony?
You're looking for something?
¿ Estás buscando algo?
Looking for something you won't find here anymore.
Buscar lo que no encuentra en esta casa.
You're looking for something, lad?
¿ Buscas algo, chaval?

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