And my husband translate French
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And I made some kind of noise, and my husband's head appeared from... from... from where it had been, and he looked at me, and he says,
- Et je me suis manifestée et la tête de mon mari est apparue de... de là où elle était cachée. Et alors là, il m'a regardée et il m'a dit :
How long have you and my husband been seeing each other?
Combien de temps avez-vous et mon mari été voir l'autre?
Then the moment the palazzo is secure and my husband is safe,
Alors le moment où le palais est sécurisé et que mon mari est en lieu sûr,
Well, that is, if I can convince my husband to keep his promise and move there with me.
Oui, si je peux convaincre mon mari de laisser tomber sa promesse et déménager avec moi.
And then run my husband over with it.
Et rouler sur mon mari avec.
My husband died on Christmas Day and it was more enjoyable than this.
Mon mari est mort à Noël et c'était plus agréable que ça.
And he's not my husband.
Ce n'est pas mon mari.
Yes. And this is my husband Dan.
Et voici, mon mari, Dan.
And I don't know why my husband would have it now.
Et je ne sais pas pourquoi maintenant, c'est mon mari qui l'a.
Uh, my husband and I are separated.
Mon mari et moi sommes séparés.
I looked in his eyes and I couldn't see my husband.
J'ai croisé son regard et je n'ai pas reconnu mon mari.
I was not prepared to see my rich and powerful husband's head out of sight and under my little girl's skirt.
influent mari dissimulée sous les jupes de ma petite fille de 7 ans.
I am ridiculous. I've been called ridiculous by my husband, by my family, by my friends, by lawyers, and doctors, and everyone else but you.
- Tout le monde me dit que je suis grotesque, que ce soit mon mari, que ce soit ma famille, mes amis, mon avocat, les médecins ou qui que ce soit d'ailleurs, mais pas vous.
And why is that? Because you've already agreed to kill my husband.
- Parce que vous vous êtes déjà engagé à tuer mon mari.
This is embarrassing, but it turns out I only have about $ 20 cash on me, and the only person in this household who has a chequebook is my husband, and he is still in the city, of course.
C'est très gênant, mais je n'ai que 20 $ sur moi, et seul mon mari a un chéquier, et il est encore en ville, évidemment.
I think maybe you go inside to your wife and I go home to my husband.
Va retrouver ta femme et moi, mon mari.
And I have to tell my husband to rush home because I'm frightened about what is going on over there.
Je dois dire à mon mari de rentrer car j'ai peur de ce qu'il s'y passe.
My husband and I, it was our only regret.
C'est notre seul regret avec mon mari.
I got into an argument with my husband at Barney's and I walked out by accident.
On s'est disputés avec mon mari, et je suis partie.
This is Mrs. Chastity Bjornsen... and if that is one more sociopathic "special employee" of my husband...
Chastity Bjornsen à l'appareil.
All I care about is if my husband and my family know that I love them.
Je veux seulement que mon mari et ma famille sachent que je les aime.
My name is Butch Masters, and I'd like to talk to you about your husband if I could.
Je m'appelle Butch Masters. J'aimerais vous parler de votre mari, si c'est possible.
It's my roommate, she's always trying to set me up and find me a husband.
c'est ma colocataire. Elle veut que je connaisse des hommes, que je trouve un mari. - Ah!
During mediation my client agreed to give back two of her handguns to her husband, and now she's decided they were anniversary gifts to her.
Pendant la médiation mon client a accepté de redonner deux de ses pistolets à son mari, et maintenant elle a décidé que c'était des cadeaux pour son anniversaire.
One of those idiots is in the building and he's pretending to be my husband!
Un de ces idiots est à l'intérieur et se fait passer pour mon mari!
And that box belongs to my husband.
Et cette boîte appartient à mon mari.
Look, I was not in my right mind for many years because of the drinking and when I realized that I'd stepped over the line where I was actually thinking of sleeping with my own daughter's husband well, then I just didn't know what could happen and...
Je n'avais pas toute ma tête à cause de la boisson, et quand j'ai compris que j'avais dépassé les bornes, quand j'ai voulu coucher avec le mari de ma fille, je me suis demandé ce qui pouvait arriver...
