And slowly translate French
1,710 parallel translation
They gave me all their food, and slowly, each one of them died.
Elles m'ont donné leur nourriture et sont mortes l'une après l'autre.
Or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild.
Ou vous pouvez ramper entre les ruines et tout reconstruire lentement.
Nice and slowly.
Lentement, mais sûrement.
Yet, across the gulf of space, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded our planet with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.
Mais, par-delà le gouffre de l'espace, des intellects puissants, froids et hostiles, considéraient notre planète d'un oeil envieux. Et lentement, sûrement... ils échafaudaient leurs plans contre nous.
And, then, when they're used to it, to my touch... I slowly, I work my hand under the... bareback rigging.
Puis, quand iles sont habitués à mes caresses,... tout doucement, je dirige ma main... vers le bas.
Slowly and painfully.
Lentement et douloureusement.
"and then aspirating the cleaning solution, causing her to slowly suffocate."
"et l'aspiration de la solution anti-poison, l'asphyxiant lentement."
That's why... very slowly now... I'm going to reach into this box and take out of here with two fingers exactly what you want.
C'est pourquoi je vais très lentement me rapprocher de la boîte et en sortir avec deux doigts
The camera slowly comes around reveals X's on the back of Mom and Dad's necks.
La caméra tourne doucement et montre les X sur leur nuque.
" The man you love will slowly and sensually peel off all his clothes for you, exposing his perfect body.
" L'homme que vous aimez va doucement et sensuellement enlever tous ses vêtements, révélant ainsi son corps parfait.
George drives really slowly at night, and he doesn't like me to talk so he can concentrate.
George conduit très lentement la nuit et il n'aime pas que je le déconcentre en parlant.
Slowly and quite painfully first, I might add.
Une mort lente et atroce.
You should feel better momentarily and your memory will slowly return.
Vous devriez vous sentir mieux dans quelques instants et votre mémoire reviendra lentement.
You should feel better momentarily and your memory will slowly return.
Qu'est-ce que c'est? Nous ne savons pas, mais vous l'avez créée.
I'll ask you to please be kind to him and if you can't be kind, at least speak slowly.
Soyez gentils avec lui. Si c'est impossible, parlez lentement, au moins.
Drop your laundry and turn slowly.
Jette ton linge et retourne-toi doucement.
Talk more slowly and clearly!
Attends qu'on te pose des questions.
And this sublime prolonged weight of her vocal cords around my music, slowly breaking the cap of its skin... oozing swollen juices, crushed and glistening vanillas.
Et le poids sublime et soutenu de ses cordes vocales enveloppant ma musique crevant lentement son hymen suintant gonflé de jus de luisantes vanilles écrasées
Walk slowly and don't look right at him.
Marche lentement et ne le regarde pas.
Yet here, as they lay stricken and needful, wreathing helplessly on cement floors, they are cut open with machetes and left to slowly suffocate convulsing and contorting in the throes of agony... while school children walk on by.
Ils gisent à terre, mutilés et démunis, et se débattent sur un sol en ciment, pendant qu'on les découpe à la machette... ... et qu'on les laisse lentement suffoquer. Ils se convulsent et se tordent de douleur, tandis que les écoliers passent sans y prêter attention.
Slowly, wheels go round and round
Doucement les roues tournent et tournent.
You're gonna get up. slowly. and walk.
Tu vas te lever lentement et avancer.
I was slowly understanding relationships... Between a thorn and pain... between water and thirst...
Je commençais à comprendre les liens... entre les épines et la douleur, l'eau et la soif...
Put your hands in the air and get down on the ground slowly. - Do it now.
Mains en l'air et baisse-toi lentement.
Pull out slowly and go straight ahead.
Sors doucement et va tout droit.
As our culture progresses, we find that we gather more and more information and that we slowly start to move almost from a fluid to a vaporous state, as we approach the ultimate complexity of a social boiling point.
Avec la progression de notre culture, nous rassemblons de plus en plus d'informations et nous passons lentement d'un état de fluide à un état gazeux, à mesure que nous nous approchons de l'ultime complexité d'un point d'ébullition social.
Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly... for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her... and to wonder what was gonna happen next...
"Soit il était très profond, soit elle tombait très lentement, " car elle avait tout le temps, pendant sa chute, " de regarder autour d'elle
Go over there real slowly... and look through that old dryer and be quiet.
Allez très lentement là-bas... et regardez silencieusement à travers la vieille sécheuse.
