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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You must understand that

You must understand that translate Spanish

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You must understand that I cannot grant this wish of yours.
Debe comprender que no puedo concederle lo que usted desea.
You must understand that in this matter I am merely the mouthpiece of the state.
Tiene que entender que, en este asunto, no soy más que el portavoz del Estado.
She did it to save Tara, you must understand that.
Lo hizo para salvar Tara.
Dmitriy, you must understand that you unanimously elected and can not forgive these things.
Dmitriy, debes entender que te eligieron por unanimidad y no puedes perdonar estas cosas.
But you must understand that His Majesty's government won't be able to commit to it.
Pero hay que entender... que el gobierno de Su Majestad no quiera comprometerse.
In.. in short, you must understand that my duty is regrettable but necessary.
¡ Aquí está! ¡ Está usted despedido! Tiene ocho días para marcharse.
This is all my fault, but you must understand that I- -
Es mi culpa, pero debes entender que yo...
You must understand that.
Usted debe entender eso.
I'm leaving your nephew, you must understand that I can't be left alone.
Dejo a su sobrino. Usted bien comprenderá que no puedo quedar abandonada.
You must understand that this is a very serious matter.
¡ Claro que puede!
I'm very sorry, Mrs Carlota, but you must understand that if my boss gets back and I'm not in Lisbon, I'll lose my job.
Me da mucha pena, Sra. Dña. Carlota, pero ya ve, si mi patrón llega y no me encuentra en Lisboa, pierdo el puesto.
You must understand that times have changed.
Debes entender que los tiempos cambian.
I'm sorry, but you must understand that I have no choice.
Pues lo siento, pero comprenderás que no puedo hacer otra cosa.
You must understand that the air is very important in this case and in this place.
El aire, como ustedes comprehenderán, es muy importante. en este caso y en esta casa.
I'm sure you must understand that I can't help but miss it.
Debes entender que extraño.
You must understand that I'm like an octopus.
Comprende que soy un "otomano".
"You must understand that he was no more to blame... " he had no more control over his emotions... than you had when you realized you'd lost your heart to Martin. "
"Debes entender que no fue culpa suya... que no pudo controlar sus emociones... igual que tú al darte cuenta de que amabas a Martín".
No, Sheila, I'm not defending him but you must understand that a lot of young men...
Escucha, Sheila, no le estoy defendiendo,... pero debes comprender que muchos jóvenes...
You must understand that
Estoy seguro de que lo entiendes. Todo irá bien.
You must understand that parents are entitled to their own lives.
Comprende que los padres tienen derecho a sus propias vidas.
You must understand that : a poor girl like me can be honest and disinterested,..... and not a hypocrite who make fun playing with the feelings of the others... in the manner you or the guys like you are doing!
Sepa que una chica pobre como yo puede ser honrada y desinteresada y no una hipócrita que se divierte jugando con los sentimientos ajenos como hace usted o tipos como usted.
You must understand that your academic qualifications have never been questioned.
Tiene que entender que su currículum académico nunca ha sido cuestionado.
You must understand that this rut was dug by the claws of a magician named Friston.
Has de saber, que este hoyo lo hizo con sus propias garras, el sabio Frestón.
Miss townsend, you must understand That I am not forced to listen to you.
Srta. Townsend, entienda que no tengo la obligación de escucharla.
You must understand, dear. That we're only here because we must consider the placing of a child very carefully.
Hemos venido porque tenemos mucho cuidado con las vidas de los bebés.
Pay! Or I'll make you understand once and for all,.. that the endorsement signatures on the bills of payment, must be authentic.
O le haré comprender de una vez por todas... que las firmas en los endosos han de ser auténticas.
Ay, indeed, must you, for you must understand he goes but to see a noise that he heard, and he's to come again.
Sí, sí, claro. Pero date cuenta... que él ha salido a ver qué era ese ruido, y tiene que volver.
Don't you understand that a man to be married nowadays must be broad-minded?
¿ Tu no entiendes al hombre casado actual? Debe tener mente muy abierta.
I realize that this duty must be carried out, but I beg of you to understand a human weakness, to send someone else to command the patrol.
La misión debe llevarse a cabo. Entienda la debilidad humana. Envíe a otra persona.
I don't understand you, it's you that must tell me what's happening to Nanni.
No te comprendo, eres tú quién tiene que decirme qué le ha pasado a Nanni.
You understand that in no way must your actions bring discredit to the dignity and / or honor of the German army.
Entienda que de ninguna manera sus acciones deben llegar a desacreditar a la dignidad y al honor del ejército alemán.
As I understand it... in order to turn a person into a zombie... whether by poison or hocus-pocus... you must first kill that person.
Según lo entiendo... para que una persona se convierta en zombi... ya sea por veneno o por magia... primero hay que matarla.
Don't you understand... that if you're going to start all over again... your hands must be clean?
- ¿ Qué ocurre? - Nada.
Then you also understand that you must die.
Entonces comprendes que debes morir.
Verás, ese amor que sentía ha muerto, se ha desvanecido.
You must understand, young men, that I'm not running a pawnbroker service.
Debe comprender, joven, que yo no soy un prestamista.
We must arrange it so that she finds out for herself. Do you understand?
Debemos hacer que lo descubra por sí misma. ¿ Lo entiendes?
Gentlemen, you must make the country understand that the credit for what we do here belongs to the boys.
Caballeros, deben hacer comprender al país que el mérito de cuanto aquí ocurre pertenece a los muchachos.
We understand that you must be tired... but you are going to be here only for a few hours.
Suponemos que estarán cansados... pero solo podrán quedarse aquí unas horas.
But you must try to understand that vengeance is no good.
Pero intente comprender que la venganza no sirve.
I can't explain on the telephone... but you must make him understand that it's a matter of the greatest urgency.
Ahora no puedo explicarlo, pero debe hacerle entender que es de suma urgencia.
I'm sorry to have kept you so long, But you understand that we must be most careful. After all, it's a child's life.
Lamento haberles entretenido, pero comprendan las precauciones.
I want you to understand that I must be careful
Quiero que entiendas el cuidado que pongo.
But you do understand that I must consider every scrap of information?
Pero entenderá que debo considerar cada pizca de información.
You'll understand that I must start by asking you certain questions.
Comprenderéis que debo empezar con algunas preguntas.
I can understand that. But you, in turn, must understand something about love.
Yo te comprendo, pero tú has de comprender algo referente al amor.
It's very nice to throw big whammies in boxing, but above all you must avoid receiving them, understand, and I myself will teach you that.
Golpear está muy bien, pero en boxeo hay que evitar recibir. Yo te enseñaré.
There must be a few kind words we can print about you, Mr. Scott. For instance, I understand that you practically brought up Ellen Miles after her father died.
Tenemos que apoyarnos en algo, por ejemplo, Sr. Scott... tengo entendido que crió prácticamente a la Srta. Miles... tras la muerte de su padre.
The first thing you must understand about this place, Winston. Is that there are no martyrdoms.
Lo primero que debes comprender, es que aquí no hay mártires.
Do you understand that the janitor must always know where the keys are?
¿ No entienden que el portero tiene que saber siempre donde están las llaves?
This is why a girl at that age must be supervised,..... you have to make her understand the dangers she could meet!
Por eso a una muchacha de su edad hay que vigilarla, hacerle comprender los peligros que va a encontrarse.

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