And I am so happy that I've got my husband back.
Je suis si heureuse d'avoir retrouvé mon mari.
No, you can't have my husband and my brother!
Non, vous pouvez apos ; t ont mon mari et mon frère!
I love my husband, I love my children, and I don't wanna see you again.
J'aime mon mari, j'aime mes enfants, et je ne peux plus vous voir.
Thing is, my husband and I have already purchased the land.
Mon mari et moi avons déjà acheté les terrains.
I will practice believing my husband loves me... And will love this baby.
Je vais m'entraîner à croire que mon mari m'aime et aimera ce bébé.
And my lazy, lying, cheating, oblivious husband... Will go to prison for my murder.
Mon fainéant, menteur, infidèle, inconscient de mari ira en prison pour mon meurtre.
My father when he was a kid, and my grandmother and her second husband.
Mon père gamin et ma grand-mère avec son deuxième mari.
My husband is a brigadier in the army, and he wouldn't let his men stay in a place like this, let alone a group of schoolchildren.
Mon mari est général de brigade et jamais il ne logerait ses hommes ici, alors, des enfants...
He tried to kill my husband and he scratched up my floors with his shovel.
Il a essayé de tuer mon mari et il a griffé mon sol avec sa pelle.
And I know if my husband hadn't died of an undetected aneurism... he'd be with me here tonight. And we'd be singing...
Et je sais que si mon mari n'était pas mort d'un anévrisme il serait avec moi ce soir, et on chanterait...
You know, that's so interesting. Because my husband and I spent an entire summer in Montclair...
C'est intéressant, parce que mon mari et moi on a passé tout un été à Montclair.
My husband was bitten by a snake and died.
Mon mari est mort d'une morsure de vipère.
Corpus Christi have seen fit to grace my late husband with a Legion of Honour Medal and Oscar is to collect it on his behalf.
Le Corpus Christi honore mon défunt mari de la Légion d'honneur. Oscar la reçoit à sa place.
Do you know that my husband and the marquis are lovers?
Saviez-vous que mon mari et le marquis sont amants?
It suits my husband and I this way.
Mon mari et moi sommes heureux ainsi.
I lost my husband and my son on the battlefield.
J'ai perdu mon mari et mon fils sur le champ de bataille.
I would do anything to have my husband home and out of danger.
Je ferais tout pour que mon mari rentre sain et sauf.
To listening to my neighbor lecturing her husband and daughter on Italian politics.
- Qui donne des conférences sur la politique italienne à son mari et à sa fille.
My husband is a good and loving father.
Mon mari est un père aimant et attentionné.
It is my shame that has kept me alive, my knowing that I am truly not like other women, why I shall never, like them, have children, a husband, and the pleasures of a home.
C'est grâce à ma honte que je suis vivante, je sais que je ne suis pas comme toutes les autres femmes, que je n'aurai jamais, comme elles, des enfants, un époux, et les agréments d'un foyer.
Okay? But listen to me, I'm your husband, and you're my wife...
Mais écoute-moi je suis ton mari, et tu es ma femme...
Every time I turn, I reach out, and I think I'll find my husband there, and this will all have just been some bad dream.
À chaque fois que je me transforme, je tends la main, et je pense que je vais retrouver mon mari là-bas. et cela n'aura été qu'un mauvais rêve.
My husband and I were happy.
Mon mari et moi étions très heureux.
But you know what makes me feel like a turd? That I'm in my ex-wife's ex-husband's office and asking for a fucking favor and all he's doing is busting my balls.
Ce qui me fait me sentir comme une merde, c'est être dans le bureau de l'ex-mari de mon ex-femme pour qu'il m'accorde une faveur et qu'il se sente obligé de me ridiculiser.
and my sister 48
and my daughter 48
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my daughter 48
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my husband 853
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my husband 853
my husband is dead 36
my husband and i 38
my husband's 17
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
my husband and i 38
my husband's 17
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and men 25
and mine 189
and mrs 1140
and maybe 206
and mr 568
and mom 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and men 25
and mine 189
and mrs 1140
and maybe 206
and mr 568
and mom 52