I could understand all these but I couldn't understand one thing How come a man full of love could be so indifferent to his own children and especially to her daughter's slowly developing disease?
Je n'arrivais pas à comprendre comment un homme si attentionné puisse demeuré si indifférent à la maladie de sa fille qui approchait petit à petit.
Winter's grip slowly weakens and the chicks begin to run free.
L'emprise de l'hiver s'amenuise petit à petit et les oisillons commencent à courir librement.
The meat slowly flavors from vapors of alcohol..... and then there...
La viande se parfume lentement des vapeurs de l'alcool,.. .. et alors là...
Ok, now put the gear to "D" and press slowly on the gas pedal.
Dans ce cas... Mets le levier sur drive.
"With so much of tenderness and so slowly..."
"Avec tant de tendresse Et si lentement..."
And what we're going to do, for the rest of our lives, is to find our own little stretch, our own little private place, just you and me. And then what I going to do, is, I am going to cover your body with coconut cream every day, and I am going to start at your toes, and I going to lick my way up slowly all the way to your little... Well, that sounds lovely.
{ \ q2 \ a2 \ cHffffff } { \ cH00ffff } de sable blanc et brillant... { \ q2 \ a2 \ cHffffff } { \ cH00ffff } c'est trouver { \ q2 \ a2 \ cHffffff } { \ cH00ffff } juste pour toi et moi. { \ q2 \ a2 \ cHffffff } { \ cH00ffff } jusqu'à ton petit...
- Slowly. - What happens if a zebra gets tired and falls?
- Qu'est-ce qui arrive à un zèbre quand il est fatigué et qu'il tombe?
And then you know, slowly, it gets better.
Et puis, lentement, ça va un peu mieux.
And we heard him sleep and we talked and he slept for hours and then slowly we could hear the snoring getting weaker and weaker'til it was only breathing.
On l'entendait dormir, et on a parlé, il a dormi des heures. Et puis, doucement, les ronflements se sont faits de moins en moins forts, il n'y avait plus qu'une respiration.
Drink this and eat slowly!
Bois ça et mange lentement!
We'll slowly get sicker and sicker. Imagine you're about to fight.
Imaginez que vous allez vous battre.
Tracking in slowly and the couple comes into view
Petit à petit, on distingue les deux personnages.
Anyway, so the kid turns around and walks away slowly towards the horizon, but...
Bon, alors le gosse se retourne et s'en va de nouveau vers l'horizon, lentement,
Tell her to trust me and just stay on that ridge and just slowly work her way down it.
Dites-lui de se fier à moi, de rester sur la corniche et d'aller doucement.
Some rhythmical things, slowly, just so you'll learn more... about division and rhythm.
Avec les exercices de rythme, vous allez comprendre la division.
Min-Jae and Geun-Chan walk back slowly!
Min-jae et Geun-chan, reculez doucement!
I'll see to it that you die slowly, and have time to regret everything.
je vous regarderai mourir à petit feu, et vous aurez le temps de regretter.
He slipped in slowly and...
Il s'est glissé lentement et...
Just move the compass over the surface of the case slowly, and watch the needle.
Déplacez juste la boussole sur la surface de la mallette Et surveillez l'aiguille.
Hey, how about a story where a boy's hand... is glued to a table and he slowly starves to death?
Que dirais-tu de l'histoire de la main d'un garçon... qui est collée à une table et il se meurt lentement de faim?
And she died slowly from her injury.
Elle est morte, lentement, de ses blessures.
Turn around slowly, and get down.
Tournez-vous lentement, et allongez-vous.
And the results of the... atomic absorption test on her hair says she's been slowly poisoned over the last seven months.
Et les résultats de... l'absorption atomique testée sur ses cheveux disent qu'elle a été progressivement empoisonnée. au cours des sept derniers mois.
slowly 1261
slowly but surely 29
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
slowly but surely 29
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and still 144
and so were you 23
and so was i 23
and see 72
and so will i 38
and somehow 99
and so it was 18
and so i 33
and so do you 187
and still 144
and so were you 23
and so was i 23
and see 72
and so will i 38
and somehow 99
and so it was 18
and so i 33
and so should you 49
and so on 257
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and so far 102
and so do we 31
and sometimes 297
and so did i 52
and soon 235
and so did you 29
and so on 257
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and so far 102
and so do we 31
and sometimes 297
and so did i 52
and soon 235
and so did you 29